8 reasons to drag your man in the gym


Cubes and others there are quadriceps. We do not take into account - it is still unknown, they will grow on a loved one or not. In addition, a good form - the reason is too obvious. But we found more than 8 persons to smash this gigantic sludge to get up on a running track.

You will light fire. Not Olympic

After a couple-triple years, relations become monotonous. This is normal, but boring. Passion is no more than in potato mashed potatoes. And the rocking chair is exactly the break in the routine that you need. Here you and the competitions with each other (and from Sports Azart to Bed - Polaxaga), and the opportunity to twist each other in every other parts of the body in the tight tits, and the answer to the question "what would go on Saturday," and generally a chance to look at each other A friend of a little more in other eyes.

The issue of gifts will decide for a long time

If you succeed, not only to drag it into the gym, but also to convince there to linger, you can no longer steam above gifts. Sneakers for a birthday, a course with a steep coach for the new year, the strategic stock of the protein cocktail on February 23. Repeat.

This will be the "common interest"

Because you will not love aircraft location, and he never misses the passion for embroidery with a cross. Sport - what you can like both and become a reason to spend time together, not at the TV. Bonus is an additional topic for conversations.

You do not quit halfway

Gyms resemble the metro car in December and the scorched desert in February. Before the holidays, everyone is bursting at the simulators in the hope of achieving model parameters in the hope of a couple of weeks, and then cakes, champagne and vacation are cooled - and your cool too. And at this moment it is useful to have someone who will raise the eyebrow at hand - in the sense of "somehow lazy"? Dress, I have already gathered.

You will not be bored

An hour in the sullen silence is quite a long time. The secular conversations in the gym are usually not very glued: you almost do not know all these people, and some (especially those star Instagram and this is the wounder who poses at the mirror) and do not want to know. Well, if the native soul is near, and at the same time, and at the same time, and get a laudatory feedback on your mouth.

You will have a partner

In the sporting sense. There will always be someone to inspire you with a barbell.

You will do more effectively

Because we always try more when we know what they look at us. Or think that they look. At least, your stomach is retractable.

Relationship does not make sure

Student breathing, the easiest dizziness, endorphine tsunami after exercise - the sensations after a good workout are not so much different from those butterflies in the stomach that you have ever had, and everyone has long been pounding.

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