# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "World of Jurassic" (USA, 2015)



An experienced viewer chose a long time that it was precisely to look for you, and finally chose a new masterpiece of Sagi Pradinosaurov.

Attention, spoiler! Aggressive prehistoric spoiler! Do not read if you do not like spoilers!

The married couple, located in the process of divorce, sends two sons to the tet, which leads the next park of the Jurassic period on the same ill-fated island. Experienced viewer is amazed by beauty and grace solutions - children are very hard to worry the divorce of parents, so let them eat better dinosaurs. And no tears, psychologists, parent scenarios, and this is all this.

TEET, however, to engage in undersion - it needs to be presented to the Board of Directors another gennometric monster. So she glorifies the boys with her assistant, promising that he will spend tomorrow with them all day. An experienced viewer understands that the aunt did not watch the previous series of Sagi - the word "Tomorrow" somehow inappropriate looks in the framework of the genre. By the way, the aunt is called Claire, she is redhead and a very hot thing, if someone is for some reason it is important.

Aunt Claire informs the Board of Directors (three elderly people with squeezed lips - the feeling that this Trinity wanders from the film in the film as "Board of Directors") that they managed to bring a very terrible monster, stupid tourists will be extremely satisfied. In nature, this did not exist, but since the tyrannosaurs somehow come and already tourists are not frightened, they had to get out genetic groups.

At the other end of the island, closed from visitors, the main character is engaged in the training of rapeners. Rapors are prohibited badly and all the time strive someone to die, but the protagonist is very stubborn. A military uncle is spinning around the main character, an obsessed with the idea from the rapeners of real soldiers. The main character is unsuccessful trying to convince the uncle that he is ... Sorry, fool.

Oh yes. All this time over the island on the helicopter rides the owner of the park, who tomorrow is just to take on the right or how it is called helicopter cells. Well, just an experienced viewer has long been waiting for exactly how the helicopter will shoot, it is necessary that you are also waiting for, tremble.

Meanwhile, two brothers enjoy fantastic technique and amusements of the park. In particular, they are observed for feeding Lopelodonon. This is such a cloth crocodile with Sri Lanka. Lopelyrodon is gracefully jumps out of the pool, swallowing a large white shark, like a raisin. Tourists enthusiastically applaud. Implementing the moment, the brothers run away from the appointed aunt Nyanki, because they are already big and want themselves.


Beautiful Claire with an assistant stand on the observation platform for the aviary of a freshly mounted monster (they are talking about it in feminine kind, so we will call the monster "she"). Assistant Claire says that it would be necessary to check the reliability of the aviary and call for these purposes the main character. The shadow flashed on the face of a beautiful clerger symbolizes that between her and the main character there is a steady of an intergency connections called "everything is difficult".

The brothers, getting rid of the guardianship, are stuck in all serious, including safaris on a strange car in the shape of a ball. The dashboard of the ball with a calming voice says that the glass is strong, it is not necessary to fear. Experienced viewer sighs heavily. Children chase on a bowl of diplodoks and shout "Yo-Hu!".

The main character with assistants examine the Wolter of the monsters from the observation deck. And then suddenly it turns out that the monsters are not there. The temperature sensor indicates that the aviary is empty. And only deep, leading up, scratches on a concrete wall hint at the coming pi ... Yes, that is ... to the coming problems. Puzzled heroes enter the aviary, inspect scratches closer (apparently, it is very important). But here the temperature sensor says - but not, everything is in order, here it is in the aviary. Employees in a panic run to the exit, but our heroine appears from the bushes, and only the main character comes to the gate. One of the helpers, in principle, is also a hope, but only part of the small intestine, so it is notchivo.

Close the gate do not have time, an experienced viewer pulls popcorn.


In the headquarters of the park panic. Stupid tourists walk along the beautiful tracks and buy magnets with dinosaurs. The scoreboard on the headquarters wall shows that on the island of twenty-one thousand tourists. Claire squeezes her lips, apparently trying to understand - where to bury them all?

The brothers notice the "Restricted Area" pointer and a hole in the fence. One brother is fifteen, another eight. Children simply have no choice. They ignore the alarm's siren and go to see - and what's there in the forbidden zone, there is probably more interesting. And, I must say, do not mistake. There is much more interesting. Our heroine eats a couple of triceratops, and then - the ball in which children are sitting. Impenetrable glass makes the way with a plan. Apparently, Chinese. But children - they are not some seed triceratops, they are the crown of evolution. Therefore, run away from the monster jump in the waterfall. The monster is root offended. Apparently, does not like to swim.

Beautiful Claire suddenly recalls nephews. Better late than never. The assistant shoes into the phone that they lost them for a long time. Claire makes the headquarters click on the fingers on the computers keys and find out that one of the balls never returned to the base. And the monster, meanwhile, kills the sentiment of her to plant the detachment of selected "marine cats". Whether the "cats" did not guessed to jump into the waterfall, or did not read the horoscope in the morning - do not essence. Claire and the main character are thrown to save children without covering.

And the children find the remnants of the old Good Park of the Jurassic period. Abandoned buildings, abandoned jeeps with sealing batteries and abandoned batteries, lovingly placed around. Well, for American children to change the battery in the jeep - the thing is pure, so our heroes, customized by the morning roar of the jungle, get to the salvary wall separating the tourist and atomic zone.

In the meantime, the owner of the park sets a machine gun, a machine gunner and habit to unsuccessful about the generals who themselves lead their soldiers into battle. Of course, the monster is discharged with scratch, and the helicopter tagging the roof of the "Birdhouse" with Pterodactiles and beautifully explodes against the background of green mountains. Pterodactles wall are not a hindrance, and tourists are delicious. Panic begins.

The Claire's assistant, finally, finds boys, yells on them, that it is impossible to run away, you need to be obedient and wash your arms before eating, but it does not agree - two pterodactiles are raised, pulling out each other. The spore decides Lopelyrodon, which gracefully jumps out of the pool and eats at once. And so it will be with each greedy pterodactile and aunters who yell on children.


Children are in panic, but here Claire and the main character appear with guns. Pterodactyls are retreating, hurry. But the monster has already passed the border of the tourist zone, and, compared to him, Pterodactili is so, sparrows.

Yes, all this time, a military union walked behind the heroes, convincing that from the rapestors need to do real soldiers, now they are in battle with a monster and check. The heroes were shuffled, but after the heroic death of the owner of the park, the military unhelter says that he is now Hunt here, so we are released by the rapestors, and who is against, he can hurt in that corner.

The main character has no choice. And he with his rapets runs down the monster. And deals. But here everyone is waiting for another surprise from genetics - there are monsters, in particular, the raperator genes, so that the main character in the flock is no longer alpha male and barely takes their legs.

Claire with children runs to the Cabinet Genetics, find out - what kind of garbage? But there is no genetics in the office genetics, but there are military, which pack large boxes with samples and, obviously, collapse. Claire Breaks: "You have no right", but a military uncle only sniffs. And here in the Cabinet deluder included Raptor. With the interest of glancing at Uncle. Uncle says: "Bratyun, what are you? We are with you Korean! We will go to Iraq to Iraq, we will seek chemical weapons, cool, right? ". The experienced viewer decides that these were the most pretty of the antagonist for the 2015th year.

So, in ten minutes before the end of the film, we have a ruined tourist town, two frightened guys, Claire, the main character, the monster and several traitors' rapeners. Where there is a twenty-one thousand tourists, an experienced viewer did not dare to ask. Because if it turns out that the evacuation was, then you will have to ask a difficult question: why didn't they evacuate the children? But since the screenwriters did not steam, then we will not. Moreover, the monster has already bent all the main characters in the angle and puts the teeth in several centimeters from their feet.


And here comes rapestors. The main character squeezes the remnants of Alpha-Samtsya and says: FAS. And the rapestors suddenly obey. However, there are enough of them for a while - the monster is more than the rapestors (if they are folded) once, approximately in forty. Raptors are expensive selling their lives, but the prospect is still sad.

And then the beautiful clerk includes a walkie-talkie and says still sitting in the headquarters of the Hindu colleague (Hindus - very responsible): "Discover me a cell number nine." Hindu yell: "You are crazy", but opens. "What is a cell number nine?" - An experienced spectator is revived, but it is ignored. From the cell number nine directly on the clerger from the dark, almost the same monster is out of the dark, like what is already there. Claire lights a flashlight and throws it into a crispy raptor a gene modification. A resident of the cell number nine obediently runs after a flashlight. After the dramatic contractions number nine wins. Carefully looks at Claire, turns around and leaves.

Morning. Children hug parents who seem to change his mind to divorce. The main character hugs a clerger. Stage "Everything is difficult" goes into the stage "FIG with you, let's try." Above the island, the sun, tasty rays of the pterodactyl. On the helicopter platform roars number nine. Titers.

Experienced viewer in rage boots popcorn. What kind of cell number nine? Who was that? Why did he heard? I didn't understand any damn! Your mother is also impossible!

And the director suddenly meets the human voice: "Baby, you wanted to see how dinosaurs eat people? Did you see it? Here is the unfarting. "

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