How not to go into consideration?


Everyone knows that you have to be a good girl and then nothing bad happens to you. Even bad girls know it. And they probably had a very offensive to know. Then the bad girls gathered and filed a collective petition of the universe.

Expensive universe! Please come up with some kind of readiness in which exceptionally good girls will be blocked. And we are bad - never. So the world has a co-addiction. Well, not so of course, but in every joke there is some truth. If you are a good girl, this text is for you.

What it is

Capacity - a very unpleasant condition of the human dependence, which itself is absorbed by addiction. The train is such. Dage for a repkah, grandmother for grandfather. Metaphorical repka may be any dependency, but most often it turns out to be chemical - alcohol, drugs, that's all. Creepy vegetable, in general. Granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse periodically take desperate attempts to drag the grandmother and from Dedi, and from repka. Swells back and kaak boil into the ear "Throw the Bolya!". Once Garnut, the other, and then go to your business, making sure that the number is dead. The grandmother urgently need a specialist. Sedka, is understandable, he is also needed, but Dage Rove has planted himself, and with the grandmother what? It would seem - throw you and the grandfather, and repka, you won the granddaughter of the clever-beauty and a complete set of pets, and you clung to my pants with a dead grip and see nothing around, except for a decky sedalent. And life goes. This is expensive small readers, and there is a co-addiction. It is difficult to treat it. It's easier to prevent. Crush in the embryo. To do this, we need to learn a few simple phrases. And never, never talk to themselves. And if it pulls something to say something - you need to blow up the garden to the damn mother, together with the samp and repka, and cubs, covering the bundle.

"Close people should help each other"

Yes, but if a person give a fish, he will be fed, and if a person give bream ... although not. Dependent will not help neither the shares or other subtletiles. And he will not help the treatment of secret pills. And no good person will help - neither a psychologist, nor a psychiatrist nor a specialist on handing up everyone who wants. No one will help him, until he himself wants to get rid of his dependence. This simple truth seems to be known to everyone. But people falling into copendionally refuse to understand the other simple truth: if you depend on the dependent, he never wants anything. What for? He is so good. He helps him in everything, and in the meantime he suffers, lying on the sofa. In perfect, why change something?

"Throw a person in trouble - Delo"

Therefore, he must be seated on her neck and the need. Dependence is not trouble. Now, if a person went to his work, and suddenly the poisoned brick fell from birch - it was a trouble. And if a person with a pretty zeal is drinking - it does not matter, this is a problem. The problem that has a solution - with a successful circumstance. Suggest a person to solve the problem. And that is all. And if nothing changes - a person really needs to be thrown. And it is not enough, it is not enough. Delicate - to throw itself in the bunch of coependence and to kill there in the color of years. And still beside - to force other people to pull you out from there. Together with your anchor.

"Who if not me?"

An excellent question. What, there are no more people who want to leave their lives under the legs of the monster, which has long lost the human appearance? Is there no queue? Oh. Why. As strange.

"What if he disappears without me?"

Well, a clear thing. Dependent people do everything to keep their lounge dependency. They guard her, his prelace. But someone should feed them at this time, to clean up for them, give them money, to heal, stroke the head, listen to their drunk nonsense and tell the fairy tales about how everything will be fine. Who will do all this, is asked? And here there is a wishing to save! The dependent is touched by suicide, it hits the legs with the screams "I correct, just not to throw me!", I kind of sort of sincerely - and voila: I am ready for the help of helping. Because the dependent himself said that he would disappear. Well, that, that he is always lying, every day, infection, lying. All lies, and this is true. Yeah. SHAZ.

"No matter how worse it is!"

Alcoholics for the most part of the comrades are very violent. Drink and scratch fists about the neighbor - their favorite occupation. Drug addicts and players drag out of the house all that is not attacked, and what is pinned - they dug and drag too. And all of them, as if consistent, periodically disappear somewhere and begins fun - looking for firefighters, looking for militia. Related sobbing and calling the morgues to hear the progress of the Sanitars who are tired of weekly calls from the same number. So, it is asked - much worse? Oh, there is where. So you reach the bottom, and the bottom will knock. Capper will knock and ask chairs to borrow. On the commemoration. Mount them, Vassenka died. But before this broke the head of his wife the last stool. Scary? Oh no. It is not scary. It will be terrible that Vassenka's wife will be sincerely grown. She saved him all his life, and he, a scoundrel, died. Why live now, for whom? And this stage of telecommunication, alas, already inoperable. Therefore, never, never tell yourself any of these phrases. And if I really want to say - the decoupling from Dedi. Finish right now! Next time, dear readers, we will tell you about the triangle of Karpman. This is such a thing that delays a person tightly, where there is a Bermuda triangle with his ships. This all will take away, do not suppress anyone. Creepy creature. But it will be a very scary fairy tale. Where there is a repka.

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