8 things that each should know about their intimate health


8 things that each should know about their intimate health 37161_1
London Gynecologist Ahmed Izmail is very concerned about how little women care about their vagina and how little they know how to support her health. Probably, this topic is too silent. Dr. Izmail gives 8 simple tips to women how to protect their intimate health. And we retraced them for you.

Always get on your litter in public places

In toilets, in the pool, spa, sauna. No matter how superanously looks there. Remember my mother's and grandmother's instructions and lay down. This will reduce your chances to pick up bacteria or thrush almost to zero.

Take a regular, but not with antibacterial soap

Even if you're not at home all day, I climb a minute to get together the most ordinary water, give vagina and vulva a little "ride" and, desirable, dry by natural by. The rhythm of modern life does not take into account the needs of your body. So they will have to take into account personally.

Avoid antibacterial and generally not intended for intimate hygiene soap. Even if you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell, while you treat (this is necessary!) His reason. Believe me, it will not be better from the disorders of the acid-alkaline balance. In addition, soap kills and beneficial bacteria that helps you maintain the health of the vagina.

Avoid panties from synthetics

8 things that each should know about their intimate health 37161_2
The synthetics perfectly multiply bacteria, it does not "breathe" and not hygroscopic. In addition, synthetics often cause irritation itself. Perfect linen for the whole day - cotton knitwear.

Keep sex toys clean

What you use is alone, does not mean that they are constantly clean default. My them before and after use. By the way, my hands before masturbation, too, as follows. It is your mouth calmly tolerate when it is pulled by bacteria with an escalator railing, a door handle or a broom handle. Vagina much more tender.

Avoid close clothes

Your ass may look in skinnie jeans or micro-shorts are simple, but your vagina is sad in them, especially if you wear cramped clothes every day. Because the ventilation in them is no, and other inconveniences are.

We regularly attend the gynecologist even in the absence of sexual life

8 things that each should know about their intimate health 37161_3
Because Vagina lives not from sex to sex, it exists by itself. And her health, it means too. It is worth checking it regularly.

Advise your doctor when you start sex

With each new partner, not at all. Before allowing someone else's member to your vagina, it is absolutely ready to take it: no irritation, microtrase mucous membranes. And, by the way, check for sex infections. You are not so ", but infections do not care. They can come to you from the seat of the office toilet, for example, due to the casually performed rules for the litter.

Career with anal sex

He regularly adds worries not only to proctologists, but also gynecologists. All that concerned your anus should not touch your vagina until it is washed with soap. Repeat, Vagina is very gentle. Urethra next to her too. Any extraneous bacteria in them really extraneous. Cystitis, endometritis and many other "joys" - this is what you pay for your inconspicuousness or sexual illiteracy of the partner.

A source

Text Retelling: Yana Stovet

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