In solid memory: 10 exercises for the development of your "RAM"



In one ear flies, to another crashes. You can't remember the simplest phone numbers under the fear of death, for forty times you ask friends the number of their apartments, and dozens of nameless friends surround you on any party. Hold on, fighter, hurries to help and carries trouble-free methods to pump up their memory.

1. Everything is bad

In the past, the grass is always greener and caramel caramelism, and today's day - darkness and tlen. In the memoirs about the long past, the positive information is mainly stored, and in the present it is better to remember any rubbish. Use this brain peculiarity for yourself: Before starting a cramp, write a mournful Malyava about how bad things. All subsequent information on inertia will be perceived by the brain as a continuation of the list of your misfortunes and will remember better. We were not invented, but psychologists from the University of Kyoto in 2008. The Japanese are true samurai after all.

2. in full voice

Words are remembered by 10% better if they are not pronounced, but shouting, as they called on the eastern bazaar. A cool method to expand your vocabulary, especially if you learn a foreign language. That's right walking around the apartment and Orivalomatom. Or at least, very loud to pronounce new words out loud.

3. Steeplement

Rhymes are not just remembered better information in prose - they are tightly entrusted to the brain, and this phenomenon of advertisers from around the world is used in the tail and in the mane. Because milk is doubly delicious if it is Milkway. Tomorrow at 10:45 pm with Vasya we go for a walk. Bissectrix is ​​a rat that runs in the corners and divides the corner in half.

4. Queen drama


Foreign words can be remembered, in the persons portraying their meaning. This is where the title of champion in the "crocodile" is useful to you. Learn the word "dance" - dances, "Rhino" - in the very ferocious and horned representative of the species.

5. Logistics Memory

If you need to remember some list, mentally draw a route in your apartment and "expand" business or things in different places. For example, if the first point of your list is "to go to the bank", imagine that the mailbox on the door turned into an ATM and spits the cards. The second task is to call Masha, and now you enter the hallway, and there on the floor sits on the floor.

6. All stars

To remember the name, imagine a new acquaintance standing in an embrace with your celebrity-force - Misha along with Boyarsky, Lisa with Taylor and Dimon in the company with Donskoy.

7. Write, Shura, write

Prevent notebook and write it there all important with a warm analog way - pencil, aha. It may be more convenient in the phone, but the brain printed memorizes much worse than the hand recorded, because during the letter the zone is included responsible for focusing and filtering information. During the day, 60% of the heard information is forgotten and only 20% is recorded.

8. Merry pictures


The method is ideal for memorizing phones, houses and apartments and historical dates. Imagine that the numbers are not faceless stinks, but pictures, and creating the story of these pictures. What is absurd, the better - it will be remembered tightly. It is very cool if the story is somehow connected with the subscriber or the moment of history. For example, number 937-55-55 - Vnukovo's reference airport is a becpecker and a busty stewardess climb along the ladder and carry 4 Sigwe.

9. Something familiar

Information will be remembered very quickly if you reproduce the situation in which you tried it to memorize. It is clear, in the examination office you are unlikely you can drag the sofa, Murzik and your favorite ficus. Keep small - for example, hernia strawberry lollipops in the process of studying and capture the bag exactly the same on the exam.

10. Legend

I highlighted keywords from the text and invent pictograms for them: the mustache for Peter the first, spiral or directed up arrow for development and so on. Try to write text icons and reproduce it with words. First, the head is better holding pictures than Chatter. Secondly, these drawings can become an excellent crib, understandable only to you.

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