7 steep heroines that served us here


The series exists for more than half a century, and if you take some journal novels there with a continuation - then longer.

It is difficult to overestimate which contribution of the series has been introduced into our cultural bark. The phrases of them became the memes of many generations ("and you, Stirlitz, I will ask stay!"). And also serials gave us a lot of charismatic heroes and, more importantly, heroin.


Mortish from "Family Addams"

Yes, first there was a series and only then two films. Mortish is beautiful! Loving wife, caring mother and just beauty with a cold and sharp mind. If it becomes a matriarch family, then such as Mortish. And admit, changing the child of diapers, you very much regretted that you do not have such an assistant as a thing?

Dana Scully from "Secret Materials"

Bachelor in physics, the owner of a doctoral degree in medicine, judicial pathologan and the FBI agent. In a pair with Mulder, it was she who was a carrier of rational thinking while Mulder dreamed and believed. As I wanted to investigate, I coolly bringing all sorts of aliens into the clean water, and put in place of the Hama in one expression!

Let's recognize, there would be no Scully - there would be no amazing saga Norin.

Xena - the Queen of Warriors

Leather mini-chiton, possibly, in relation to the video game of the video game of our youth, but I looked very appropriate in Greece. Damn, in exactly these there and men ran! The main thing is that he did not interfere with Xena to fight with any weapon, which turned out to be in reach, his own or stranger.

She made feats and launched from personal dramas, and we dreamed that it was possible to fit all the offenders or at least to protect ourselves on occasion. Admit, you tried after Xena to walk on aikido or karate? The most stubborn after the series were repatriated to Israel and served in the army, with a present machine behind his back! Cool!

Milagros from "Wild Angel"

In the television screens, a difficult love story was unfolded, and we absorbed a revelation: you can not refuse either from football enthusiasm or from parties in mini, you can work on boring work like a maid and find in life place moving, you can be absolutely any orient for luck. It is a pity that the happiness of Milagros had such a boring - marry the woman.

Zev from the "Lemx"

The series itself was parody and sank above the stamps of science fiction, actively addressed, among other things, to Fanvisu. It is not surprising that one of the main characters has become a supexual beauty of ZEV with a genetic modification that turns it into a dangerous creature in battle.

Zev, of course, breaks exactly those stamps that is so caricature. She begins his career with the fact that when trying to treat the brain so that she could only think about lusting to men (after all, she was awarded to sex workers) she accomplished escape, coarse starship along with a ridiculous Zack Wedley and in love with her head of a robot.

Later, the company joins the beautiful and soulless, but very nice killer Kai, and the funny company begins to create absurdities throughout the universe, once again getting into history and is brilliantly released from them.

Grace from "Grace on fire"

Who can be at all interesting to watch the series about the elderly large-scale aunt with the places of simple market rudeness? But it was just superintendially, and as long as we laughed at the sharpness of the blonde with an irrepressed root roots and a crumpled face, we had unfriendly the acute social and feminist criticism of classical American - and now our, perhaps - public realities. Xena is cool fought for the salvation of Gabriel, but not cooler than Grace - for the opening at the female toilet plant.

By the way, the creator of the series continues to burn on the screens, now - with the TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion".

Daineris from the "Game of Thrones"

Just a girl who spins adults, as they want - mistakes, bumps, falls, but gets up and herself becomes an adult step by step, passing the world. And she has dragons, and it is very correct, because if you look deep in my soul, you understand that every woman is the mother of dragons.

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