Our mothers are a wizard. 13 stories about why we will always love them


Mom is something more than a person who feeds and raises. Mama has to be sometimes real magicians and heroes. Our readers shared memories of the actions of their mothers who still lead them to admiration.


When a child needs a new year

My birthday is 26 May, and I adore New Year's Eve all life and New Year's atmosphere. In January, in my eighteenth year of life, I once again looked my mother not to discharge the Christmas tree before my birthday. Mom refused, but promised to put a live tree on the birthday. And on May 26, I come to my native city with studies, I go to the apartment, and there - a living real Christmas tree !!! In lights and balls !!! IN MAY!!! On my birthday! I grew up, oral from happiness, probably ten minutes without stopping.

Share for babies

When I was a year two, or my mother took me to a concert (I was quiet), and when I left the hall, I realized that it was sharply cold on the street, I'm straight unexpectedly, and I am in some completely frightly supravel. She took off the blouse and kept me into her. So went home, in the skirt, bra and clutched on my arms, sending everyone to me in the ass, who muck on it and let go comments.

You have a child in the wall looks

I studied in fifth grade. Mom came to school, behind the keys that I accidentally took. In the teacher, where mother wandered in search of a schedule, her headed, sitting in a low chair, stopped. I was conflict with me. "Do you whose milf?" - "Such something." "And you know that your daughter ... she is with gonor! On my lessons sits and looks into the wall! " . Mom was packed and said friendly: "Or maybe she is not interested in your lessons?" For 1980, it was strongly - so talking to the institution. The width suffered. And she said: the whole family is shading and knotted. And I knew that my mother for me!


Once I got sick. It was very hard, pressed the neck and high temperatures. When it became a little easier, I lay a cloth and did not want anything. Mom sama samped the pattern and sewed it from my old rose teddy flush. I woke up in the morning, and the bear is small, with the palm - sits on the pillow, bathes in the rays of the bright spring sun and smiles. Mom sewed him at night. I still remember how I felt the strength to live. Stumpy is still alive.

When mom saves and other subsidiaries

In the south on vacation mom in the evening because of the wicket of the Master's site heard, saw someone in the bushes it is clearly going to love without consent - that is, the girl is clearly from vacationers fights back and expects, and the guy from corporates is already ready to go to -How. My mother (159 cm in growth) goes for the gate, rests his hands in the sides and the team voice riches:

- Lenka, Bl ... Such, I won't you like to be at home!? Vivid home!

The guy from the surprise of the hand and so ones dropped, the girl quickly into the gate. Not Lenka, by the way, never. My mother then spent her home.

She is impossible for me. Tiny, Echidnaya, Mantle as ... as an operating sister, once worked for a turner and for many years lived with a mother-in-law. Amazingly draws. I have always had the coolest paper dolls.


Once it came to us, and in the evening he writes: go, they say, on the way to the store, buy what? And I ran away from cleaning, and answer: yes, please buy flamethrower, I want to burn everything to the shren. After half an hour, the answer comes: in the store they were told that the flamers were all over, there were shrimps and wine, I took, go? What can I say? It saved the evening.


Funny I will tell: a guy arrives 15 years ago to pick me up a walk, a little earlier, I'm going yet. Mom raises the intercom, hears: "I'm in the car, get down, my joy, and not forget stockings!", I invites you to climb, our votes are very similar. The guy rises, Mom welcomes him, while he stands for embarrassment, carefully looks around and says: "Go to the kitchen to drink coffee, a young man, and I will remind you yet about stockings!".

And she has helped telephone fraudsters to catch, appointing a meeting with them and come from the case then another militia. To her, scammers called, they say, a brother with a drugs in the club took when the brother hung somewhere in friends.

To die alone

He beat off the boys in the yard and brought home the unfortunate kitten of the months of two of two. He brought him to die in warmth and satiety, because he was still stupid to hope for something. I fed, it settled more comfortably, I said - Oh, you probably need to stroke, you want a handle ... Kitten with a broken leaning and the disturbing sparkle of purr. She immediately called him Murzik. My favorite, smart, tender, wonderful, wonderful, understanding Murzik, grew out of the cat-dyashka. 11 years have lived in love. It cost her that evening pass by, not interested in whom the boys kick there ... but did not pass.


Once I had such a strong depression that I could not (and did not want) to walk and Mom lay with me to a private hospital, rented a second bed. I was 20 years old, and my grandfather brothers and a schoolgirl sister remained at home. Mom kept my hand while I did dropper, every day came up with entertainment for me, the motivation to get out of bed - go look at the hospital cats, go through fresh snow barefoot, fed me almost from a spoon, I read me out loud. It very much helped me to recover.

Daughter, you do not want to go to the forest in a suit?

It was my mother who led me to roleviks, before finding out what they do, on March 8, when all the girls were given cosmetics, Mom got somewhere "Silmarillion" for me (a big rarity there and then), and then sewed my first game costume . And all my costumes for matinees and performances are from the non-wise - old things, scraps of ribbons, beads, foils from chocolate. It was like a fairy tale about Fairy.

My mom is a lifeguard

My mom saved many lives. She worked for quite a long time in children's resuscitation, but I did not see her at work ... Once in the summer we went to the river, I was ten years old, my brother - two years old, and the neighbor's Girl Christine - Seven Years. The river was narrow, shallow, we were not afraid of her. I remember very fragmentary as mom rushed to the river, grasped for the branches of Willow, leaning over the river ... In general, Kristinka found Omut. And began silently silent. And my mother went under the water in this waters, but Christina pushed the stranded. And he herself almost drowned, frightened. And my brother and I were afraid later, when it came out ...


My mother is also not Mi-Mi, I have everywhere, but there was a lot too, although they lived hard. The 90s, three, and then four children in the family, wore from clothes that they would give acquaintances. And what did not come from the given - attributed to the Children's Fund.

And I remember, we attributed to my mother there are regular cricks, go home, and my mother says: "Look, we are with you like real English ladies. We are charity. Below things to poor kids. " And my mom loves all English, I then read the little Lords of Fauntleroev. And I'm so fun, I already bouncing on the go. I ask mom: "And the real ladies go scrapping?" Mom takes me at hand, says: "Of course, it goes," and also begins to go scraping. And so we trample to the house at home.


I went on vacation for a month and asked for my mother so that she would pass with the opportunity for my tropical crickets (at the time of his departure there were 7 - 5 males and 2 females). When he returned, they were still 7, but the mother complained that one campus was constantly surprised - at first she had to catch her on the balcony, then under the battery, then in a flower pot ... Well, I looked into the aquarium, and there are six tropical, tropical , and the seventh - wild local campground, black ...

In fact, even I can't catch a street cricket, and my mother succeeded 3 times - if only I would not be upset ...

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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