And wedding when? 5 answers to the eternal question



You live together together, grow a cat and cactus and do not really turn into a relationship. Why is your business. But the public in the face of Rodni does not think so. The public comes to your windows with forks and torches and sets the same question: "And what are you not married?"

The best minds of the era are passing in front of him. But not us. We found answers. Five five. Any of them will long turn off the curious public.

Pretty family dowry


The public is those still halars. As at the wedding, walk, so they are all alphabetically lined up, from Aglai Aleksandrovna to the four-rich summary cousin Yarika. And as gifts to give, so everyone strives to get rid of a postcard with swans and a set of spoons.

Perfect their dreams about Salatics and Darm Breaking. Declar firmly: Under the crown you will go only if the whole relatives will breathe together on a cozy villa overlooking the lake Como. Because young needs suitable conditions. The cozy hut does not offer a cozy hut, not for that mother grown to you.

Let the rumor that he is still married


At the senior partner of a venerable law firm. That's when they divorce and she will not suck him, right up to socks and dental crowns, then you beat joyfully into the registry office. In shoes on Bosu's leg.

Sick him as God Turtle


Incorrectly you, Uncle Fedor, imagine your nominated family. So what did you wait, painting, what is it funny, how does it hide from the chest and what shade of his red diploma in management? Show goods need to face. In such a person, in order not to watch twice.

Petya is so good, so in prison so think. Otherwise, wouldn't it be released early? Just a dozen and served. And very purposeful - a year and a half is looking for work. And now you now understand what good dad it will be. Because he remembers the birthdays of all his eight children from previous marriages.

Record them in nannies


With enthusiasm support conversations about the wedding. Especially stealing on the babies and the tramp of small legs. You want ten. To start. But, since you have all the living spaces - one and a half rooms on the industrial outskirts, you will gladly share this trap with relatives. For example, Aunt Antonina lives just next to the good English school, and uncle Viti is a wonderful cottage in the Moscow region, there is a wonderful ecology for the younger body. The rest will have to be pleased with the daily visits of tribes and granddaughters. You can write to the queue to "sit with the kids" now.

Put mysticks


I will tell your mother, that his mother, a hereditary black witch, cursed you with a crown of celibacy. And if you still pick up a veil, promised to curse at the same time and your nurse to the seventh knee.

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