How to go with a child in a shopping center and save reason



It doesn't matter how it happened, the fact is a fact - you have gathered to commit a deadly number and mortal sin in the opinion of some citizens - to go to the shopping center with a person whose brain is refueling awl. We know how to facilitate your misconduct!

Collect team

Try to find yourself a company. If there is no sensation from relatives, the luban, for example, some innocent sacrifice from the Friend of the promise of croissants in a cafe and the retelling of particularly roast gossip from the Internet. With an unfamiliar tete, children tend to be slightly more shy and less hooligany. And even if the partner does not understand anything in the babies, at least she will force you, and her opinion on the shades of lipstick will probably be a little more adequate than the three-year period.

Plan of offensive

You must have a flexible action plan. That's what you need to take into account: you need to start the shopping on the full stomach, so the food is first. Starting shopping follows from the most important. Digular from the point of view of the child, things should be alternate with interesting. And you should always be morally ready for an urgent retreat. Yes, and if you are not from those moms that use the stroller to break all on their way, about the days of discounts better forget. The queues in the fitting and battle for the last cowardlees are unbearable tests for young children.


On this day, you should not count on to hit everyone with your beauty and extension. Make a bet on practicality, in parts of children's clothing too. Pouring with wet and dry napkins, a bottle of drinking water, toys, snack, a pair of polyethylene packages ... One of our familiar two-year-olds have squeezed under a hanger with evening dresses, but strategic reserves saved her from shame.


If there is an opportunity, to the corona exit to the light, do it go to the store in the stores for a while and without money, "just look." So you slowly adapt it to this strange place and at the same time teach it to the thought that the store is not equal to buying.

A loan of his business


For a child, who agrees to ride in a wheelchair, grab the reserve of toys that will entertain it. With a child, older toys will also be useful. But especially the pedagogically would make a list of purchases with him and entrust him to celebrate the marked felt-tip pen. In general, do not miss the opportunity to use Shopping for the benefit of child development. You can give the relevant amount of money yourself and suggest choosing something personally for yourself. Thinking out their own purchases healthy pumping planning, mathematical abilities and distracts the child from all kinds of creative ideas, such as, does not cut into a cart on a row with the sets.

Do break

In decent shopping centers there are playgrounds, gaming zones. But sometimes they are so many people and there is such noise and gaps that there is a risk that the child is transported, instead of producing steam. Or a collision with peers will inevitably lead to a conflict. This case has a small lifehak. You can go with a child in the bookstore and there, quietly, calmly, to read him some book out loud. (If you are shy, buy it and read in the lobby, on the bench). Also, the contemplation of aquariums in the pet store can be revealed. If, of course, the child has no passion for the purchase of hamsters.

Careful with transport

If the child is already a perception stroller, a large temptation arises in the store to sit on a cart. Sometimes they seem to be even adapted for children ... In fact, the trolley is a damn unsafe piece. In the US, for example, pediatricians are not recommended to use them for riding children. If there is an opportunity, better let the child pushes the cart, helping his mother than the risks fall on the tile from such a height.

The worst one


Even the most tied to his mother and phlegmatic kid can be lost in such a crowded place, where so much tempting. Of course, you need to explain to the child how to behave in such a situation, but it is clear that the preschooler will quickly discern what to do is not. Prepare for him a tag or a badge with your and father's phone so that people who will find him might immediately call you. But the name of the child on the tags is not advised to write specialists. The name is bad people can use to establish contact with the baby, which we do not need at all.

Department Strategy

If the child still passed the nerves or aggravated the next age crisis and the case moves to a luxurious fall on the floor in the most suitable place for this (for example, at the checkout or inside the spinning doors), be ready to take a comrade in the Oakha, to carry out in a quiet place and There is a feeling. In the midst of the scandal, they work very badly: 1) notation and attempts to shape, 2) Threats are right now go away and throw a child here. So we had no warely wrote that the campaign plan should include the possibility of instant retreat.

Do not make excuses

Sorry if you smashed something with a child or gave someone to someone. This is your area of ​​responsibility. But do not justify! An embarrassment of type "Yes, he behaves like this for the first time" or "No, no, we are not starving, the sunshine, not a hernia package with bread" No need to do neither to you, nor to your child. In any problem situation, first of all, concentrate on the child and its tasks today. Surrounding, with all due respect, in third place.

Happy shopping!

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