Parents hide! What we did not talk about growing up


Why did the adults tell us this when we were 14 years old? Definitely, these knowledge would have made our so-called adult life much easier!

Now grow - and you won't do what you want

In fact, adolescents are much more forces, opportunities and desire to make any crazy garbage. By that time, when you can afford everything that is forbidden in the tenth grade, you will not have time. Or you decide that it is better to sleep than to make garbage. Or you will start to do it, but remember that you get up tomorrow at 8 am, and still go to sleep.

No one knows who he will be when he grows

We are repositted by this issue with a pot. Masha, who will you be when you grow up? Doctol! Everyone is lost, applauded and stroke Masha on the head. We seriously begin to think about the profession of years in 15. And you probably know a couple of classmates who said that they wanted to be lawyers, microbiologists or flight attendants. So they grew up and became them, and regularly sleep something under the tag # favorite interest.

But did they know who they want to be? Yes, the trait with two. The eighth grader knows about the work of a lawyer, actor or a PR manager no more than Panda knows about the casino robbery tactics. Our ideas about any work is a wild embarrassment from Hollywood stamps and our personal fantasies. Sometimes we are lucky and the chosen natobum profession suits us how stitched by measure. But this is nothing more than a random coincidence.

From lessons a little sense

90% of the information that you were in the class will never come in handy. All this will erase from memory in a few months. The lecturer at the university meets first-year students with the words "forget everything you were taught in school" - and you will forget. The boss that takes you to your first job will say "Emission from my head all you were taught in the university" - if he is a good boss, of course. Do not doubt, throw away as nice. Your head will begin to fill out a truly important information for you only after the end of academic studies.

Boys need not only it

That is, at the age of 14 - yes, and then - no. Then they themselves do not know what they need - how, in fact, and we. But surprisingly, how many girls continue to believe in the fact that "they only need it" and build their relationships on the harness of the foundation of the ability to make a deep blowjob.

You do not wonder

Never. You are already so smart as possible. What, however, does not prevent you all my life to believe that now you have won, and 5-10-15 years ago was a complete fool. Believe me, after 10 years, you remembering themselves today, will also call yourself an idiot. So just keep it in my head - at any time you are a terrible doury, and this is normal.

You do not become an adult

There is no process of turning the malyas in an adult. Just at some point you op! - And already adult. And nothing has changed. I thought that together with the adoleship you will be given a scroll with secret knowledge, as in general everything is arranged here, but nothing like this happened. You are exactly the same person as I was in 14, with all doubts and misunderstandings, but for some reason others consider you an adult and make you pay for accounts.

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# Sexproving. Interview with the creator of textbook for sex for adolescents

Not terrible that we are now adults. Scary that adults are us

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