Ourselves with a mustache: why travel perfectly without a company



Can you find a company for New Year's voyage in Papua New Guinea? Do you need it? Ride around the world without a sweater of burnt / frozen / hungry comrades great - and now PICS.ru will tell why. Alone you:

Do what you want

Traveling to the company is a game in Swan, Cancer and Pike. One breaks into the bunch of debauchery and pulls everyone into the nightclub, another five hours hangs into some gallery before some fragment, and the rest of the time boil and lose the last crumbs of humanism. And you want to go to the local market, on the fellow travelers they will yell "stench! Antisanitary! " - And you lose faith in the spirit of adventurism. To hell Compromises, go alone.

Take friends (and not only)

If you got on the sea with the whole gang, it will most likely communicate with each other. Two lonsters are easier to get acquainted than the loner and the crowd of giggling maidens. In addition, your dating, not consecrated by the attention of travelers, will give you an additional mysterious halo. Throw carelessly, stirring the brew in a saucepan "Yes, I taught one cook in Cancun to cook me" - and enjoy interested looking glances.

Watching around

Lower your eyes, discuss yesterday in a cafe, walk to the most famous church, bathed across the road in common acquaintances. Lunch with a brief discussion of the meaning of life. Collective lecture on the topic "Throw this freak." Continued lectures for a pair of cocktails in the bar. When you return, you will understand that nothing remains from the trip to the memory. In addition, Katyukha is right to throw him.

Do not inherit


Agree to stroll through shopping, when you have a bored support group over the soul, it will not work. And if you went alone, then at least live in this shopping center. Hide in the department of tents and live.

We spend how much you can

The incomes of all are different - someone specifically buys a car of fresh labutans, and someone six months sits on bread and water to carve money on the journey. But if you are traveling together, in issues of placement and spending, too, will have to look for the arithmetic average. You would, maybe, I would be glad to hang up in a deployed hostel, but Miss Labutan's car does not work closely. And the hotel chosen by you overlooking the paradise and roasted orchids in the room will cause a mute reproach on the face of Mr. Bread Cork.

Get involved in adventure

Just because you can also briefly borrow and start looking for additional entertainment. In the company, walk to the restaurant and back - already any occupation. But a loner traveler has much more time, and Shilo is sharper. Therefore, they climb the mountains, go down to the canyons, go to the courses of Indian cuisine and Thai massage, are melted on waterfalls on the piano and are imposed on volunteers to holy and cherish any capibilitybarrr in any reserves. And come home with a full backpack of new impressions and knowledge.

We pump independence

When you have a lot, there will always be someone who will find the highest exchange rate, knows the native adverb and can ask where the "der of the toilete" can be bargained with the Fanswershrockers and abandoned to save the entire Internet to make a list of places where you certainly need to go . That is, such a journey is not much different from the batch tour, where everyone was arranged, chose and decided for you. So stay tourist without having been traveler.

And spontaneity


Where and when to go - decide only you with a suitcase. You can unexpectedly break on a Friday evening in Amsterdam, and in place to decide that you don't like it here and move to Helsinki.

Learn language

If there is no person with whom you can chat on great and mighty, you will have to talk with those who are in English or at the local adveria. Even if your knowledge in this area is striving for absolute zero, a two-week immersion in the linguistic environment will still give their fruits. At least learn to say "Thank you", "Hello" and "Two beers, please."

Do not nurse with anyone

You say "And we went for a weekend to Paris!", And for some reason, people hear "went to Paris, I will arrange everything." If you are the ideological inspirer of the trip, be ready for the fact that a grateful company will expect from you an ideal organization and criticize the fact that the hotel you found a terrible and dear, croissants serve wormful, the weather frozen and movies on the plane is blunt. Holy Get industries, but you can not be trusted!

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