11 myths about food and cooking, in which everyone believes


Food and sex are two areas of life in which one fact accounts for five folk belts. With sex, we will understand the next time, but as long as we consider under the priscious science and common sense the most persistent misconceptions about the breadless bread.

Microwave destroys vitamins

Not-a. She even saves them to some extent. In particular, those that poorly carry the long-term effects of high temperatures - this is even vitamin C, for example. The microwave is good because everything is preparing in it pretty quickly and vitamins do not have time to fall apart. The vegetables are cooked in the microwave worse than a garden fresh, but better than stew that tried on the stove for an hour.

Gazirova solvent my stomach

And orange juice or even gastric - nothing, ok, yes? Hazing really contains citric acid - in very small doses. It is not enough even in order to somehow burn the tongue.

In frozen vegetables there are no vitamins

Think, there are a lot of them in the carrot, which traveled to you on the crosses from Holland, or in apples from Australia? At least frozen was frozen almost immediately after it was broken from the bush or extinguished from the bed. And nothing more happened to him. The apple was pretty pretty in life, in the way it was confused by faith in people, illusions and some of the vitamins and antioxidants - they simply broke up naturally. However, the fresh blackberry is exactly tastier than ice cream, do not argue here.

Cracks sob when they cook them

A strange sound that can be heard, throwing cancer or shrimp in boiling water is not a peak of a doomed creature, but the air coming out of the cavities of the shell. Good news for sensitive natures: the nervous system of crustaceans to the extreme is primitive. So much that they do not feel pain.

Cooking and frying destroy useful enzymes

Prepare a handkerchief: enzymes are doomed. Once in our body, they and the days will not last, everything is rejected in digestive juices. Yes, and pife would with them: vegetable enzymes in fact, in fact, in general, our organism produces their own, which perfectly help us to digest and absorb food. Although you are sleeping with solid enzymes - there will be no difference.

Add oil to water so that noodles do not stick

The oil will remain swimming on the surface (as it is characteristic of it), and pasta will continue to be quietly on the day. No significant effect on the stickiness of the paste oil will not. Just stir them during cooking, and everything will be fine.

Eat products with negative calorie and worse

Most of the calories (percent of 20%) consumes the brain. Still some kind of muscles. Heartbeat and breathing Condiminate. But the digestion is the process from an energy point of view to the offensive small-time. Of course, I want to think that there you have such a plant stuffed with hardworking umba-lumps. However, in fact, even if carefully chew celery and broccoli, they will bring you more calories than you spend on their absorption. So it goes.

Fried eggs to heart attack

Perhaps - if you are buggy and the heart is weak, and someone will pop up from around the corner and will die you with a frying pan with glazing. And so - no. Recent studies have shown that the egg per day does not affect the level of cholesterol and the work of the cardiovascular system. Here are the transi - those yes.

Potato saves saved soup

Do not overestimate potatoes. All she can do is absorb some water along with salt. It turns out also saving potatoes. It is better just a fraction in a saucepan of water, not translating the product.

Loose? Accept Antacid

Do not confuse, antacid saves from heartburn, but not from the face. Even on the contrary - neutralizing acidity, anthacides provoke gas formation. As a result, you will reveal you even more.

I want delicious - the body requires

Sometimes we hunt to eat something insanely strange. And sometimes it is really the result of a shortage of some substances. For example, under anemia - iron deficiency - people pull to chew chalk, paper or land. But there is no such problem that drove you for ice cream with chocolate or fried chicken. It is desperate for tasty, it is desperately pulling not from lack of nutrients, but from longing. In minutes of painful thoughtful favorite food - the easiest way to calm yourself.

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