Znorly: 6 facts about porn that you did not know (18+)


Right now - yes, this very second - 30 million people are watching porn online on the entire planet. And no one ever learns how much she moves its warm lamp collection on CD (such also preserved). With such a scale of popularity, it is even strange that we know about the porn industry so little.

Big breasts - concession to the controlling authorities

Almost every porn actrix is ​​equipped with such a bust that any airship has a complex of inferiority at a glance at it. And this is not only - and not so much - because the target audience requires more. Statistics show that men's preferences are divided between all sizes almost equally. The thing is that a subtitle girl with breastfing of zero size or a little more suggests that it is a minor. And uncle-poroproduces charges in inciting and propaganda at all. So the big breast is rather reinsurance.

Such work requires body modification

Vaginas porn actresses look like works of art - perfectly symmetrical, made in a pleasant pastel column. Often this is not a gift of nature, but the result of essential investments in the production tool. Intimate plastic and bleaching procedures in the porn industry are extremely in demand. And full depilation today is a compulsory requirement.

Porn - territory where women finally get more men

The work of porn actor is not that insanely profitable. In the United States, where 98% of all porn movies are still shot, the actor's actor receives an average of $ 500 for the film - however, the actor gay porn can count on 1000-1500. The middle rate for a woman is 1000 dollars per film, and to remove in lesbian porn less profitable - in this case, the salary is reduced to $ 700. Despite the fact that many believe that the porn industry exploits women, this is one of the very few areas where women are consistently get more men and can stand conditions - for example, refuse to work with a partner who is unpleasant to them, or require immediate enhancement of the fee, or change Scenario, if something in it does not like something.

This is a profession, sharpened under the head

Pornishters are very healthy people and their mode is similar to the mode of athletes. Fitness room, healthy eating, at 22:00 - Binky, no expanding consciousness of substances and cakes, HIV tests and other infections every three weeks. Lovers thicken and relax in the industry do not longly delay, hangover and frills in food instantly affect the form of priests and performance.

Porncasts are also warm up

On the shooting of a 40-minute film takes a whole day from dawn to sunset. A couple of hours is made up of makeup and laying, the rest is warming up, rehearsal and many doubles. For example, preparation for the anal sex scene can occupy half an hour - with warm-up, lubricants and anal Christmas trees. Here, by the way, one more reason is not to take porn as a guide to action.

Us excites not what we think

Researchers at the University of Indiana tracked the direction of the view of volunteers viewing porn movies. Where, do you think Men watched most? Did not guess. On the face of porn actresses. The researchers came to the conclusion that people are most of all turning not so much the effect of the fact that the fact that the girl on the screen is really excited, but to determine this is the easiest way to express it.

In the American Northport University, they went even further - there volunteers watched pornography with electronic sensors on penis and vaginas - so scientists measured the actual level of excitation, since the questionnaire can also be revealed, but the erection and acceleration of blood circulation are not deceived.

It turned out that heterosexual men excites mainly heterosexual porn, homosexual - respectively, geekic. And women turn out to be all - Geek, lesbian, ordinary, solo and Hang-Bang. In general, no difference.

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