What we dreamed of in childhood and where dreams lead. Real stories of our readers


What do people dream of childhood, not necessarily go to astronauts? Are dreams come true, and if they come true, do we give us happiness? We question our readers about their kindergarten and whether they were implemented in life.

As a child, I wanted a small wireless TV, where there are all films in the world, which could be looking under the blanket at night, so that the parents do not see ... Now I have an iPhone.


My favorite story. 12 years to the question of who I want to be when I am growing, I answered that I want to "sit on the lighthouse and write poems." Well. Fifteen years later I worked in the advertising department of the Radio "Lighthouse" - and wrote advertising, including in verses.


I always dreamed of becoming an artist. Mamina girlfriend remember that I am another four of the question "Anya, who do you want to become?" answered "Khovovnitsa!" Well, it became, of course, although I had to work hard. And even dreamed of living in the village, to start your living creatures and to directly with long winter evenings at the light of Luchin. I still live in the city, but the children's dream never let go. Now I dream that as soon as the daughter grows and go to the college, I will buy my house in Gluffy and I will live there. True instead of living creatures and the lady I now need Wi-Fi.


I dreamed of being red! And there was a Russian-orphan-chestnic, with liquid straight hair. He dreamed of being red and curly, after seeing in childhood illustrations and concepts of Larry Elmor to Dragonlance (sister and mom read this Sagu). And suddenly, in the period of puberty, I had sharply grew by the fact that I saw only in the pictures in the pictures.


I wanted to live alone (I live). I wanted to be someone like the leader's sect or teacher (teach, and it would be better to become the leader's sect!). I didn't really dream about the boys, but I thought if I was found - then only the long-haired and genius (oh, I did not know many things related to long-haired geniuses!). Dreamed of making cartoons. So far only led the project to create an animation for the game.


I wanted to be a doctor and did not. I am satisfied with my current profession, and very, but every time I see people in white coats, I feel feelings that are not amenable to describe them.


All conscious childhood was engaged in creativity. She wrote-painted graphic novels, sewed dolls. And he did not become a professional artist, because in our city there was no university with such a profile, and in the school allegedly a bad school. But it was still possible to unregularly publish his drawings. I remember how the first foreign publication came by mail accuracy of the September 11th. I have happiness, and here it is.


I wanted to be a janitor in my childhood because I thought that those ancient cities that fade along with people went underground because nobody would notice them. Just to save yourself. Then, when I realized that the burial under the cultural layer does not threaten me here, I decided to be an excavator, and then decided to become a fat rich and famous great artist. With fat, now I'm struggling, it remains to have celebrities and irrelevant wealth.


When digital cameras appeared, I was fascinated, this is exactly what I always wanted from the camera: so that the picture was visible immediately.


He lived in a small town, where only on May 9, they produced a couple of salute salts. Dreamed to turn out to the salutes and see the salute Millennium. Now the windows are located in such a way that all the volts of fireworks from Petropavlovka and the water area (except the lowest) mine !!! You can sit on the windowsill and admire comfort. I saw. Satisfied.


Of the years for children's dream: "Go through a bookstore, choose the most beautiful books, then the most interesting, then just the first things like - and so that all the money did not end." Came true when the New Year's gifts were collected - libraries for orphanages. Such a beauty scored, completely magical.


I wanted to quickly grow, live on my own, make decisions and respond for myself, and it turned out to be as cool, as I was presented in my childhood. Cat - Check, a family in which psychologically comfortable, do not swear and respect each other - Check. But the astronaut did not become changed


He dreamed of becoming a vagramed year in 5-7. Partially came true from 14 to 21 in modern urban realities.


I had an idiotic dream in childhood. I adored to look at the windows while she went somewhere. I wanted terribly seeing how people live. (That's why - who knows me?) I wanted to horror. You understand who the first agreed when at work was offered to work as a correspondence on the census!


I thought in my childhood that the saleswoman in the candy department all candy as if they belong to them and they could eat them how much would they want, so I dreamed to work as a saleswoman. The saleswoman did not come true, but with candy came true, and now here is completely to the sweets, and in general, sweets cool.


In 2 years, I reimbursed to become a tram driver - came true, and as! At the same time, a dream appeared about his own camera - and it came true, but not immediately.


The puppet stroller bought himself in 43 years, antique. Then two more.

He dreamed of traveling, visited 86 countries, while there is no longer any opportunity, I have two aged dogs, they will not postpone the long separation. Then maybe.


A completely intolerable dream for a girl with brown hair was to become a snow maiden. I really admired such "beauty", but the matinees in the Snow Maiden dressed up the classic blue-eyed blondes. A fulfillment of an unexpected Boca flew out when he opened the time of "Deadmorozov" my former husband is an actor. On the third year he decided to dedmorzite with me, and the hair color did not confuse. Wow, invested for many years ahead.


I dreamed of being an investigator to walk in shape, and a military husband to wait for his return. As a result, I studied at a university with a form (at a very peaceful specialty, and the form was terribly uncomfortable), and the husband does not get out of business trips.


I, in general, is glad that my children's dreams did not come true. Because I dreamed of heroically die - and so far alive and I want to live as much as much as much, I really like it.

Stories Collected Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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