My terrible nanny: Real stories about household goods



Well, if the personnel agency will send you an ideal nurse model Mary Poppins. Well, but unlikely. At best, you will get Freken side, and at worst - one of the heroines of terrible stories from Mamkin forums. So check the contenders is stricter than intelligence checks the secret agents!

In any incomprehensible situation hold face

Our nanny, who loved at every opportunity to remind you that she is an experienced teacher, did not make anything to do anything - just walked with a child twice a day. And the ultimatum raised - they say, for such a load, a person with her education should receive at least 1000 euros. Once she was our girl (and she was not fulfilled) left for an hour in the sun, and herself chatted at that time with other nanny. I still remember how the child looked after this walk - the girl burned, was swelling, we frightened scary, nanny kept a calm look.

Biblical diet

We had a nanny - the adept of some exotic sect. It did not prevent anyone, but one day I began to prepare a child with rabbit, and the nanny said that it could not eat, because so in the Bible it was written. I immediately brought her the Bible and asked to show me this place. She showed: it is impossible, it turns out, there is a hare. As far as I remember, hare and rabbit are different animals, and black rabbit is not named black. I found a braid on a stone: she is a sequence, I am a lawyer.

Oh, all

The child ate yogurt and frowned him. He complained: "Nanny, my tummy hurts!" And nanny on it is "So I quit." And quit.

Tatyana Denisovna Vanguget!

My terrible nanny: Real stories about household goods 37080_2

With each children's "I don't want" Tatiana Denisovna ran around the apartment and Piens on Surgique: "That when it's all over ... that I don't know, I sho to robbly ..." Coming to the house, a terrible aunt usually met my two-time at that time a curly boy Spring: "I know when you grow up, then you will fight your mother from home ...".

Effectively lullane

Friends took a nurse for 6 month old babe and older girls. So nanny, so as not to bother, gave the children of Dimedrol, and then stood, such all of her own benevolent - the kids sleep, like an angels, look at themselves. Thank God, the parents suspected the wrong and installed the camera ...

To remember

I left the phone on the table, and nanny ... No, she did not coar. She climbed into a notebook and silently made his phone to the contact list.

Nice to talk to a cultural person

Our nanny was, in general, normal, if it were not for one annoying moment - she drove into the bathroom several times in the bathroom, turned on the water and spent loudly on a mobile phone with someone. And nothing, but I soon found out that she did not use the mobile phone at all, because they are "microwaves that allow the brain." And she talked, obviously, with its own reflection in the mirror.


I spend an interview with a nanny, a former teacher of kindergarten, 12 years of experience, everything is wonderful. I ask: "Shuck the child?" - "Yes," says. "For what?" "Here I had before the girl 2 years old, I feed her, and she metrates her spoon with a spoon. Well, I answered her, also gave my forehead. "

Black pr.


On Friday, our nanny with a smile took the money, and on Saturday morning on the phone, I said that I found a new job and asked to give her recommendation! Not only that we were so suddenly left without a nanny, it also turned out that the nanny of the secret of us asked our older daughter for 6 years to speak the handset to new employers about what kind of good nanny.


My nanny turned out to be very, very superstitious. All those who praise children, including their grandmother's native, she accused of Schallah. If the children are capricious - baptized them and jumped with holy water. And when the child did blown to blow, because Kashi wanted, he decided that it was damaged, grabbed the stuffed waters of a volatile mouse, carried him into the courtyard and burned.

Honesty - first of all

I came to us a nanny for an interview, looked at the quick-running one-running child and says: "Well, you go, and I will see the TV."

Criminal genius


In one far from a great day, my friend my friend returned home and found such a picture there: two children are sitting in the locked doors, the phone cord will pull out of the outlet, and the nanny disappeared, grabbing the shopping values, documents, and everything that he could jump into their own Bag. You ask, why did she need shopping passports? So this nurse after some time called the owners and offered to return documents back for the round sum.

Sultious thing

I come home, and it is in a blouse and in the panties-threes. I told her that I had to wear something on the thong, but she, accusing me in the Hedgehog, said that she had shorts, but she was inconvenient and hot. And yesterday he was looking for her underwear of half an hour, having focused on the fact that he was surprisingly lost in our apartment ...

Who will come to us with the Yershik ...

A familiar caught a nanny when she twisted her three-year-old son on the Pop dirty toilet enshik - for what was described. The nanny then the same brush from the house.

The text used frames from the movie "My Horrible Nanny 2"

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