9 reasons that may prevent you from getting a heir


All these pieces greatly reduce the chances of conception. Just do not perceive them as alternative contraceptives. However, if in the coming year you firmly removed to become a mom, run on this list.

Habit hold laptop on knees

Not yours, but your partner. Let's start with the fact that the laptop is great, while it works, and the heat is ruined spermatozoa. Yes, it turned out that if used Wi-Fi in such a dangerous intimacy from the most expensive, spermatozoa loses mobility - the Argentine scientists have exactly the results of the study.


Again, not so much yours as it. Tightly more good and skinny jeans lead to overheating sperm and spermatozoa flies like flies in November.

Contraceptive injections

Manufacturers of such funds assure that the ability to conceive after such injections is restored rather quickly, maximum - a year later, but everything is individually. Some required up to two years.


Almost all of them somehow affect the ability to conceive. But in any case, planning motherhood while in the Black Depression is a bad idea. First get out of the peak.


So a surprise, yes? Okay, you yourself know it yourself, we just remind you: if you smoke like a steel mill, fertility decreases. If he smokes at about the same way, it still decreases - first, passive smoking also affects the health of the one who sniffs smoke, and secondly, it significantly reduces the amount of viable spermatozoa. Cigarettes are guilty of 13% of all cases of infertility.


Although they write that they do not need any contraceptive effect from them, nevertheless, lubricants can completely slow the spermatozoa. Which, actually, are not designed for movement in such a thick environment.

Active exercises

That is, not moderate fitness twice a week, but a liner daily rocking chair. Excessive loads interfere with normal ovulation. How to understand that they are excessive? The first sign is changes in the menstrual cycle. If the monthly steel has become short and some unconvincing, then either reduce the pace, or postpone maternity.


Moreover, the attempts themselves organize conception on science can lead to stress, and what else. Few people are happy and happy to have sex on schedule only for conception. Many couples disintegrate, and without reaching the maternity hospital, precisely because they strive very differently. And it is the factor of stress that "wonderful" cases are explained when the desperate people took the baby from the orphanage, and after a few months they discovered that they were waiting for their own. Just relax and enjoy.


Yes, psychologists and sociologists may not agree with doctors, but still fertility begins to decline after 30. And this process is accelerated. And if the difference between 20 and 30 is not so significant, then the difference between 30 and 35 is already very significant, and between 35 and 40 are huge. By the way, the partner's age is also important. As if men, nor want to think that they could become fathers and 80, time also plays against them. Moreover, the reproductive function decreases after 40 years, and at the same time increases the risk of a child with congenital pathologies, even if Mom is young and absolutely healthy.

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