All games of our non-piece childhood



Our childhood has passed without e-books, tablets and online games. But was it boring? Friends from Bimbasket decided to answer this question to the young generation and asked for their readers to tell about favorite childhood games. As a result, a rather big list of classes, which we carried out enthusiastically spent days. Basically played on the street, but there was something to do in bad weather.

We are in we believe that your children play and do not get worse than us with you in childhood. And give the parents of the most creative kids. Cool gifts from Bimbasket. Show children's crafts and vote for the most cute!

Movable street games

The choice of the game always depended on the place. A large, well-studied yard with a lot of trees and buildings is a great area to catch the robbers all day. Modest platform - draw classics. And if there is only a block of land, then it can be cut into the knives! There were many options.

For example, moving games with running and a bunch of emotions: "Cossacks-Robbers", "Catching", "Hires" (including "12 sticks" or, for example, "Moscow hide and seek"), "Zhmurki", "Salki" ("Above legs from the Earth", "Tea tea Wear! "). The rules in these games are different, but there is something that they are united: the more people, the fun!

Or clever jumps : "Rubber", "Classics", "Czechhard", "skinking". Such games mostly loved the girls, and they demanded a fairing snack, a good reaction and a feeling of balance.

Rare, but no less interesting games : "To me, from me, stop!", "Proteins-arrows", "Stop, Earth!", "Chain chains", "Point. Comma. Stop! "," The car rides, rides, stop. " By the way, about popular then Lapte now, too, few people know!

Games with a ball

The main thing in such games what? Right: Do not smash the neighbor's window! And the rest of the game with the ball is a great summer entertainment at any age. For example, the game "Khali-Halo" (or "Stander-stop") could play both first-graders and guys mature, most importantly, so that there was a ball, at least four players and good weather. Also popular games "Edible-inedible" and "hot potatoes" were also popular. Despite the general topic, the rules of these games differ, but equally interesting for children. We also played in "Jambol", "bounced", "dozen", "Sad!". In general, there would be a ball, and how to apply it, we could always come up with!

Games in the company

When fatigue occurred after moving games, we could comfortably get on the bench and play one of those games that they say today are useful for socialization. Such games helped to establish communication between boys and girls, brought children from different courtyards and schools, different ages. We played, for example, in the "ring-ring", "yes and no do not say", "Kis-Kiss, Meow", "Phanti", "spoiled phone", "Cutters and chips". They played a family, a puppet theater (dolls could do from the girlfriend - twigs, toys, and as a screen, sheer sheets or bedspreads, taken from parents, sweaters, jackets, etc.), "The sea worries once", "Baba Toad DAC! ". At such moments, we also had fun: we joked, laughed, we were tired of each other, in general, were friends at a complete coil!

Board games

Well, the board games brought us out in bad weather, entertained in trainers along the way to the cottage or for mushrooms, and also occupied in Pioneer camps or during friendly family evenings. Most often played in the cards (a fool, king, a thousand, boring), scored a goat in Domino or built their own corporation in the "Manager" ("Monopoly"). There were also checkers and chess, "snakes and stairs", "Erudit" ("Scrappy"). Girls loved to spread solitaires, guessing at a desire and on the grooms. And sometimes we played in the lotto, where matches, candy or real coins were performed as rates! With such a winned one could feel like a real lucky way!

As you can see, childhood from our generation was not boring at all, and many of these games are visiting the memories of broken knees, fun companies and evening gatherings in the yard. Communication and physical development came out then to the fore! And for those who know not all of these uncomplicated entertainment, we have great news: you will always have time to learn the most interesting of them with your children! Learn the rules, collect the company and have fun at the full program!

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