# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Frash Akula" (USA-Bulgaria, 2005)



Find a movie that you definitely did not look to watch it for you, it was not easy. But we seem to have coped. This is not almost manual dinosaurs. This is a real chilling underwater horror.

In case of endless space, a space boat flies like a cassette from a secure razor. Two alien units are sitting in the ship (or aunties, it's not clear there) and with love they look at a hefty glowing crap that transfuses all shades of gray orange. At this time, another exactly the same is cut into the space boat, and they both explode loudly. In vacuo not heard? Well, sorry. Ships are scattered directly into dust, and orange crap at dangerous speed approaches the ground.

Titres, alarming music, endless maritime expanses, the inscription appears at the bottom of the screen: "Bermuda Triangle".

The camera sails on a small ship and looks into the cut. Sedoy Captain tears binoculars from courageous eyebrows and palloon: "I don't like it all."

- Yes, yes, - nods the gray navigator.

"I don't like it very much," Captain's lips presses.

"I, too," the navigator sighs.

- Do you know where we are? - asks the captain.

- Where? - Interested in the navigator.

An experienced spectator is on the pillows - it becomes interesting and joyful.

- In the Bermuda Triangle, - seeks the captain.

"Oh," says the navigator. - What an annoyance. Many ships are gone here.

"Yes, quite a few," the captain sighs.

Experienced viewer prints popcorn. Looking ahead - in ten minutes it turns out that the captain and navigator sticks out here for an anchor no longer the first month, which only adds the fear of the first scene of the film.

Besleless underwater expanses. At the bottom there is a tin box, distantly similar to the UN headquarters building. At the bottom of the screen appears as follows: "Oshoma underwater laboratory. The camera looks into the porthole and enters the spacious room with computers. Behind one of them sits a breathtaking brunette with tits and desperately twisted with a mounted index finger on the Enter key.

- Jessica, how are your research? - Asks a thin young man with such a courageous chin that an experienced viewer immediately understands - the main character is before us.

- There are some strong electromagnetic oscillations, "Jessica is concerned about, pressing another time for loyalty to ENTER.

"Don't worry, dear, now will understand," says the breathtaking blonde from behind another computer.

"Thank you, my beloved," the protagonist meets the protagonist, and the experienced viewer guess that the celibacy at the station is not in the go.

"Hey, guys," says love.

Because of two more computers, two more guys appear.

- m? - Talk guys.

- Well, all the second month from where we have strong electromagnetic oscillations, - orders the beloved, and the experienced spectator understands that the brain is not in the station too.

- And I will go to the city behind the cookies, - winks the protagonist, sits in a small yellow (honest word!) Submarine and dissolves in dark water.


Close-up - a huge orange crap on the day begins to glow. Close-up - a flock of sharks that sailed, and then turned around - and Ida in the opposite direction.

Guys in scuba chalangs grow around the station and are looking for strong electromagnetic oscillations.

Brunette wipes the Enter key and shouts: "Hey, guys, there are some red dots on the screen, which go to you, carry." An experienced viewer happily understands that guys will not have time to blame. The next three minutes experienced viewer rejoices, which guess.

"Oh," says brunette.

"It is necessary," Favorite is amazed, "the sharks behave somehow strange.

From the room with glass walls appears a shaggy guy in glasses and with a microscope in the left hand. "Scientist," - with respect thinks an experienced spectator.

"We lost Don and Jack," says love.

"It is necessary," the scientist is striking, "the sharks behave somehow strange.

"You," Lovely asked strictly, "I already found out that this is for such orange crystals, our networks have been dragged for such orange crystals?

"No," the scientist responds sadly, "I have not seen anything before. I'll go, put a couple of experiments.

Favorite nods, an experienced spectator penetrates with respect for labor.

General plan, endless sea expanses, sea vessel from the scene 1. The camera runs on board and shows that from the side of the sea goes the corrugated hose, like plum under the sink. The camera dives behind the hose and the viewer joyfully sees that the hose stretches from the boat as well as the underwater station.

Close-up. Shark snacks the hose.

The underwater station is siren, the red lights blink, the pipes are torn in long corridors, couples fly out of them.

"Oh God," the brunette shouts, holding the ENTER key, "we have failed a life support system, a generator, ventilation and ends oxygen. Oh God, and there is no connection.

An experienced viewer understands that there was something important in a corrugated hose.

Cutting a ship from the scene 1. Sedoy captain, concern:

- We have lost contact with "Oshoma", Michael, alloy and see what.

An experienced viewer understands that Michael will not get down, and again it is right.

Catching something impressive. Pierced captain with harsh, but kind, face tells the chief hero:

- Do not be afraid, doctor, we will save your wife.

General plan - a hefty nuclear submarine is loaded into the water. An experienced viewer does not believe his eyes.


Again cutting.

"Yes, yes," says a fried captain, "we will save everyone, we are the best atomic submarine Navy USA.

An experienced viewer shake hands in search of a white flag.

- Thank you, the captain, - nods the main character and makes the face of suffering.

- Doctor, - Uncle with a courageous, but frozen face comes to the main character, - I am a representative of the merchant fleet, and if you are withdrawn with security at your station, you will be judged.

"Be-Be-be," says the protagonist and spitches.

Station "Oshoma". Everyone is flaw and sweat at the same time. Some uncle climbs his arms and yells: "We are all die here." Favorite gently soothes him with the words "shut up, freak, you behave worse than women." An experienced viewer understands that his beloved has a Pi-Eich di on the psychology of the catastrophe.

Cutting submarines.

"We are approaching" Oshom, "says the captain of the main character," only this ... we have no underwater float.

"What did you think before?", Oret an experienced spectator, but this is not the movie where everything is on the shelves. Here it is necessary to think.

"There are no problems," says the protagonist, sticking out the chin, "in the aqualing I swim.

- And I am with you, and me! - Screams uncle from the Fleet.

The captain and the protagonist so synchronously shrugged that the experienced viewer understands - one double did not cost.

Station "Oshoma". Uncle, who psychoed, tyrit last yellow submarine from the configuration of the station and valit. Large orange crap on the day starts glowing. Sharks attack the boat and shove her, not choking.


"The sharks behave somehow strange," the loved one says again, and the experienced spectator understands that he already loves her too.

The main character and uncle from the merchant fleet put on scablands and leave the atomic submarine to that gateway, which, apparently, for the exchange rate.

- Native, I'm going! - says the protagonist.

"Rather, about my tigrick," loved ones.

An experienced viewer wants to ask where the connection came from, if it was not, and no one tried to set up, but for some reason he was silent.

A large orange crap on the bottom is familiar to glowing. A flock of sharks in the amount of five dozen individuals surround the hero and uncle from the merchant fleet.

"Captain," a loved one, "the sharks behave somehow strange, ride a torpedo on them.

"My child," Captain sighs, "I have a minimum charge in Polvegaton."

"But this is his only chance," the loved one flies.

"Well, okay," says Captain, "I cook the torpedo."

Overall plan. Over the endless sea, the splash fountain takes.

- Thank you, Cap, all Normul, - reports the protagonist.

- Willis, are you? - Soots an experienced viewer.

Station "Oshoma", the main character and beloved kissing, alternately asking each other "ar and okay?".

A scientist jumps out of the room with glass walls and shouts: "I understood everything, these orange crystals are dry fuel, and the alien".

The uncle from the merchant fleet pulls out AKM and conducts a queue on computers.

- How did you hide in the aqualing machine?! - Oret an experienced viewer, but it disgusts it.

- What are you? - The main character is surprised, looking at the corpses of colleagues.

"I am a secret military agent," Uncle's uncle condescendingly, turns out, non-merchant-fleet. - There is a big military secret, and you, assholes, with our station prevent us from making a secret military conspiracy.

The main character and beloved run away, and the secret agent is enough of the last surviving - brunette - and says the strange phrase: "You will be my pass up."

Brunette in the pit. Spectator in the pit. The secret agent also did not understand what I meant, so it immediately throws a brunette in the gateway. The gateway gradually fills with water, the brunette is looking for the felting fingers the Enter key, dimming.


The next five minutes the main character, the favorite and secret agent run through the collapsed station and beat each other a person with varying success. Then they won the good, fall beyond the porthole, kiss, they say goodbye and swear that in the next life will certainly be together.

Cabbage submarine.

"Captain," says the underwater sailor, "they died, it was necessary to go.

- Yes, yes, - sobs captain, - full forward, the angle of twenty degrees.

Station "Oshoma". Bright orange light appears in the porthole. At the bottom near the station, a huge cassette from a secure razor is lowered. Alien unlishes are published from the cassette (well, or aunty, hook), raise orange crap and smooth her gently.

Close-up - rounded eyes of the main character. "How I understand you," said the hero of the experienced spectator.

Cabbage submarine.

"Quiet," says Captain, "someone is knocking aboard."

An experienced viewer imagines the size of a submarine, the speed of the submarine, the nuclear reactor of the submarine, the shearing of the submarine and quietly sculits from delight.

- Open the gateway, which for the Promenade, orders the captain.

The gateway pumped the protagonist, the beloved on itself (here fanfares) without scuba.

- Perfect, Favorite! - shouts the main character and desperately wishes her on the sneakers on the cheeks.

Favorite makes "Khe-Khe", spits water, opens his eyes and smiles.

The captain's cheek rolls a buying dyed tear.

Bescrase marine smooth, blackout, titers.

Against the background of the titles, we hear disturbing music and squeezed moan. This experienced viewer is experiencing an orgasm.

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