7 best films about the initiation of girls according to PICS.RU


Once a girl leaves the country of childhood and starts at a long journey to gain his own strength. When this happens in life, they talk about the search for itself, the crisis of adolescence and the formation of identity. From the point of view of anthropology and psychology, it is about initiating.

PICS.RU picked up a list of actually cool films that are told about the girl initiation. And every time - about a new way to gain its strength. Maybe one of them once didn't have enough to finally understand how to grow up.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors


The history of the pioneer-fifth-grader, who still could not grow up and gain responsibility, but, after going to the country of the curves of the mirrors, I understood how I look like, I prevented local conspirators, I saved the bare boy barely and found, finally, mutual understanding with my grandmother.

A little unexpected, yes? The film you watched forty times and in the third I realized that this is the broadcast of high communist ideals with young pioneers. Unless it was interested in it, among full-fledged applicants for the usurpation of the throne, a woman is anidag.

Nevertheless, we begin the fingers: a magical trip (once!), Meeting with your "Dark I" (two!), Reconciling with it (three!), Salvation as part of the initiation (only is it not a relative or a bridegroom, but a young comrade - four!). The harsh mother figure in the face of grandmother (five!) And reconciliation with this keeper of the kind after the initiation is successfully passed (this is not in folk fairy tales, but from the point of view of modern psychology - very logical). Temptations, threatening to knock down, are constantly attached.

Initiation feature: The girl wins, having entered into the union with his "dark" side, and as a result it turns out that there is nothing in the girl "Dark". When reconciled with you, she gets the opportunity to go ahead and becomes stronger.

"Labyrinth" with David Bowie


Fifteen-year-old Sarah by ignorance pronounces the ancient formula to the transfer of a child to the goblines and loses the younger brother. To return Toby, Sarah will have to go through the magic goblin labyrinth and get to the Royal Castle, and she has time - until midnight.

All elements of initiative history in place, including "imitation of re-birth" - Sarah passes through narrow corridors of the labyrinth. For the "harsh mother", as in folk fairy tales - stepmother. In the way, Sarah meets the weak sides of his soul. Its "Dark I" is never personalized, so we get acquainted with the "Dark Sarah" only through testing-temptations, for example, we detect too strong affection for things. In the journey, just as in fairy tales, Sarah is accompanied by the beasts of the assistants. The most recent test is the ability to resist the most common types of manipulations ("Fear me, listen to me, love me - you will get anything!") And to find the strength to declare the king of goblins: "You have no power you need!"

Initiation feature: After testing from the king goblins, the girl is unlikely to become a light victim for the Abuzer - she knows the price of his promises. And she is aware that, having matured, do not lose that herself, what kind of child you were.



This is not a fairy tale, but a realistic thriller comes from the 90s. A thirteen-year-old athlete of light does not like a new family of his mother - non-Russian stepfather and spoiled little step sister. At some point, due to the punctures, the gangsters begin to hunt for girls. Light has to take responsibility for the life of the unloved sister and go with her in the run.

Amazingly the film in a realistic manner repeats the story of magical initiative fairy tales. The magic journey begins with symbolic pregnancy and childbirth - the lights with dieline are sitting in an empty apartment, and then get out of her through the balcony. Mother pulled himself so much from the elder daughter, which is quite pulling on the role of stepmother. Light has to solve problems that arise one after another: how to feed the sister, where almost fabulous characters come to the rescue several times: Gypsies pull on the spirits from under the hill, the policeman - on the knight, and the old man - on Leshego or Other Living Hermitting creature. Ultimately, light, as it seems, loses, and does not find it: the mother leaves to another country, and it would be easier to break up with her sister if the girls were not attached to each other. And yet the light we at the end we see strong, and not broken. Oksana Akinshina was amazingly able to show us the transformation from albeit serious, but girls in the girl. And, in the end, now, the lights really have a sister, albeit far. Maybe the only native person with whom she really feels in touch.

Initiation feature: The girl seems strong from the very beginning - she knows how to use weapons. Her weakness was not physical, she was in the absence of love, communications with his family. Therefore, the acquisition of the sister and the feeling of the family became gaining strength.

Witch delivery service


Girls are the favorite topic of Hayao Miyazaki, who rightly believes that they are not like their stories. Cartoon "Witch delivery service" is a story for those girls who are time to move from childhood to youth. The witch Kiki, like all the witches at 13 years old, is detached from their parents. To contain yourself, it opens up its small business delivery - broom allows it to become the fastest courier in the country. But after some time, Kiki loses the ability to control the magic broom and together with this ability - self-confidence and their cheerfulness.

Of course, some elements of the classical initiative fairy tale have not entered the story. For example, there is no "Sigor Mother" figure. The place of a woman-ancestors, helping tips, took a young artist in the forest, girlfriend Kiki. But the young witch saves his beloved, friendly with a beast assistant, and, of course, in the end he gets its strength.

Psychologists separately note that the story with the ability of Kiki to fly similar to the metaphor loss of feelings of control over its body characteristic of a ripening girl. Wow, yes?

Initiation feature: It seems that the forces of Kiki draws in a friendly communicating with the older girlfriend, the artist Ursula, that is, in female solidarity. The story with the salvation of the boy Tombo becomes a trigger, thanks to which Kiki makes sure that her strength is still with her.

Mirror mask


The fifteen-year-old circus chain quarrel with his mother and enters the magic world. There she discovers an evil twin of her mother, and also - the fact that the twin of Helena almost replaced Helen in reality and now destroys the magic world along with a real helen in it.

It is easy to see here and the magic journey, and the figure of a harsh mother (except that she does not expel it, but seeks to infinitely control the child), and "Dark I" Heroine. It is not surprising that in this story with twins the world will save the mask mirror. Rather, it is interesting to note that one of the inhabitants of the magic world seems to take slippers of Helena for assistant animals. And the phantasmagorility of the world around helena can be interpreted as a collision of a teenager with the world in the light of rethinking itself and everything around.

Initiation feature: Helena at some point understands what opposes herself. It is from this understanding that her victory begins. When it destroys the distorted picture of the world, embodied in her drawings, the balance of frightening and ordinary in it and her mother is finally restored.



Cerlin girl has lost contact with his family. Her mother and dad are always too busy. After moving to a new house, Coraline faces, besides these ordinary problems, and with a different kind of oddities in the district. Very, very frightening oddities. Who, for example, needed to replace living people with buttons, eh?

Although coraline is only ten years old (it is the youngest on our list!), We have a completely classic history of the teenage girl in front of us. Even with the moment of re-passing through the generic paths, the "Dark I" of the surrounding and the most heroine, magic mice and salvation of almost beautiful young men. In general, there is much more from proppap than Freud.

Initiation feature: Coralo acquires strength and goes to the finish line, when between a pleasant lie, which would lead it to depending on the controlling mother, and real, although imperfect, relationships with relatives choose the second. The keys to its strength are true, independence, the adoption of imperfection of themselves and relatives.

Labyrinth Favna


A strange and very gloomy tale that makes us doubt - did the girl really passed the magic test and won ... Or she just fantasized a lot and eventually died?

Mother of Young Ophelia, Hairdresser Carmen, married Fascist, Frankist Captain Vidal. It is a domineering, cruel, unkind man, a big amateur of external correctness and fraud, easily turning someone else's face in a bloody porridge and a living person - in the dead. Carmen he does not like, he just needs a boy, the heir of his last name. Padder, quiet, dreamy, undisciplined girl, Captain Vidal frankly annoying. And those who annoy him too much, he is used to kill. In these circumstances, Ophelia meets a fabulous being - Faun, finds out that the princess of the magical kingdom is, and must pass a series of tests to return to these parents, where will be finally safe. But the last test should be the murder of a newborn brother, and Ophelia refuses to make it.

Unusually, but it is quite logical and vital - the place of "harsh mother" in the history of Ophelia took a cruel stepfather; Ready to come to the rescue of a senior woman here was embodied in the maid of Mercedes, a strong, rigid, but good woman. The motive of salvation of a small relative has decreased to the last stage with the participation of Ophelia ... But the tale remains, however, recognizable initiative.

Want, we will tell why you think that Ophelia won, and did not naughnthazed himself a god of the news what? Door in the bedroom Vidal, drawn by magic chalk. If the magic chalk was invented, kidnap the brother girl would not have managed.

Initiation feature: Ophelia becomes the same after the will manifests himself, refusing, despite promises and threats, go against his conscience and beliefs and make evil.

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