6 things that girls are very raised with kisses


By the way, it was the pleasant of kisses that determines how much the girl enthusiasm the guy and how ready to forgive him misses in bed. So say scientists!

So, boys, avoid doing these mistakes.



It is clear that you need to brush your teeth and you should not have garlic and bow before the kiss otherwise than with the girl. But still tricks. Some guys smell like a stomach when they rummage, so carefully with kisses on an empty stomach. Not all girls like the sharp taste of menthol. I want to solve the mouth - even the cucumber will be better to fall. Or tea drink.


There is nothing worse than climbing kissing immediately after having smoked, or shortly after drunk sweet coffee or tea. Salus acquires very, very neurotic taste.

Close up

Not to all girls like a kiss with a language, but many are well tolerated if the guy should first be angry with her lips. You do not need to just open your mouth and throw in the attack, even if you want to show all my passion.


Do not make it calculate how many snot penetrated into the mouth. Find other places for kisses. The neck, the back of the brush, shoulders are not enough, do you have gentle places?

Grab and pull

There are guys who, when a kiss stroke the girl's head. These are still nothing, although sometimes spoil the hairstyle. And some, as in the cinema, wrapped your heads in the area of ​​the cheek or ears and suddenly ... They begin to pull, as if springs from the earth want to pull out. Do not do it this way!

Make a shoe neck

Most of the large boys are above their girls, but still make the girl in a kiss are inconvenient to throw the head - a bad idea. It is difficult to kiss the standing - sit down, plunge, well, or put a girl on a stool.

Illustration: shutterstock

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