Personal experience: how I lost almost 50 kg for half a year


I always ask a lot of questions - as I lost it, what did you do, as Thai tablets ordered and where the nearest points of reception of the Faded Zhyra are located.

I decided to immediately write to all :) Welded Comrades and Comradians, I also ask to run - 100% will be recommendations that are very - very welcome.

It seems like it is customary to lay out photos before and after. Support tradition :)


Now in order:

He began on 07/16/2015 with 127 kg, with 64 size and hernia in the lumbar spine (it was hurt and difficult to walk).

Now the weight ranges in the area of ​​81.5-82 kg, size 50-52 (European S / M depending on), waist 100 cm. Pain pains (a sedelled nerve was fried) no, in the lower back - almost I almost do not notice.

Weight plan to bring up to 79 kg, and then work to bring to the norm of adhesive mass and BMI (body mass index) => Maintaining indicators of LMS, BMI, a set of muscle mass (when weight loss, muscle mass goes along with fat, about it below).

Below I will give a brief information on training, nutrition, graphics, etc. Everything is very, very brief.

Immediately warn - this is all purely individually, before starting (well, or a little after the start), consult your doctor, a nutritionist, an endocrinologist. Mandatory analyzes you need to pass. For everyone, they have their own - I had an ultrasound of the thyroid and the gastrointestine + a bunch of blood indicators.


Theses and briefly for general moments

  1. Need not the power of will - it is necessary to understand that this is a lifestyle. Forever and ever. Common. Will's forces are not enough for long. You do not have to go against yourself and constantly fight, you must change - otherwise you will not shift for a long time.
  2. How to change myself and your habits - the topic of individual books, seminars and lectures. I can only say that a permanent practice is needed and its improvement.
  3. It is better to start one - I would not recommend to get involved in a circular order. Together you lose weight, together then eat it start - the risks are high. First try yourself, and close or friends will then catch up, I assure you;)
  4. Change priorities and values ​​- otherwise some circumstances and situations sooner or later serve as an excuse for why you do not lead the right lifestyle and you raise them (for example, it can happen with your work if you become hiding behind your employment). In general, this is a separate interesting topic for discussion :)
  5. 3-3.5 hours a day on classes - it is not much, as it seems. How much do you sit in social. Networks or spend time to receive useless information, smoke, etc.?
  6. Important - Weight Loss Dynamics - about 1% of the current mass per week - if you eat normally and train, the dynamics should be approximately such.
  7. After strength training and sauna, the weight may increase by 0.5-1 kg. In general, weight fluctuations in the range of 0.5-1 kg is normal with a common stable dynamics.
  8. Yes, sometimes you can "Mental", and once a week to afford Cheat-meal (chocolate, pizza, bun).
  9. Running to reduce weight - far from proven fact, but I personally simply at the buzz :). But the power training is 100% the time.
  10. The negative calorie difference is important - spend more than getting - I try to keep this difference at the level of 500-600 kcal per day. It works with proper nutrition. If you eat only bread and chocolate, and drink it all the sweet strawberry milk for the night - obviously, it will not work.
  11. Sleep at least 7 hours - for sleep you lose weight, and the body is restored.
  12. Smoking - After I quit smoking, the dynamics of weight loss did not change, but I have physically feel much better - endurance has increased very much in exercise.
  13. Alcohol - I can not say anything, since already 2 I do not eat any drop. But it seems like everywhere it says that it is harmful :)
  14. Is it necessary to be a vegetarian to lose weight? To lose weight - optionally, but in general, in life, it is very desirable - but this is the topic of a completely different conversation :)
  15. During weight loss, you do not pump - the body together with fat will be consumed and muscle mass (and much faster than fat). In fact, when weighing weight, you enter the trop of war with the body for your muscles =)). That is, losing weight, do not become swing, but the muscles still become more distinguishable =))
  16. Any monodi - carbohydrate, protein, etc. - full of full, it is important to be balanced food and a negative energy difference (calorie consumption is larger than arrival).
  17. Logistics Lifehaki - everything is simple here, all key points - hall, work, shops, etc. - Must be as close to the house. Ideal when everything is near. Captimity, of course, and 2 hours of life you will get :)


Training first 3 months

(under the end weighed about 95-100 kg)

3 days a week - fitness club. What happened:

  1. Workout: 30 minutes walk on the track with an interval increase in speed and lifting (numerical values ​​need to be selected individually, according to the increasing).
  2. 60 minutes of force training with a coach - only the hands and the upper part of the back, as hernia.
  3. Zaminka: 30 minutes on foot as in paragraph 1.

4 days a week - walks in the evening or in the morning in the fresh air about 30-40 minutes. Be sure to try to go at least 15,000 steps a day every day (focused on a weekly rate more than 100,000).

At the end of this period began in the mornings and in days, when it did not work out to train, do yoga - I can not say that it was just a result, but the body began to stretch better =) Well, the body threw it at the same time - it became much smoking easier.

The following 2-3 months and to this day:

3 days a week - fitness. What is included:

  1. 5 minutes of physical education for joints and stretching.
  2. Workout: 20 minutes - a run at a speed of 7.5km.
  3. 60 minutes Power training - every training day is a different muscle group. 1 time per week - checklist with a coach.
  4. Zaminka: 20 minutes by bike, interval
  5. 5 minutes of physical education
Sometimes having fun in the pool :) After training - infrared sauna and hamam (you can read on the Internet on the Internet).

In general, all events in the hall take about 3-3.5 hours (from the door to the door).

2 days a week - jogging on the street

  1. Workout and hitch - 5 minutes of physical education
  2. Jogging - from 5 to 8 km, depending on the mood and state of combat spirit. The average speed is 7.4-7.6 km per hour.

I try not to run for more than 50 minutes, because after that time the organizer begins to burn muscle mass, which I am also to spend where to spend :)

1 day per week (usually on Saturday)

Yoga's occupation for an hour and a half - perform a certain set of symmetric asan many times.


Every day in the morning

  1. 7-minute charging - while I am doing a week, I really like the combination of the effect after classes, well, that you only need 10 minutes. Before that, in the morning I had 30-40 minutes of yoga.
  2. Charging for the brain (15-20 minutes) - Memorando and Duolingo applications.


    1. Exclude refined products - sweet, flour
    2. We try to eat more fiber, fibers - a lot of calories goes to their digestion
    3. We use more protein, while trying to keep a balanced diet for macroelements
    4. Litters oil in salads do not leave. Maximum tablespoon linen. In general, linen is very useful at the OMEGA-3 fats (honor themselves on the Internet). Fry better in the vegetable (I use the minimum sunflower, so as not to burn)
    5. In no case are not starving. If the body is constantly hungry - write disappeared, sooner or later you will brave
    6. Sometimes hunger is not hunger, and thirst, think about it

    My dispersion of macroelements:

    1. 40% protein
    2. 30% fat
    3. 30% carbohydrates
    Since I am a vegetarian, to comply with the balance on macroelements and without going beyond the permissible calorie zone, I have to use powder protein (sports).

    The diet on the Internet dofiga, on the same zozogenia, so I will not chew everything here.

    Hold balance on calories and macroelements helps me the MyFitnessPal application.

My exemplary diet is:

  1. 1 breakfast - cottage cheese 2% + tea spoon honey / oatmeal (milk and water in half) / muesley with yogurt
  2. 2 breakfast - fruits (bananas, apples, tangerines)
  3. Lunch - the largest meal - rice / buckwheat, vegetables for a couple, soy cutlets or protein semi-finished products Vegetarian (sausages, sausage, etc.), white cheese (Suluguni or Adygei), tomatoes / cucumbers, ginger drink
  4. Before training - if the jogging, then we eat oatmeal flaxseed seed and honey. If the power is cottage cheese. There is also kneading protein (isolate). Sometimes kefir add both muesli with yogurt (2.5%).
  5. After training - a cup of isolate at night (120 g).

By calories

Calonian Calculators are a lot give a minimum and the optimal amount. There are several counting methods. There is a good calculator on the roe. But it is better to consult a nutritionist.

I had like this:

  1. The first three months - tried to use 1200-1300 kcal - it's on the verge of life and death, but I somehow managed to survive and at the same time be full and joyful.
  2. Then he increased to 1500-1600.
  3. Now my norm is 1700-1800 kcal per day.

Accordingly, all meals and diet are fit of the balance of macroelements under the energy rate of + -50 kcal :)


  1. Protein and one of the main sources of protein (remind, I am a vegetarian) - Optimum Nutrition isolate
  2. Amino acids - BCA (the same ON)
  3. Fat burners - Lipo-6 before training per hour
  4. L-Carnitin - before training in an hour

This is not chemistry, but normal drugs :) Read about it is all possible at the Sportswiki resource.

Sometimes there is a terrible

  1. Once a week I can eat Cheat-meal - a piece of pizza, a bun, a bun, a chocolate, chips, or something else is so harmful.
  2. Sometimes I can "Mento" - for example, on the day of writing the story I ate 2 "unnecessary" banana and 100 g of rye crackers.

And Krishnath torture delicious food is generally a separate story =))

Yes, there are such days - sometimes we can go about your body - there is nothing criminal. If you constantly support the practice of training and healthy nutrition, then your metabolism is all this. The main thing is not to faste. We have the practice of a healthy lifestyle, for you harmful to another door :)


How to cook:

I am preparing in the morning - and for the whole day. To save time I have:
  1. Steamer in three floors - there are usually steamed vegetables and garnish
  2. Multicooker for Kash
  3. Gas stove and frying pan, if you need to fry something

As a rule, everything is about everything from beginning to end with compliance with the minimum Vedic rituals, I have no more than an hour.

During this time, I do a charging, kneading my brains, I can listen to a lecture or do something around the house, since the hands are free - it is very important, because in the morning there is little time, and you need to do a lot.


Of course, there are days when the routine of the day is broken, but in general, so:

  1. Lifting - 5:30 am (generally, lifting rule - no later than 6 am)
  2. 6: 00-7: 30 - Meditation, spiritual practice
  3. 7: 30-8: 30 - Charging, cooking for all day
  4. 8: 30-9: 00 - breakfast, work fee
  5. By 9-9: 15 in the morning I, as a rule, I'm already trying to be at work (it's easier for me - as you go from the house for 5 minutes on foot)
  6. From work I'm leaving on the club no later than 17:30. On day jogging - 18:30 / 19:00.
  7. Consided, in the evening workout. All physical activity is scared to finish no later than 20:00 so that there was 2.5 hours a buffer before going to bed.
  8. After 21:30 (i.e., in an hour before bedtime) I try not to go online

Applications (everything seems to eat for iOS, and for Android):

  • Runkeeper - run tracker + accounting of all exercises
  • MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter + Products
  • Igympro - List of abrasions for the hall
  • SEVEN - 7-minute exercises for charging
  • Yoga-Studio - for yoga
  • Tablets - Suddenly, for tablets
  • Withings - the center of control of the main indicators (I had to put it when I had a smart scales and fitness tracker withings Pulse)
  • Good morning - alarm clock for sleep phases
  • I do not smoke - a motivator for non-cross :)



  • Fitness trackers - Was Jawbone first, then with hosts Pulse, now there is nothing, as I measure the steps I felt like an iPhone, but a pulsometer in my headphones. But in general I look at Fitbit.
  • IPhone - Well, everything is clear. As a backup apparatus, I always have a shovel from Samsung and an external battery.
  • Scales - WS-50 - very cool theme: measures weight, pulse,% fat mass, BMI, carbon dioxide levels, supports up to 4 family members, all info sends to the Withings server, from where this information is disperse from the other applications, in including Apple Health.
  • Headphones - Jabra Pulse, wireless, with a pulsometer. Useless waste of money. Of course, wireless headphones are convenient. This pluses of this model end. The sound is bad, the pulsometer can be bought cheaper and separately. Do not be fooled.


  • Hall - Well, there is taste and color. I like the Jordan series, 2 sets are enough.
  • Street - In winter, definitely thermo-linen, warm socks and gloves - the body and limbs should not be hypochealed (as overheating, by the way). Crosses running. The trend with cunning soles is now coming to no and back the flat soles, it seems like the next British scientists proved that it is more correct.


  • Feet-gods -
  • Clamp -
  • Radio - I do not know why, but hooked on this, hipster radio :)
  • Sportswiki -


  • Immediately count on shift 3 sets of clothing for each size. The spontaneousness of this disaster will consider himself :)
  • Lay the purchase of 2-3 full sets for the hall or street
  • A ticket to a normal fitness club begins from 15,000-20,000 rubles a year. Everything that is higher is already pribluda and service.
  • Trainer services - from 1500-2000 rubles and higher.

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