At what age, our children come to gadgets? Parents are recognized


How much gadgets entered our lives? Futurologists and science fictioners were confident that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, even kids would program computers and communicate, mainly with robots.

We asked our readers, how old are their children for the first time gained access to complex electronic devices.


Not earlier than 5 years. From 5 years - 15 minutes a day you can play. The older - 12 years will be this year - still push-button mobile. The tablet in access is constantly, but not for games, but for study. For games - a restriction of half an hour.


I use the tablet as a nanny ... The daughter looks in Youtube, which wants - cartoons and children's channels and children's home-video, as well as commercials with toys and games.

She is 5 years old. Tablet I give from 3.5 years.


For seven years, he received his own photo camera with the function of underwater shooting, for the boy dives into the corals. On Vaiberu / Skype talks to me with my grandmother. Sometimes I show rollers from Youtyuba. I'll buy the phone the other day - push-button while. First Classist no longer need, IMHO. In general, I promote the topic "Gadgets for Work / Hours".


Years from five. Half an hour per day restriction, on weekends twice half an hour and you can watch a full-length film together. The older 11 and a half, on the 11th anniversary gave her a laptop, because it is often necessary to study: and search for information, and draw presentations. I listen a lot of music on it, I do not restrict this, and I think that the correspondence with friends VK (friends from Real) will not limit either. But on watching video and games the same half an hour per day.

Before this cartoons on the computer were. Up to 5 years, that is. And I realized about the restrictions when there was a middle son about five. Before that there was a different life, for example, one time we came from a kindergarten evening, all together on the bed and a couple of hours were watched by Peppe's swario!


Sasha Year and eight, she can draw a phone and put music on it or photos to do, but it is not for a short time and under the supervision, no more than 5 minutes. Often comes and asks to put her favorite song.


From 3 years there was a tablet. There, all sorts of trailings are colors, alphabet, etc. Love with 5 issued when it is necessary that the child does not select. There is parental control on the tablet, and so watches everything itself, in his choice.


We are both programmers and son at 6 years old have appeared the first gadget - a computer on the scattering of Pi3 with Spratch (Raspberry PI3). Want to play? Let him write toys himself. He writes and he likes it. No phones and tablets.


At three years: I downloaded the game for kids and let me play it when we go somewhere.


Phone at 4 years old. Doca asked toys, but the simple real was cheaper. Tablet and full smart at 7 - it seems great helped her to master reading. Outside home - without the Internet (in school they can not). Now (9 years old) more or less began to fool that on the network and how it is likely to make a full-fledged Internet from the new school year. His pages in social networks is too early ... But in general - you never know. Basically sits on YouTube and in some toys.


Phone button - second class, gadgets gave a grandmother (tablet and sensor), in the fourth, I am unhappy, honestly. The computer will collect or give a laptop on this birthday, 13 years old.


In the early preschool watched cartoons from my or grandfather of the company, in 6 years have gave a tablet, in grade 1 gave his good laptop for games and studies. There are no restrictions. It looks and plays what he wants, in the network walks in itself. There was a short period when the nose was not taken out of the tablet and the company, felt natural consequences - did not have time lessons, I was tired, I did not sleep, I did not walk, I didn't have the most intelligent YouTubes, I began to broadcast their ideas to friends and disgraced, etc. Now it is perfectly adjustable, makes breaks and does not look like. The phone with such a number of gadgets is a simple push-button ring, for communication at school and in training. Ah, yes. When he had a period of dependence, he himself asked to configure it to shut down at a certain time. For a long time, it may change the settings yourself, but does not do it.


At 3 years old, Apad saved: we drove through all the states by car about 40 thousand miles, and the child stared alternately, then in Aipad. Without iPad, I would definitely go.

Illustration of shutterstock

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