It was also: where are false memories come from



You're not in vain regularly suspect your memory in Ajulter. She really is incorrect. A significant part of your memoirs is a clean water fiction, a matrix, which brain constructed at leisure, so much more fun.

Let's start with the fact that the accuracy for our memory is not priority. She needs to store very large amounts of information in case you will encounter similar phenomena again - to compare and draw conclusions. So for the sake of capacity and speed, you have to sacrifice detail.

Memories do not lie like the files on the disk - while you do not look at them, they are modified, roam and reborn into something unpretentious. And this is how it happens.

Change context


You broke the knee when I jumped through the puddle. Three years later, you stumbled on the way to the club and almost collapsed. Well, thank you, it was kept, and then again it would be broken as three years ago. Aven a year later, you fell under the shower in St. Petersburg and again remembered the unsuccessful jump through the puddle.

The memory came up several times in different circumstances, and every time the brain refresh it, decorating with new details. Soon you will be sure that this scar is the result of an unsuccessful jump through a puddle along the way to St. Petersburg Club. Although in fact, everything happened in Novosibirsk Early in the morning.



People directly affect our memory - consciously or not. Memory absorbs not only what we saw, but also the fact that others spoke about it.

And if, recired last year's karaoke night, your girlfriend will say that there was a nightmarish skirt in a flower on Lenka, you remember Lenka next time, and how she was waiting for this skirt, although in fact a girlfriend was mistaken and Lenka shone a bad taste on A completely different event.


Memory loves everything logical and slim, and the spoiling and chaotic reality is saddened. Therefore, it is much easier to remember the rhymed lines than a piece of prose, and a piece of prose - than just a set of non-interference words. To save energy, the memory latch holes in reality.

Professor of Psychology Veronika Nurkova visited the blue hall of the Stockholm Town Hall - that very much where the Nobel Prize was awarded. For many years, she told a familiar to the blue ceiling of this hall - he symbolizes the sky and the height of which the laureates reached. When in 15 years she returned to this room, he saw that the ceiling was white. They were never blue.

The name was preserved only because many years ago the hall was planned to paint into blue, but then the fathers of the city changed their mind, and the name was stuck. But can't the white hall be blue? And the memory corrected this shortcoming.

Deja vu


But the striking effect of "stop-and-it is already-seen" in a completely unfamiliar place - it is not so much memory game, as a failure in the work of the brain. Best of all, people suffering from epilepsy are familiar with Epilepsy.

They have wires in certain brain departments closes more often. With healthy it happens mainly at the moments of stress (no matter - from a quarrel with mom or from delight at the sight of the Coliseum), fatigue or nervous voltage at all. The brain (or rather, his piece of hippocampus) processes all incoming information, making it already known and something new.

A short time failure in his work leads to the fact that the Colosseum, which you first see in my life, goes to the "already known" folder. This often happens if the picture you see now is very similar to something familiar, but still another. Hippocampus hangs and just in case decides that this already known information is so economical in terms of energy consumption.

Scientists from the University of Czech University of Masarica stuck in tomogram of people who often visited the Deja Hui and those who are almost not familiar with this phenomenon. It turned out that those who constantly confuse the famous with an unknown, in the subcortex region of the brain a little of gray substance - that is, "wires". As a result, the hippocampus is poorly observed management and works with failures. So the debt is the result of congenital brain anomaly. Although not particularly dangerous, thanks and on that.

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