Maternity can be beautiful. If you are really ready for him


When you read about motherhood on the Internet, you buy back into two diametrically opposite points of view. Or the child is unconditional happiness, and if your days are not full of joy from his presence, something is wrong with you. Or, on the contrary, the child breaks life, turning it into an endless braga.

In fact, of course, the options are much more. If you do not agree with any of the articles (maybe with the texts of both type), with you everything is in order. Maternity can be terrible, beautiful or just an interesting part of your life, and it depends on many factors. If you do not have children, you can understand how "created" for them, thinking about some things.

Did you like to mess around with animals in childhood and youth?

Do not just play them and calculate, and really take care of them? Cleaning excrement for them, did you come in irritation? Caring during the illness, wiping the pus or processing wounds, what did you experience more - squeaming or excitement for a fluffy friend? Could you organize the opportunity to move, play or did not even think about it? You understand what the answers they are talking for what you will be easier to survive the first years of motherhood.

You are interested in communicating with children

The age in which the child smells like a baby, he is funny to Aguca and you are the center of his universe, it takes place in two or three years. Then there will be the age of turning, the age when the kid has long been walking on the pot, but you still have to be indifferent to his pants, because he needs to break everywhere, age when the main authority in his life is the first school teacher, the age of the hobbies in which you You do not see anything interesting ...

Even many multi-fashioned mothers, in fact, do not like children and enjoy maternity only with one of them, those who are in a cute infant age, and the others cause irritation from them and are considered as a permanent source of problems - read their forums.

If only babies in neat booties are touched you, and the children of the other age do not cause curiosity and you are going to contact them with difficulty, then motherhood can become a series of unpleasant discoveries.

Did life annoying?

There are people who are calm or even pleasure to sweep and wash the dishes, rejoicing in advance the future order, getting pleasure from how the true - floorboard, white porcelain - from the apparent dust and dirt. There are those to whom these processes suggest deaf longing and irritation for various reasons, from physiological to psychological. Believe me when you're not having to listen and listen to the same phrases of your favorite cartoon, this irritation will increase repeatedly. Of course, it can save a household and caring husband and a sufficient number of household appliances, but it is worthwhile to know that without them Maternity will make you come to rage and despair.

Have you seen your younger brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces?

The more you communicated in childhood and youth with children younger than herself, the more I saw, how they grow and how others are addressed with them, the less surprise will be the development of your child, the easier will be acquired by parental skills.

Are you ready for how many children are different?

Maybe thinking about your possible children, do you once again imagine a restless boy and a shopping girl? And now, imagine that the boy will be sensitive to quiet or botanium, anxiety from four on the brands of electric trains, and the girl - the draper and amateur to climb on trees. You really wanted your daughter to drink stereotypes, played football and offend the list did not give? Count, she can be a melancholic, all days of drawing animesheets in dresses with swans. Or instead of a daughter, son can be born!

If you can do in detail in detail, present your life with a child who does not meet your aspirations, and not to experience frustration, you will have less maternal problems.

Do you have anyone to rely on?

You must be confident in the possible support of at least three people. First, no one can help you around the clock and daily. Secondly, an hour of honor you can find that the promises of parents help if you give birth to granddaughter, cost as much as your children's promises take care of the dog if you buy it; Other loving husbands, realizing that children are not easy, they also understand that they should not be quickly able to become free from the family; And even the best friend can not and should not help you all day. Even the most loving and prepared mother without help is very difficult, and, having climbed, she can find that she is not to bothering love and happiness.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

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