4 cynical truths about great love and happy marriage


To begin with, we break all the places: great love has very little attitude towards how strong your family will be. The secret codes of those couples who lived to senile dementia in complete harmony, pretty cynical and romance in them - with Gulkin's nose.

You will not share everything in half

Many go under the crown, seriously hoping that everything will be honestly: I am my dishes, you kill Mammoth. Or we are both dishes - you half and I have half, and the mammoth will die from old age. Or we go to the mammoth in a single front and then weigh it right with your hands, without any dishes.

Very optimistic approach. Because even if you have blood to sign an agreement on the separation of homework, one still will do the house more - and to trade on the one who is invested less. And this is even worse for the family microclimate, than to drag on yourself the life alone. Because very soon the self-appointed lord of the rags and the washing will begin to dispel the partner for non-compliance with the balance and distribute orders, as a servant or unreasonable child. And the partner will either argue, or wander around the house with a view of a puppy, whom they stumbled into a nose in a puddle - and it is still unknown that worse. So just accept as a fact - someone will do the house more.

It is impossible to nurse with your insults

And there will be a lot of them, very much - it is impossible to live with a man in one house and not be offended by him for all trivia. And here the dog buried - 99% of the offense is truly little things that are not worth the many hours of experiences and anger. Actually, they do not cost attention at all. Because if you do not survive in the nuclear desert of toxic relationships (after all?), Close clearly does not want to offend you. And chasing the angry wonders in the head, you deplete your strength. The insults on fundamental issues should also not feed the inner monologue - it can be understood only by dialogue - out loud.

This person is not your second half

Just because you were not half a human hard up before it met him. Of course, the change of "I" on "We" is a powerful oxytocyne thing, and the temptation behave as if you are members of a dashing gang consisting of two, very large. But this is the real betrayal towards the one-piece original version of you, which perfectly coped with life before the wedding. Maybe then you were more lonely, but you were definitely not a semi-finished product.

You are not insured against divorce

And no one is insured, even those who have a black belt on relationships and two hundred seminars on the disclosure of femininity by shoulders. There is no difference between those who met in the sandbox, got married as soon as the law gave it good, and lived all my life in the soul, and those who divorced three times or never reached the registry office. And no one will give you a vaccine from divorce on your tenth, twentieth or fiftieth anniversary of the wedding. Even if you try very hard. Like any success, the family is the share of the effort and share of luck, and if the efforts still thinly depend on you, then the luck is in no way. In the end, you are two, and you can't challenge the one who is lying nearby - even if you do everything right, it can still brand everything. What else does not mean that it is not worth trying.

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