Sleep badly? Wait for elevated cholesterol and violations in the work of the heart


It is not so important why you don't get enough sleep, stress at work, problems in relationships or drink you see up to three nights your favorite TV series. If you sleep a little, wait for the problems.

Sleep badly? Wait for elevated cholesterol and violations in the work of the heart 37124_1
Recent studies have shown that health care people start literally in a week. It has been established that cells responsible for transporting cholesterol in the body during sleep is less active. Thus, a person who sleeps for several hours is less than its norm simply in addition to maintaining its own activity and the activity of harmful cells.

Studies explain that those who sleep less than 7-8 hours automatically fall into the risk group of cardiovascular diseases. All wines "bad" cholesterol, which is produced and applies to the body if a person is not sleeping enough, clogs, thickens and "scratches" the walls of the vessels. The blockage of the arteries and bleeding disruption will lead the heart attack.

About the "good" cholesterol is known that it serves as a "magnet" for bad. Does not "turn" in the vessels and redirect it to the liver or on the production of hormones.

During the experiment in the laboratory, it was possible to establish the connection between the amount of sleep and the state of the vessels, previously scientists from the University of Helsinki found that the insufficient amount of sleep negatively affects the immune system and metabolism.

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