You can drown on land. The threat, which even experienced parents do not know


Going on vacation to a large water or to a small summer cottage, carefully read this article. If the child threatens water, but is alive and well, the possibility of "dry drowning" is preserved up to two days.

According to the World Health Organization's reports, 732 thousand people are sinking in the world every year. Drowning is among the ten most common causes of mortality for children and young people. The most risky in the water children under five years old. People most often drown from non-compliance with safety. Of course, you are responsible parents and remember that the child must be inflatable viorants or a life jacket. And in the boat without saving and not at all. But there is a threat, about which parents almost never know. This is the so-called " Dry drowning "I. "Secondary drowning".And dry, and secondary drowning - phenomena, in which a person who went under the water, but it seems to be saved, still dies after a while because of the water that fell inside. By this time, he can already get home safely, and the surrounding people do not guess what cause is alert.

A recent case in South Carolina bypassed all the media. The ten-year-old boy was bought in the pool. He unsuccessfully jumped into the water and heated the water. After the incident, the child complained about drowsiness, but the parents did not pay attention to it, because the boy was actively moving, tired, and this is normal if he wants to sleep. Johnny came home and quickly fell asleep. Going into the room at some point, the mother saw on the lips from a white foam, began to wake him up, but he did not wake up. Doctors managed to establish that water remained in the lungs in the boy. It caused oxygen starvation and brain death. There are two versions of drowning on land. With "dry drowning" in the lungs, a small amount of water falls, which quickly causes pulmonary spasm. Breathing problems are becoming obvious shortly after reaching the land. A special danger is that the good swimmer who swallowed the driver can begin to fall right in the reservoir, and because of this, it is silent to sink to the most common way. With "secondary drowning" tiny droplets of water remain in the lungs and gradually worsen their work, damping the oxygen brain. In this case, a person can stretch up to 24 hours.

Remember, it's a little pulling out of the water and, having missed, go for a medal. Anyone who is silent, you need a medical examination. The child is a pediatrician inspection.

Drowning on land - a rare attack, it is the cause of 1-2% of deaths from drowning, in general. Fortunately, it can be prevented if you know signs. Carefully watch the children after the games in the water, because the kids often do not realize that something is wrong, or they cannot say that they are not good.

Signs that water remained in the lungs

  • Difficult breathing, frequent, but shallow. The child is noticeably swelling the nostrils, walk the edge
  • Cough that does not pass
  • Chest pain
  • Minor temperature rise
  • Unnatural sudden weakness, drowsiness. A minute ago played, and now asks to lie down
  • Strange violations of behavior (for example, a 7-year-old child may unexpectedly describe after swimming), forgetfulness, scattered is a sign that the brain is not enough oxygen
  • Nausea

Well, in order to care, only three measures are needed in any option, only three measures are needed: swimming lessons, supervision of bathing children and children's flooded. Happy holidays!

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