"The child does not return childhood, and I hate tractors." Letter from our motherhood readers


    The mother of a little son wrote a letter that asks to publish anonymously. So we did. But they replaced three mate words, we admit honestly.

    I constantly hear and I read that small children are an opportunity to return to childhood.


    It is before the birth of a child you can watch cartoons, walk on the puddles, eat everything that will want and when it wants, collect puzzles, draw, sculpt and jump into the water bomber.

    With the child, you turn on the cartoon - and run away to quiet the kitchen or dishes in the hope that it will gain in place for 20 minutes.

    With the child, you stand at the puddles, repeating how zombies: "Caution, do not come deeply, not jumping" - not because you are such a club, which is afraid that the clothes are swollen. And because you threw it twenty minutes to go out, 15 minutes dressed, and now he will fall in 3.5 minutes, gaining water for the sinus, and they will have to turn home, without having time even for the gate of the courtyard - with roaring, hysteria, screams.

    Yes, of course, you can believe in these wonderful stories of wonderful mothers who allow their children to swim in the puddles, but the week to wash the snot and do not sleep at night, because the temperature you will be, and not these ideal creatures.

    You will have to eat either secret or some standard rubbish. Because all the tasty will be selected - and it is harmful, and the baby then either the belly is black, or the stains are covered. If there is no possibility to hide with chips - and so it happens if you are with him a whole day one, on one, then there are no chips, no chip candies, no poisonous green ice cream.

    And in general, the absorption of food will be reduced to the fact that you are on the go eat a curve sandwich.

    Puzzles - no comment. In my child - at my case, in any case, there is not enough patience and three minutes later everything tramples and moves around the room.

    And there are children who do not like to draw and sculpt. Here, I can show where the tractor starter, but not adapted to creative classes.

    And I hate the damn tractor and their device. But we have a clock with a tractor and study nozzles.

    Everyone lies. Children are when you follow and dress up, non-stop nervous and repeating "carefully! Caution!". Childhood ends as soon as you understand that it is necessary for all these chaotic desires and movements to be responsible - and it is almost impossible to manage them.

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