13 things that people should learn about lonely mothers


Little around what type of moms is so many discussions as around single mothers. Listen to them, so the single mother is more terrible for children and society than Mother-Criminals or Mother Alcoholics, they have some specialistic colors and in general, humanity did not know such a threat to the twentieth century.

Let's start with the last. Mother, raising children without a father, while he in the army (rebar for 25 years), in the Far Territory on earnings, in prison, in a long military campaign or sea travel is not an exceptional phenomenon for many nations. In places it was even mass. In general, this is one of the most traditional forms of motherhood. But people stand, besides this fact, to learn about the lonely mothers something else.

A single mother does not devote their lives to find a new husband

Meet a new love of your life, and even build a normal joint management of the economy is very, very cool as the idea! But our generation is seriously frightened by the fact that most often children become victims of sexual violence in their family, and not the last contribution to the statistics are submitted. So the mom's mom's men look very wary, and they are not enthusiastic in their home.

Lonely life life does not concentrate around the child

If she married once again, it will naturally be paid to her husband. If she just has a boyfriend, the boyfriend will also get some kind of caring and affection. Just right now, her family consists of her and a child. Of course, the child goes a lot of attention!

Yes, and when she marries, the child of concerns will get more. This is normal. This is in families where children are relatives to both parents, normally so. Because you know what? Adults and so know how to take care of themselves. And the children are not very.

Mothers are single, not margings and not loners in life

A single woman can become a single woman. Consciously - because he wants to create a family and a child, without a man. Accidentally - deciding not to interrupt unplanned pregnancy. Sursing with her husband in his or his will. It does not depend on whether the woman has success in men and whether it belongs to the middle class.

Unless women from the poorer social layers turn out to be less protected in front of men or circumstances, and therefore more often give birth unplanned. And richer single-single mother - more often planned.

Single's mothers are not from a bad nature.

Loudly shouts about the fact that the husbands are thrown to the wives, only if something is wrong with the wives, those who are profitable: divorced men who want to stand in a white coat. Women's surveys say others. Most often, Russian women are divorced due to domestic violence. Or because of constant vulnea of ​​her husband. Due to the fact that he dies money, and children becomes nothing to feed. Wait, it seems to us, or it is flawed by her husbands, but to show a "bad character" when you rush to your fists, betray your trust or leave you and children without food - ok?

Mother single do not live for alimony and benefits

Is that the former wives of Hollywood stars, but do you know them a lot? Simple women, stretching children without a father, where more. If they manage to receive alimony, you can only survive, and not live. If a woman has after she began to receive alimony and / or benefits, new shoes began to appear, it means that now she spends money on a child, intended for a child, but what makes it earns, has the opportunity to spend on themselves .

Mother single do not encounter children to beanish half-beetled existence

Fathers, when refuse to pay alimony, do it, yes - if the child is still "maternity" age or the mother has other reasons for problems with employment. But a huge number of Russian women marry, already knowing how to work and often receiving a certain profession at the institute, technical school or professional school. They are able to make a living. Many women manage to make marriage, the birth of a child and a divorce in parallel to make a good career. Another question is that, of course, a woman with a child in her arms and without the help of a partner (or relatives) is all complicated.

Single mother - quite real mothers

Because any mom who takes care of her child and loves him - a real mother, even if, because of his work he sees him rarely. Even if only on weekends. It should be noted that the Russian realities are such that both parents usually work for the normal life of the family, and often married mothers see children as rarely, as well as divorced or unmarried.

Mother single - very responsible workers

Just due to necessity. It is very important for them to maintain their work, not to lose award, not be fined. They have no financial buffer in the form of a husband's salary. And even the fact that they really, sometimes more often have to ask for a painful because of the child, they find how to compensate.

Children of single mothers are not doomed to grow criminals

Perhaps the stereotype went from post-war times (both years after the Great Patriotic and the years after the civil), when there were many single mothers, and the situation on the street, where the children spent a lot of time, was that more. But from the very fact of the absence of a father in a house or in life, nevertheless, no man became the criminal. It works differently, you know. Otherwise, there would be so many killers and rapists from prosperous (in fact or only in the eyes of others) families.

Single mother - not an unhappy woman at all

If, of course, it is not sad immediately after the divorce, does not suffer from serious illness and does not experience financial difficulties right now. She has no more reasons to be unhappy than a woman without a child, women with a child and husband and any other woman. People do not need to make such pitiful faces when you find out about someone that she raises the child on their own.

Mother single rarely want to return to themselves former husband

It is still enough to look at the item with the causes of the divorce. Few people want to get what, with difficulty, scandals and resistance, got rid of, for several years. True, the memory is inclined to wash bad memories so that we do not go crazy, so that some women rolling down ... But in general, divorced mothers think about the former husbands rather with irritation.

Mother single do not tell children of nasty about their father

At least modern mothers with formation above average. We, like all your moms, just think, how to injure the psyche of the child. Most of us want to keep the picture of the world for him, in which the child thinks and take care of which is safe. Therefore, many moms hide their annoyance former husbands, otherwise they spend the children that the dad could not come. But sent a gift, or at least transferred a hot-pre-regulatory hello.

And yes, single mothers need help

It is needed by all mothers, all women and all people. Just if the family is more than one adult, it is easier to get it inside the family. And when you alone in the field of fun Putyitshnna, inevitable for a minute of life, it is necessary to contact friends, familiar and state structures. This, as they say in the famous telemem, the norm.

See also:

Why didn't our parents shake on us?

Maternity is slavery?

Dad in the span: What you need to know about tactile fatigue if you have a child

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