# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Wave" (Norway, 2015)



We, dear readers, love very much and try to take care of you. These are not empty words, but harsh reality. Therefore, - we thought, - let's show you to show hits in the letters. You not all films of 2015 watched? And we (gloomy) all. Therefore, we will retell one by one so that you are not behind the trend.

ATTENTION! Below will be spoilers. One big spoiler will be lower. Do not read if you do not like spoilers!


An experienced viewer before watching the film always looks at the IMDB and looks at the rating. To know what to be ready. This time was not an exception, but, looking at the IMDB, the experienced spectator was terribly upset - the rating of 7.2 hinted that the film would be good, so you will tell you, in fact, there is nothing. But no. Everything is fine.

So, wave, Norway, 2015 year

The first frames dip the experienced viewer in the Tartarara of documentary history. It turns out that one hundred years ago, one of the mountains surrounding the fjords of Norway collapsed, in fact, in the fjord, and Norway washed away. Not that the whole, but on the most Mushena. There is a suspicion, says a voice voice, which is about to fall any other mountain. "One hundred poods", - nods an experienced spectator, - "Just minutes after ten minutes, just with the heroes will get acquainted." Naive, naive experienced viewer.

The historic excursion is interrupted by a courageous face of a geologist leading his old jeep on the perfect road against the background of fantastic Norwegian landscapes. Geologist is clearly very restless in the soul. This is our main character by name, seems to be Christian.

How the cosmic laws of dramaturgy require, Christian is bad. First, he does not pay attention to the children, and his wife is offended by him. And, secondly, he was taken to work in the largest oil company of the country, they are going to pay an incredible money, and now they will have to leave this terrible Norwegian outback. What nerves will stand it?

Christian's family sadly collects things. Children, by the way, have two hero. Boy and not boy. That, which is not a boy, is still too small to despise the Father, and the teenage son completely successfully copes with this task. So now he threw things on the floor and ran away from home to hug his native birchings for the last time ... Sorry, not birch, what is growing there in Norway? A, Moss! I ran away from home to hug my native moss for the last time.


Christian's wife also does not cry from happiness - she works by Manager in a tiny tourist hotel, life has succeeded, and then a husband with her idiot oil millions, she said to her mother that he is a goat. Christian informs his wife that he is restless in his soul, the wife is trying to grab the chance of "let's not go," but Christian is a geologist, and therefore the solution to it is tight, as a boron nitride with a crystal lattice of the Wurzit type.

Tired of misunderstanding of close Christian goes to his former work - a geological station - to say goodbye. At the station work: a fat woman, her nasty husband and a young handsome man with a non-prosecable name on "I". We will call him "I", why not. Still at the station there is a huge red button. Well, the usual button. Just huge and red. If you click on it, the siren will sound, reporting to the surrounding residents, which should urgently run to the Canadian border or, at least, in Sweden. Christian all the time mows on this button and says that he is restless in his shower. Fat woman gives Christian homemade cake and says: "Vali already, Lord." And her nasty husband adds that we, of course, will miss your paraloire, but not very much. "It is clear," the man's experienced spectator says, "you will be our first corpse."

Fasting goodbye to colleagues, Christian is lucky children and a loaded jeep on a ferry, which goes on a big land to large oil money. For some reason, the wife does not go with them and remains to work in his hotel. We did not explain why, but we will not find fault in the trifles. Is it possible? Maybe she needs.

In line, Kristian is nervous - he is restless in his soul. It is nervous, nervous, and then unfolds a jeep and, under the amazed glances of children, goes to work again. Says - sit, children, minute, I'm right now. The next four hours of Christian with evil colleagues, boring "wolves, wolves," patrols all cracks in the mountains of Norway. Children in the car say that it's all anything, that's someday we will give it to the nursing home and cheers.


Mattled. Christian discovers in the car, instead of children, a note "We are at Mom." But not much steaming about the heirs - he, as we remember, very restlessly in the soul.

Christian comes to the hotel to his wife and children. The joyful wife says that he was very cute to forget the children in the car, and hits a husband on the head by bus with tourists. The family decides to spend the night in the hotel, and in the morning floating on the ferry in a new life. And then the charming worldman says Christian: "Papula, and I want to spend the night in our old house, you can?" Christian says garbage. Thus, the wife and son stay in the hotel, and Christian with his daughter return to a blank house to sleep on the floor.

The first hour of the film ends. Christian is very restless in the soul. An experienced viewer is unwell stretched to the link to the "Theory of Big Explosion", but beats himself on the cheeks and decides to be principled.

Christian will not sleep. He looks like a dawn dawn over the fjords, tightly squeezing in the hand of a glass of whisker. Christian squeezes the Glass of Viskar, not the dawn. Okay, do not essence.


And suddenly. And finally. Could not be, we really lived - the land under the legs of Christian slightly shakes. Christian is enough some records, they are lying convulsively, then calls to work, wakes sleeping colleagues and shouts: "This collapse!"

Evil colleagues, cursing former colleague, climb into a crack in the mountain. The crack is sharply compressed, and the experienced viewer rejoices that guess with the first corpse. The surviving "I" in response to the wiligation of Tolstoy Auntka mournfully silent, hinting that she was already a widow. Aunty, a tears tear, clicks on a huge red button.

It is necessary for a sleepy resort town a siren rolled out, turning into a panic.

The essence of the salvation from the tsunami is uncomplicated. It is believed that the wave will be 80 meters high. So you need to go to the mountain and wait. The problem is that when the whole city is driving uphill, a regular cork is formed on the road, and everyone will not have time to come up. Therefore, Christian throws the car, grabs her daughter and climbs his feet.

Meanwhile, Christian's wife slewed all nervous tourists to the bus, but cannot find a son. Because the son rides in the basement of the hotel on Skate, stuck in Ramstein's ears. Christian's wife says - you ride, and I will find my son and catch up. Yeah.


Finding your son together with the wife of Christian for some reason also stay their neighbors around the house, please do not ask how they were in the hotel.

Running Mount Christian notices a woman stuck between two abandoned machines. Christian fussing the daughter of a woman's confused husband, says: "Savay children", and remains. And here the wave appears on the horizon. Christian looks around the wave, sighs, says to a woman: "We will not have time," shoves it into the car, sits down next and fastens. The tsunami fell on the slope, the windows are broken in the car, blackout.

Christian's wife, a freshlyed son and a neighbor couple stand on the hotel's porch and are crowded looking at the wave. The wave, it seems, even a bit slow down to enable the experienced spectators and heroes to enjoy fully. Then Christian's wife remembers that there is a shelter in the basement. Heroes run back to the building, and an offended wave fell from above. At the same time, water runs along the corridors at the speed necessary to frighten the heroes, but not catch up. It is nice to meet such an understanding of the tsunami. However, the wife of a neighbor still does not have time to reach asylum, so alive only three are neglected.

Christian comes in an inverted car. Spanking water. Successful trying to find the pulse at the neighbor. Sighs, selected from the car and overlooks the scale of destruction. Experienced viewer finds out that after the tsunami all cars will be: a) inverted; b) burn beautifully. Why the car, watered by water, lights up, the experienced viewer cannot understand his humanitarian brain. Christian rises to the mountain, finds her daughter and promises her to find mom.

Refuge under the hotel is not hermetic - the heroes float under the ceiling, greedily grabbing the air. The widowed Uncle slightly goes crazy and tries to drown the son of Christian, because it's all he is to blame. For this, Christian's wife, Christian, heats his legs, sentenced his son: "Don't Look".

Christian runs on the hotel in search of his wife and son. The hotel does not look destroyed. Only the doors of the rooms are removed from the loops and symmetrically arranged along the jambs. It seems that the Norwegian tsunami is characterized by the Norwegian accuracy. And - yes - the hotel is also burning. Neat bonfire on the site of every former lamp. Experienced viewer squats from delight.

Christian finds the things of the son, crying and furious knocks some kind of iron in the pipes. He is restless in his shower, yes.

The wife and son of Christian hear this knock and joyfully knocking in response to a swimming nearby spanner.


Happy Christian recognizes the frequency with which the wife usually told him into the brain, and joyfully runs to the sound. In order to get to the family, you need to swim a couple of hundred meters, unrest the door from the pair of tons of concrete blocks (yes, the hotel Czech, well, they sailed a pair of concrete blocks, think), but the royal guard of Nifiga does not give up. Christian pulls his wife and son, but on the way back sink. Without finding the husband's husband, the spouse of Christian returns, pulls him out, and then long and unsuccessfully conducts resuscitation activities.

Christian lies lifeless, the wife closes his eyes looking at anywhere, but here the son says: "Damn with two", and with a tripled force beats the dad at the bottom third of the sternum. Here we understand that the boy, in fact, loves the Father, just the hormones were confused. Annoyed Christian coughs, spits water and says that everything will be fine.

Charming Malchik sadly sits on the mountain when he sees that the dirty mother, dad and brother rises on the road. For tears, hugs and titers, voice-over voice reports that the cracks in the mountains of Norway annually increase for fifteen centimeters, so there will soon be a new collapse. An experienced spectator convulsively squeezes a glass of Viskar in his hand - he is restless in his shower: he will definitely not survive.

Killed two hours of their own life: Alexander Smilanskaya

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