10 signs that something went wrong in relationships


In the midst of the exchange of flying plates and mutual curses, the question often comes: "When did everything go wrong?" But there were calls! Here are 10 signs that something has rotted something in the Danish kingdom.

From you all

Suddenly came quiet and smooth. It's not interesting for anyone where you and when you come back, on what the hell you are a fifteenth dress in peas, when you throw this nightmarish yellow lipstick and quit smoking. All my life they were smoking and trained - and nat to you. Enjoying the lull, think about what: we are trying to change and dive to ourselves only those who we need. And what the lips are smearing some kind of foreign girl - what's the difference.

You do not stay alone

He strives to call half of his kings on the city walk, you connect to a picnic ride half of your girls, in the movies you also go to everyone Kagal. And when you stay alone, the position saves the computer, in which one of you immediately covers. You must have nothing more decisively to do, and friends and gadgets are a real salvation from awkward pauses in a length of two hours.

You are annoyed

And how not to annoy, if he drinks a collection Puer with a volatile proletarian squat? And toggle how the recruits battalion? Who would not be taken out of the spiritual equilibrium these striped socks? And this you have not seen how he sits, lies and breathes.

You often hear generalizations

It turns out that you are distinguished by enviable constancy - the words "always" and "never" are perfect for the description of your pig behavior. "Cute, it seems, the weather flies" - "yes you are always unhappy!" Label hanging is a sign that it is time to either save love, or brush the dust from the account in Tinder.

Your hobby is ridicule

Yoga has turned into "barriers", "Twilight" - in the "torment about the glory", and you grow geranium because you grow up, the mother is already pulling, mother. You already unwind him the frequent conversations about the Crimea, but it is still awkward to criticize you. But Edward with Bella and soap is very deft.

You stop you like

Remember yourself at the very beginning of the novel. Where did this fucked rock beauty be done? Okay, under the hormonal overtime of the first months of love, we are all blooming, smell and spray sexuality. But if everything goes, as it should, then the breakdown will not even after both of you are a little bit.

You are not in his plans

Discussing your joint plans, he speaks about himself as if he is a lonely Highlander Duncan McClaud. "I will go in the summer at the cottage and buy a new hammock" - he dreams, although it seems to be soaked together and money on the cottage for half a year.

You give you that got

It seems that all the gifts of recent months really come from the Gift Department. How else to explain a porcelain goat for the new year, a set of tapes on March 8 and a crystal bidon to the day of the manager? In fact, in the past days, Grandfather Frost brought you the same bag and a designer pot for your geranium! While the person is important to us, we try to impress it - watch, as I understand you and remember all your cracks. But with love, inspiration is dried.

You do not touch each other

Look at the lovers is unbearable, they constantly touch something, they are tusar than, tied, they are stroked and picking. Togo and looked will run away and turn in the toilet for two hours. And you nausently not what to hug with him - for the hand sweat take and it is unpleasant. Kisses - the matter is generally too wet and nonhygienic. And in general, we will leave this nonsense shaky teenagers on escalators.

He lost a sense of humor

It must, before, he had sought you something like such ridiculous in tea. Otherwise, why would you rust over his jokes? The jokes of the satellite have recently passed something very much and the anecdotes in his performance turned into a torture of the promucional shame. If you suddenly become not up to laughter, this is a clear sign that tomatoes have called.

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