Guy - Beast! Who are men in critical situations


This in the usual circumstances, human men belong to the form "Homo Sapires". In the circumstances, unexpectedly complex, they sometimes begin to belong to other species. Eminent men and men from, several main subspecies of men-in stress were opened. Studies continue, so you can add!


Standard opossums in our latitudes, to put it mildly, are not particularly common, but human - right at least sometimes break the population so that they do not flood the whole nature. Also, any serious danger, the type of wife with a list "Call Nastya to School", the Oposusum will be bravely falls on the back and pretending to be deeply dead. Makes it extremely virtuoso (even smelling it becomes appropriate!), So serious dangers are afraid of rushing - and go to collect money on wreaths. Here, the opossum slowly rises, all such a refreshing, and go to drink beer. Thus, he manages to avoid: the need to look for work (opened the site with vacancies - fell, died - the problem disappeared), go for food (I did not find the left sock - fell, died - you can live on) and any other need. Researchers are wondering if there is an opportunity to avoid, actually, death.


In the face of any serious threat of a protein gains more air - and high-quality hysteria. The shallow lightning rushes on a tree trunk, climbing the paws, makes frequent and high characteristic sticking sounds ("Yes, that I burned a saucepan! So what don't you love me anymore, and-izh?! I knew that you never appreciate me -I-Ila! "), I feverily shines with my eyes and waves the tail in front of the nose. Belichea Panic arises instantly, flared quickly, crashes on his way any objects exceeding the mass of the animal himself - and pokes when the observers surrender nerves and they flee. Researchers put forward assumptions that after that, the protein is usually found in the bar with the opossum.

Male deer.

This effect is even in serious psychology called "deer and headlights". When something is extraordinary and need to respond quickly, beat the horn, make legs and do something in general - comrade and does. He falls into a stupor. Looks at one point. And it makes somnambulic smooth galloping movements strictly where it is not necessary. Because to the right wall and left, too, the wall. And in general it is incomprehensible. And generally speaking. And the Noo ... In general, deer - no matter how dossy, and the type did not die, and it is not even fascinated, and it seems like it is next to you, but it is inspired so hopelessly and hopeless that I want to puzzle bumper. For some reason, it is often a hard carcass on the highway towards analyzes or plumbing.


When something extraordinary happens in the forest - for example, the Director-General of hedgehogs throws them on a salary and washed off down the river somewhere towards Madagascar - the hedgehog acts decisively. It is instantly sulfate in all directions. Now try the trick - only snorts and ourselves. Given the fact that this beast is, as you know, strong and proud, but light, then enough to give it acceleration with something durable - and it will ride in the right direction. Schirt and Torn, clinging on the road every mushroom and expressively glanced aside, where relaxes are relaxed with a protein - but the same rolling. However, you will not flop - it will not fly. It will cry snort and bother - but not going off.

Male lizard

This acceleration no longer gives out. He will give himself. As soon as the horizon draws something frightening-large-scale, type of plate in the cafe, screwing the bulb or the birth of a child, a lizard sacrifices the tail and gives Dera. His speed of his adjustment usually inspires respect, but the sluggish tail in your hands is usually not inspired at all. But if you then ever accidentally meet a lizard, he will remember you that left you the best years and an exclusive luxurious tail, which grown with such love, Holly and cherished.

Male dog

If, let's say, the dog bit the boss, the dog looks around - and violently pounces to bite one who is closer and bed. Usually you. But sometimes his own young, and if no one turned up - then the cat (present, and not the one that will be described in the next paragraph). This is called aggression. Is it formed? And how. I need to pour it out? It is necessary. And pouring it to the object itself of this aggression - it is somehow dumb, still really bold. I bite everyone who did not look so looked, R-R-Rhine! Something this thing is akin to rabies, as you have bitten sometimes, cooling around, go to look for anyone else.

Male Cot

It does not bite, he is white and fluffy. When something is happening, which is very stressful and hurts the cat, he only looks at large round surprised sauces. After that, without losing grace and fluffy, it is silently removed on soft legs and quietly does in the sneakers.


Whatever happens, the boa hides everything in himself. There he is inside so much that is scary and imagined. Hard, poisonous, sometimes just unsecured. At the same time, no matter what happens, he depicts all the body that everything is ok. Exactly with the same view of the monument again chews again, with the same species crawls to the computer to play billiards, with the same kind replies: "I have nothing good-sho." And the look is such that you understand: the best do not specify, dust-shit.


This amazing natural phenomenon is better than all the water. While you are trying to somehow figure out that he has namoured in front of you ("You don't understand, it's not at all what you think, everything is not so simple, as you think") - he is already somewhere in that area Where the dysfot of the protein and the cheerful geniot of the freshly cheerful opossum comes from. And you even have no dangling tail left. Only some muddy and inexpressible ink stain of crazy explanations, in which you can deal with the psychoanalyst five years. With a zoologist faster and cheaper! Kalmar saves self-defense, that's all. At great depth, life is difficult, and give a whole tentacle. Cheaper to unleash than hit without thinking. Let them disassemble, who has a big head.


"Tamed, these animals differ cheerful, friendly temper," the encyclopedia tells us. But if it does not even be tortured by him - skuns. A cheerful animal will simply turn the friendly fluffy back and will be launched into his obscure item. What, ate? Do not look at now, aggressors! Indeed, "aggressors", having learned a lot about themselves, throw themselves to rub bad smelling info, close the social networks and try to forget the colorful definitions that they were awarded. Immediately turning to victims. Only one biological species can defeat the skuns in an unequal battle ... There is such a bird - Virginian Filin, so she has no sense of smell. Therefore, it can fall, peck - and stink how much you want, will not help. In nature, on all sorts of cunning ass, there is your trained beak!

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