I want to pamper you today: Magic Stories of Simple Family Love


Psychologists say that in children who grew up on examples of an explicit, quite financially carried out by love (be it an embodiment of presented earrings or touching letters) less likely to suffer into unhealthy relations with his spouse in adulthood. We asked our readers and readers who were lucky to watch full love actions between moms-dads and grandparents, share, how it looked.

Maybe we have something to learn - we will then submit a good example to our children.


Tsar, Queen and Tsarevna

Dad was preparing the "royal breakfasts" (this he called them so), while I slept with my mother. Everyday. He himself covered with jokes-booms, we wake up like two princesses, already on all the ready-made. And after breakfast, we thanked us for the company.


When my mother was pregnant with me, closer to childbirth, she somehow wanted beer and dried fish. It is necessary to pan, usually she could not tolerate beer. And before there were such tents with beer and to them the turn of all local alkash. It was necessary to come with her tara, and Dad did not know. And so he crashed into this turn with a scream that he urgently needed beer for his wife! The men sent him, did not want a turn to give up ... But when they figured out, then the container for beer was found, and the fish was presented.

Mom, then he remembered everything, with what pleasure she saw this beer and as a fish was suused: "How I ate this nastyness - and it was so tasty."

Three pairs

My dad in the mornings on Sunday threw a light nor dawn and ran to the bazaar. He brought heavy bags with the most fresh and ripe vegetables and fruits, a pek in the oven potatoes, cut a huge salad bowl (filled with sauer cabbage in winter in the winter), I woke my mother and me. It was a late Sunday breakfast "for girls", it was happiness.

In the house of Pope had its place at the table, a favorite fork, a favorite plate. Mom always cleverly substituted him exactly. Fork, by the way, it is still kept still, however, we - she turned out to be a beloved and her grandson, and grandparents had a grandfather and indulge him together and according to.

There were always gifts to each other. Dad 81, Mom 73. He will certainly give her flowers to all holidays and on the anniversary of the wedding. Mom has heavy arthritis, it does not leave without dad, so before the holidays, waiting for the dad to smoke, calls me and "orders" a bottle of brandy or something else. Because there must be a surprise.

An unexpected trip to the cinema or the theater is also from my childhood. Go on vacation by car, on the track, go to some kind of outlet (in the villages there were better supply) and persuade each other to buy. In order for mom to be unable to be the perfume, and the dad is necessarily - that shirt.

And in general somewhere and continues. Well, only without hiking to the bazaar - no strength. But how they care about each other. And as dad in any cafe, for any event and in any guests do not forget to take a sofa pillow, because only her mom is comfortable.


Grandfather and Grandma - Mamina Mom and stepfather. Well, firstly and in-main, stepfather adored my mother. I think there is no faithful way to the heart of the wife. And in the most difficult and scarce times from under the ground, chocolate candies were mined. Grandma was very ascetic, could do, it seems, without everything, but sweet was its weakness. And grandfather did not know obstacles. And he was a fashion designer and dressed it with stunning taste and elegance.

He was a Jew, her grandmother - Orthodox. In Easter, the grandfather painted eggs - he painted amazingly. In the Jewish holidays, grandmother stacked the fish, made honey rugs and strudel, in general, the entire repertoire of a good Jewish house, and collected a family - dad's holiday.

Papina parents. The family is more patriarchal, Jewish, such a kind of without much sublimation. Grandma was painful, complete, had a heart problem. Grandfather was sacred to the afternoon she smashed on the afternoon. And so that Her Nicketo does not bother at this time.

Grandmother and grandfather both were prepared, replaced each other at the stove. But only she knew how to cook an amazing, amber apricot jam, where in each apricot (and they swam in the jam and visible was a gun on the skirt) was embedded from her bone. And even if he was sick, to the very death of every year she fought with this time-consuming project, because "Abraha loves." And they strained each other the last favorite candy "Cow" - they always had these candy. They reigned some extraordinary respect for each other.

Candy under the pillow

Pope Mom all the time puts candy under the pillow. This is a petty, but for me a rather touching pampering.

Grandfather Grandma bought everything, all, fur coats, jewelry, scratch bald, but she cries all his life every day, I will not invent the diagnosis, but I strongly suspect that all grandfathers gifts in these conditions are not pampering, but support in depressive condition.

Soft shirts

On the weekend dad prepared late breakfast / lunch for the whole family. Mom sewed him flannel shirts. They were not sold in stores, and he loved soft.


Feed each other with hands

My father with my mother has a strange morning ritual. They eat for breakfast every day with an oil and cheese sandwich, drinking tea. So, none bite off from his sandwich. Just treat each other with the hands - bring to the mouth so that the second bit off. And always smile at the same time.

When I was small, they sat down so breakfast, just feeding me. I sat and drank tea and watched, how to feed each other with sandwiches. Whatever happened on the street, at school, in stores, this picture every morning I instilled in me some kind of security.

Like in the movies

My dad loved to drive mom to a restaurant. The case was in the seventies. Mom every time he visited the hairdresser. Blonde. Even pretended that she was unpleasant. They took in a restaurant and me. Mom chose white wine and fish. Father even frustrated if his mother was not fun. But she was always a little sad and alert. Hichkokov blonde. Father - of course, brunette.

Gifts Volkhvov

In the difficult moment of life, Dad and Mom were divided, but wrote to each other very gentle letters, with good poems and even in hell, dad managed to find small presents there and transfer them to mom (and us).

And I once found a heap of glued album sheets and watmans with a bad and good handwriting, cartoons drawings ... It was they who did each other wall newspapers.

Once they had a story for the new year in the spirit of O'Henry. There was no money, two student, nothing. I sold something valuable in Lombard and gave each other a beautiful handle and I don't remember what the second thing, toy, or what? Something is very cheap, but cute.

At home, Pope tried that he could take on. Mom hated and did not know how to iron pants. Dad stroked all, even mom. Well, I will not talk about homework, it is not a pellement, but the life rate. Even at the weekend dad did breakfast - omelets or potatoes delicious.

But Mommin grandfather indulged his wife in the peasant - she did not get up early, before the work of the grandfather, he wore water in the morning, asked the food of animals, birds, the most difficult to do everything.



Grandfather brought Granule every morning the freshest bagels from the newly opened bakery. He worked in a pension to the janitor, got up early, worked, and just ended the discovery, took her home, breads. And grandma is necessarily rogal.


In the most difficult time for our family, the end of the 80s-beginning 90s (we still lived in Russia), Dad tried at least sometimes to get candies for us. For all of us, but: it was my mother that he tried to get personal "adults" sweets, some drunk cherry, even a little, so that she did not distribute all this to children, leaving himself a blurred quarter, but, so to speak, with a clear conscience ate it all itself. As I understand now, it was important for her, it was at that time.

And also dad wrote a mother poems. Good poems, they are recorded in a notebook.

And grandfather on the maternal line, when he retired (he was a military sailor) made all the "heavy" work on the house: Vijal, soap floors and a bath, prepared exclusively he. He prepared, by the way, ingeniously, in no restaurant, in no family, I did not try anything, at least a little approaching my grandfather. True, this is not "pampering", he considered it a natural part of his housework. But it always tried to cook something particularly tasty for her grandmother what she liked.

Coffee in bed

My dad was not some kind of good husband, but three things for Mom did steadily.

Every day, before work, I got up before all to cook coffee (real or what I got it) and bring a cup of a stool near the laid sofa, where they slept with my mother. Only after that I won it. She drank coffee and prepared all breakfast, collected children and also went down to work.

For the night, it is necessary to calculate her hair itself, slowly and lovingly, although mom's hair was not like a mermaid, ordinary thin blond hair. She always streamed their shoulders.

Always erased his socks and panties. I did not explain it in any way, but it was such a rule: the mother does not touch the dirty dirty underwear.


Bereg Grandma's Handles

The grandfather did not allow grandmother to wash the dishes - always, every day I soap this dishes throughout my life.


Pope satisfied some "surprises": then perfume in the box, then the twigs of mimosa or lilac, then the scribed is new (she always wore them before). And necessarily with some boom, improvised on the go.

And for holidays and birthdays - just signed the postcard itself and the colorfully designated it. "Land" us with my brother, so that choir yelling "Pa-Zdra-Vlya-EM!" And - access to the body - for the row of kisses.

Proudly represented mom, my witch! I did not bother on hugs and kisses - with us always chascrewly fucked.

Stories gathered Lilith Mazikina

Photos: shutterstock

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