13 reasons to remember that motherhood is fun. In gifs!


The world will never be the same if you have a little baby. Suddenly you will find out that many things can find a fundamentally different application. This is what we call a real unmotion of consciousness!

The best toy in the opinion of your crawling baby is not a lovingly chosen developing plastic crap, and that a cool rustling package, in which you brought it. ABOUT! There is also a box? Combo - this is a holiday!


The lair of debauchery is houses of new grandmothers and grandparents. Because they can all have children! Yes, you are a mother-echidna, and there - a paradise place! So, if you worried about bad companies and all that, relax. The most terrible organized and powerful grouping is already working with your child. And he likes it.

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You nest. You can eat with you, sleep, shook. And dad is joy. And in general everything around is joy and laughter. And you nest. Just come across. Nesters do not cry.

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If you have a girl, then she is better than you. Yes, it is impossible to resist her before it! By the way, if you have a boy, then the situation is the same.

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There is no logic in the world. And the truth is also not. Therefore, when you explain the crumb that the cow says "Muuuu", then do not be surprised that then everyone says "Muuuu." Explain that grandmother, dad and neighbor cat speak differently, will be extremely difficult.

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Have you ever wondered about the meaning of your words? Be ready for everything that you say will be perceived literally. And on the phrase: "Well, the blow to the room!", The child will begin to blow hard, but not to run somewhere. Excry clear. It will be easier.

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You can teach the baby with different useful words, but it will be what you will challenge. Yes, then you explain to your grandparents (and not only them), where your child knows such a complex word as "Kindzazrauli". And try someone prove that you have a non-drinking family.

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Shovel in winter is the most necessary subject. If you go to visit, walk or to the doctor, then you can forget anything, but not to the shovel. Yes, in the queue you will also sit with it in an embrace. And what if the war, in fact.


You are a favorite mother. It does not matter whether you feed the breast or mixture, you are still a favorite mother. And do not listen to those who say that you have no connection with the child. Let their connections establish. For example, with a brain. You have everything in order with them. Who disagrees - got up and came out, and it is not necessary to express my opinion.


Do not try to justify your actions with a potential benefit that they can bring to the child. You are going to the sea. Not because your one year old baby dreams by sea expanses, but because you want the sea. In general, pediatricians such travels most often do not recommend, especially if they mean a journey from the winter to summer. But in any case, this is your choice. And just say it: "Yes, I want to the sea." Believe it is not a crime.

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Your task is to act in the interests of the child. To carry it on the developments is not because all your friends go, but because it is such classes you need your baby. And then you do not have time to look back, as you enter the meaningless and merciless race Mamash. Togo and look, you will start to tell everyone how in a year and a half you already read and write on Sanskrit. In general, loaming turns, mother.

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It's incredibly healthy when something from what you cook, becomes a favorite dish of your child. Hey, chefs, let's join-like! Where do Mishlen's stars give?

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You have a lot of tears in you. If a romantic story is shown in the film - you cry from lunizing. If the tragic is from grief. Yes, you do not care in general, about what the movie is there. In principle, you can cry and while watching news. And these are all hormones, yes. Not anywhere. Terp. And buy Valerian to your home.

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Illustrations: shutterstock

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