7 awkward health issues


There are such problems with health - it seems nothing terrible and there is nothing to carry to the doctor, but it's still inconvenient and fit, and what to do with it is incomprehensible. In this awkward moment PICS.ru hurries to the rescue and explains everything on the fingers.

Why am I so often a bunch?

Most likely, you eat something wrong. The first suspects are products with a very high content of fiber - broccoli, celery, housing peas with beans, greens, onions and cabbage. If they are not at what, then it is worth installing the milk and its derivatives - most people, with difficulty absorbing lactose, do not even suspect this problem.

And finally, any drinks with bubbles, from the cola and beer to the "widow cleaner", as well as the habit of drinking drinks through the tube - and that, and the other contributes to the accumulation of gases. It is not so difficult to identify the perpetrators - write down that and when you eat, and notic the periods when you turn into a rocket engine. If this happens 3-4 hours after the use of certain products - voila, the villain is calculated. If the systems are not observed, then shouted to the doctor. We argue - you are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome.

Where did I have so much acne on the pope?

If acne on the face is the result of the clogged pores, then it's all otherwise - here acne appear from friction and high humidity. The usual problem in the summer - we sweat, the shorts will rub about the most tender places. But in winter, they can easily sprinkle your buns.

The reason is in synthetics (pantyhose and cheap leggings from the low-hearted material, for example), or in narrow jeans - especially if you wear them on thongs. Solution - cotton tights under pants and children's cream for the night. A special children's cream for applying under diapers works very well. And if there is an opportunity, spend a couple of hours without pants every day - stand on the sofa and ventilate the ass.

I want it to breath, but still dry

Reducing the amount of lubrication is one of the satellites of Klimaks. Yes, do not make round eyes, sometimes - although very rarely - menopause can begin at 37-38 years, and here it is better to run to the doctor. Another thing is that in this case dryness will not be the only problem. You will get a full set - Handra, insomnia, tides, and so on. Although the chances of Early Climax are small.

Most likely, the cause of dryness is medicines, or rather, antihistamine drugs. They save from allergies, but lead to a decrease in the amount of lubricant produced.

Teeth in order, and the mouth smells

Even in healthy teeth, pieces of food can be stuck - they are easily extracted with thread and toothbrush, do not neglect. And then after a few hours and the truth will try to smell. We will not exclude the possibility of what does not smell of mouth, but directly from the stomach. Unpleasant smell - satellite sticks Helicobacter Pilori - that very, which causes an ulcer of the stomach.

My hair on the nipples grow! What to do?

Without panic, they grow in most. Someone has a flush and barely noticeable, someone has thickening and darker. This is generally completely normal. And it is better not to touch them - if these hairs pull out, you can nourish acne, inflammation and ingrown hair. If it is snapped - pull them with tweezers in the direction of growth and wipe the skin by an antiseptic after the procedure. No wax, sugar paste, depilators and other radical measures - the skin here is too gentle, do not risk.

If the nipple is pressed, white liquid appears. But I'm not nursing mother!

Perhaps not yet, but soon you will be. Transparent releases appear in the early periods of pregnancy, and liquid whitish - a little later. Although pregnancy is not the only reason. Isolation can be white, colorless, brown, green, red, yellow - and in any case they deserve the attention of the doctor. Hormonal imbalance, inflammation of dairy ducts, hidden chest injury, mastitis, tumor, papillomas inside the ducts - we just started to list possible reasons. Not joking with such a shame, go to the hospital.

My sexual lips are definitely asymmetrical. What's happening?

Nothing. They are just asymmetrical. We generally asymmetric creatures - the left half of the person differs from the right, one leg is slightly longer than the other. Asymmetric sex lips are exactly the same norm. If there is no edema, itching, redness, rash, or some other misfortune, you can not think about it at all.

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