10 things that will not make an adult woman for your love



You, of course, harsh macho, but, we argue, think patterns from romantic comedies? For example, you think that you should draw your favorable attention to an adult woman, as she, accusable with his eyes from happiness, will throw it to change the hairstyle, throwing uggs with ballet shoes and immediately change the whole way of life on what you see for it are perfect.

We have bad news, dude. There are things that the woman who has reached 30 years old will not be done in his mind. Even for your with her unearthly passion.

She will not give up their girlfriends

Cute, of course, you are very cute, but she knows you all, and with these strange women ate not one salty powder. It was they rushed to revenue when she had jammed damn at night knows where to catch a car without being able to wait for the work of urban transport. It has been repaired with them with them, tast bags with cement and catching glitches after painting walls. This with them, she discussed her and their childbirth in detail. Love - the thing is beautiful, while it lasts. But how much it will last, in thirty years, no one will say with confidence, and the girlfriends are normal for life.

She will not refuse "this terrible / boring hairstyle"

You, of course, you understand that from the usual randomly brought Russian woman not to do so just Scarlet Johanson or your favorite Hollywood star, but not against that the woman reminds your dream to at least a hairstyle ... First, do not give yourself to yourself. A woman, realizing that you have a dream, besides her, at once, somehow finds that your relationship has no future.

Secondly, most likely, the hairstyle with which she goes in life is chosen after long experiments with hair and is a complex design solution. And you offer her to pick up a kara for another type of face and walk, watching every day in the mirror you have become too long or too thick nose. Do you think she will walk in the good mood? Yah.

She will not give up the hobby


Whatever horror hung on you the apartment, complete creatures that seem to you Voodoo dolls in the version of Tima Burton, or no matter how much the meaninglessness of reading poems about the elves in the light of fires is somewhere under Petrozavodsk. If she continues to do something like thirty years, it means that the hobby itself is the image of her life. It is better to calm down and too hobby find yourself. One hundred pounds, you do not like that she entertains himself, not you, while you are here from boredom. Dude, in your age boys know how to find entertainment themselves, catch the peers for development.

She will not quit a career

If it is a career, of course, and not earnings for survival, which helps to interrupt while it is engaged in creative projects. If you declare her face that the case in which she invested so much strength and time, you need to quit only because you want to squeeze her in some pattern of harmonious relationships in your head, she will understand everything about how much you respect Her strength and time, and she will not like it.

She will not quit smoking


First, no one (or almost no one) will not quit smoking. Nicotine is one of the strongest legal drugs in terms of dependence. Secondly, if you decide to try, you are unlikely to survive the period of her breaking. Honestly, this is a terrifying and simply dangerous sight. And if you decide to troubleshoot for a while, so as not to see your favorite woman so evil and inadequate, she will definitely not forgive what you need, only when her life is easy.

Uggs and bathrobe she will not throw out for anything

She already knows that in glossy magazines everything is lying and impossible 24 hours a day to walk on the studs with styling in a lace blouse and smile to serenely, what to wash the windows and walking dogs in a mini-dress is inconvenient (and we have already mentioned studs?), And that If you keep the makeup on myself around the round day, then soon instead of emphasising the advantages you need such a masking of emerging flaws, which is easier to order a rubber mask of a beautiful woman and walk in it. So go nafig: When she wants it to be comfortable, she will be comfortable. Do you want to say that you are going to walk around the clock shaved and in lacquered boots? That is what it is.

She will not refuse relatives

Even if you do not like it. Well, that, they did not like her piercing and musical tastes, they did not stop relatives. And even more so she will not refuse to help the elderly mother. And you will advise you to do the same with my mother. Because, damn it, the conscience must have.

She does not make up a cat


Because the cats are holy. All the jokes about "the guy started, and he was allergic to the cat, it is necessary to urgently give it ... I call Vasya, it eats everything, works by a programmer" - do not joke at all, do not even hope.

She will not rush to study cooking soup like your mom

Yes, in the Russian village it was so accepted - so that the girl did not have to cook at home and from scratch would teach the preparing mother-in-law so as a husband was accepted in the house. But the girls married then issued in Thirteen. Do you think she lived to thirty, eating alone sandwiches and business lunches? No, she has already established culinary habits. And in order to prepare as a mother, you, by the way, have a mom. Good reason Do not forget to come to visit her. Call parents and all things.

It will not give up romantic expectations

And yes, she is thirty, she is cynical, practical, skeptical and understands everything about this life. But why it is impossible to walk with her for a handle on the squabble in a lunch break or give a box of chocolate chocolates in the form of a heart, never understands. This is what you can believe in romantic comedies. PS Candy is better with a brandy filling.

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