Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood


All you want to know about the world, we are now looking for Wikipedia. Not always accurate, and often boring. But once for this purpose, the cherished volume was careful with the shelf, pumped into a finger book, and at least good afternoon disappeared into the fever of knowledge. Polystayy these publications, remember the golden time - and maybe we will show the children who were our thick (and medium fatness) paper teachers of life.

Old lettering

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_1

The textbooks were issued in September and went back to the library in May (often marked the coming generations, in the form of decisions of examples and rozens from writers). And the "letter" remained for memory. "Who would Maxim, Seva and Roman be?" - He quietly asks us from the depths of the storage room ... Polystay the scroll:

Russian language in pictures

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_2

Designed for foreigners studying Russian, but they were mastered by diploma and in the Union republics. What is especially valuable, here each word is equipped with an emphasis. Download:

"What is who?"

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_3

A real storehouse of knowledge for the younger schoolboy. About everything in the world, simply and in detail, with cool pictures, meticulousness of the enlightenment publisher and print quality, which was then achieved mainly in the GDR. View or download:,

Atlas "Peace and Man"

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_4

All animal planets, all the planets of the solar system, folk suits and cards with beautiful pictures. Consider this treasure could be infinity. POLY: http: //

Hend Burian

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_5

The immortal wizard, the Lord of the Stegnosaver, Iguanodonov and Diplodok, the greatest portrait of Neanderthals and Petecanthropov - in general, the paleontologist and artist by the grace of God. What could be more beautiful than his "life of an ancient man"? Is that his "in the ways of life development"! Pattern Gallery:

Illustrated Animation Encyclopedia

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_6

Beautiful friendly Czechs one after another released luxurious glossy volumes about everything in the world - from antiquities to fashion. Particularly good were, perhaps, the encyclopedia of animals of the machine with a tiger on the superstar - and the encyclopedia of the birds of Ganzak, with a parrot. Download 4 books from the series:

Encyclopedic dictionary of the young ...

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_7

And in your childhood there was a dictionary of young - who? Technique, physics, artist or viewer? Why, what is there to say, each of these books was drawn up so that even the schoolboy, who seemed to be particularly interested in this branch of knowledge, was read. Download:,


Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_8

There was another series of cartoons, but this is the case when the book is even better. The "Committee of Copyright Nature" told young lovers of nature about Bionics clearly, fascinating and with humor. Illustrations are slightly insane, which we also liked it very much. Read several issues:

Problem scanavi

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_9

If you enrolled in a technical university, then surely shuddered from one last name. Because at least one summer they chased you along this iconic descriptive along and across! Read or download scanva books:

"Entertaining physics" Perelman

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_10

"Caught shadows", "magnetic focuses", "ice, not melting in boiling water" ... This author even complicated-scientific read as an adventure or detective! Read "Entertaining physics":

"Cells in a cell, or where did you come from?"

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_11

Once parents stopped repeating something embarrassed about butterflies, stamens and pestles - and appreciated the curious descendant is a pretty and promising edition. It, of course, told a lot about chromosomes and nothing about sex, but it was still cool. Read:


Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_12

Tolstin folio, from which it was possible to learn everything, which can only learn the Soviet man, from serving cabbage and removal of spots before the care of the cow and artistic education of children. Artistically educated children were usually dried in "home-based" beautiful autumn leaves. Read:

"On delicious and healthy food"

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_13

The thing in all senses the thing is still the Stalinist era withstand 12 reissues. Already lunch? Configure more comfortable, scroll the carts about food as one of the main tasks of the Communist Party - and listen with trepidation: "Rybolch fillet cut into thin wide slices and put on a green salad in the form of a pyramid ...". Recipes from the publication of 1964: Download Edition 1952:

"Secrets of good cuisine" William Pokhlebkin

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_14

A talented man with the talking surname of Pokhlebkin, a specialist in tea, vodka and a thousand delicious things! In his book there are no recipes in the style of "How much to take and with what to mix." She tells about the methods and receptions, principles and sense. It can be said is the philosophy of cooking. With a lot of useful information, of course. Read: http: //

"The Tale of Evangelists" Zenon Kidondovsky

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_15

The Bible in the Soviet Union, of course, was looking for a day with fire. But the biblical plots knew not bad. All because almost in every family on the shelf stood Kidosovsky. Which though criticized, but retells intelligently and mischievously. Read:

Children's Bible

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_16

Former Ocean and Pioneers of the nineties, we received this book with a heavenly blue cover as a gift and colorful pictures as a gift. For many, this accessible retelling was the first acquaintance with biblical stories. Download:


Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_17

Already grow up people who do not know what this abbreviation means. But the book series "Life of wonderful people" continues. One and a half thousand already left! And who was the most readable-scolded: Gagarin, Spartak or Fenimore Cooper? West Biographies Wonderful people:

Universal history of art

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_18

Ancient Egypt and Byzantium, revival and small Dutch are one more beautiful than others ... These six volumes were for us and desktop hermitage and home Tretyakovoy at the same time. Polystay: Download:

"First meeting with music" Artobolevskaya

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_19

Oh, how did we hate the gamma, etudes and solfeggio! Only good Anna Artobolevskaya could temporarily save from this tedious attack with his "Chizhiki" and "beans", songs and pictures. Meet music: Music collections:

"Piano" Boris Milic

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_20

Everything was already here: the etudes, songs, and menuets, and ensembles ... It remained to choose something least heavy to catch to take away to Academconcert. The crown of a school-musical career became the "Moon Sonata", which parents were crying and realized that life was not at all in vain. Milic collections from 1 to grade 7:

"Technique jazz accompaniment on a six-string guitar"

Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_21

The one who mastered the three chord in the company could like the girls in the yard. The one who mastered Manilov and Molotkova became the recognized king of the whole area! Learn: http: //


Masterpieces of training and cognitive literature from our childhood 37109_22

"What are you ingle learning?" - "Boncu!" - "Cool!" Not everyone knew even that Bonk is not him, but she: Natalia Alexandrovna. But the wrong verbs and difficult times bounced out of the teeth! Download:

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