Naked, bloody, exciting: the very first erotic impressions of our readers



Moscow is not immediately built, and a woman wakes up in the girl for an hour. We decided to ask our readers, what did they have the most first strong erotic impression - even at that time, when they could not understand that it was erotic, or just began to understand such - and how it affected the development of their sexuality.

Some stories just struck us.

Stick to goblin

Jaret, King Goblins! I was seven years old, and he made a tremendous impression on me. That is, I did not just like it, but ... in the place of Sarah, I would not have turned from him. Pressed. I do not know why it is. Probably, how he looked at Sarah. I did not notice it at all that sometimes men look at women in a special way, became big, I realized that it was a combination of lust, loving and fear to harm. And it is that cocktail now starts me.

Hiking romance

My girl's Girl's heart worried Sherlock Holmes! Apparently, attracted a combination of oddity, genius and inaccessibility. Plus Huddoba, high growth and eagle nose. One of my then dreams was to represent how we rest in a tent in nature with a great detective ... No, not "adult", I was small, but I was very pulling with him to be in a tent in nature. And so that he confessed me there in the feelings!

Pure English temptation

It was Mr. Rochester from Jen Air. Despite the fact that the book of Bronte to the disgust of chastity, I found the reasons to stream. A scene with a burning bed, Mmm ... I lost her in my head the endless number of times. Then, of course, the explanation scene under the oak. And, oddly enough, the scene with rochester, disguised as a gadlock-gypsy. When I read not for the first time, and I knew what focus, everything that was happening was acquired by some dangerous sexual subtext and caused quite concrete fantasies. Here it is on his knees by the fireplace, and he, filed forward, examines her face ...

I want space!

Between the four and five years I learned to experience orgasm. When Mom reads me aloud, the brand of twee (and she read sequentially: "Tom Sawyer", then "Geclberry Finn", then "Prince and Beggar"). Of course, I did not understand what was the joy and from which sphere. And why do you want to reproduce this psychophysiological experience over time. And why it is necessary to hide. What it is shorter, in general this is what it is all.

The words "erotica" I did not know at all. As a result, the feeling of orgasm was contacted with a multitude of fairly random episodes from tween, and the only non-nendomous, perhaps, this is a journey scene Geclberry Finn on a raft by Mississippi. The one where there was a rainy night, ragged the elements, and here the boy was one on the raft to power the mighty river - I did how this power and power, the river and the raft, the full impossibility of the fleet to resist the flow when it gets into it and complete unpredictability of further (and explicit Correlation of everything that happens with such an affordable phenomenon as a match, thrown in the stream), so everything. Already later, in his youth, with great difficulty and difficulties learned the idea that in this design, for some reason, some other people need, besides me. It is ... an extraordinary one.

When a girl like a boy


My first erotic fetish is Cybalchish in chains. It is in chains. It is from a certain illustration where he has a torn shirt and a pale naked shoulder outward. I was probably six years old. Since then, generally tormented heroes liked. Halfish, wounded ... and so that I saved it. Because when you care for so much, you touch, probably.

The bigger, the better

You will laugh, but that was the English TV series "Robin from Sherwood." Moreover, the first timid attachments of the Amur were called not so much as the asylum of Robin Hood (Pred, in my opinion, last name) an actor as the most atmosphere. Huge wild forests, chonic deities and extraordinary mutual susceptibility of the Robingeud company. Feeling communion. Such a collectivist EOS is impossible, feel another person as herself.

I was excited by Rus

The grandmother had many small poetry books in the library. One such book with an autograph was lying on her writing desk. A woman kneeling was drawn on the cover, tied behind the broken hands to birch. Figure ink, without details, but expressive and emotional. I was repeatedly examined in childhood in my childhood. Some feelings wandered, but what kind of feelings it was not clear. Some prohibition. In general, the picture symbolized the suffering Rus or something like that.

And later and more conscious impression - read a fantastic story about how people landed on the planet, where the bacteria fought plastic. And everyone stayed almost without clothes, and without a ship. There were further some adventures ... But this spicy situation myself somehow dreamed. Only the planet was still covered with moss and warm water to the ankle. Everyone as if walked on wet bath sponges. And then they started ... lying. It was the first erotic dream in my life. Further felting in it did not go, because by virtue of the age I did not know where to go. But the feelings were the very!

Some fetishism


I in my childhood showed myself as an expanded fetishist. Fluttered for the king of France from the film about Angelica. Because he was in a camsole, and a hat with a feather, and the hair is still long lush (I did not know that this is a wig).

And some more fetishism

Fantômas. Gusara, silence, not the fact that with Louis de Fühnes. There was some romatic gangster film about Phantomas in the nineties, where he was something like fan fan tulip. For some reason, at the age of seven years, the Black Hero's Black Gloves, Sitted as Clear Gloves, was completely struck in the erotic sense. I don't remember anything anymore, but the good gloves on a man do you care about me.

And not going anywhere from fetishism

My first, probably, the semi-child impression in this regard appeared from Dracula performed by Gary Oldman. And so it fastened that I then reacted almost on all the characters with long black curls, especially slightly removed. And especially if in some scene they first appear (usually for some reason in the scene of torture). That is, I then wade at Athos, Captain Blady, Kay from Lex, Sirius from the book about Harry Potter and Severus from there. In general, any mysterious long-haired brunette. Well, if not fat, except that.

Collected stories: Lilit Mazikina

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