Marriage with character


The fate of your union determine your temperatures - not in everything, of course, and in some places. But sometimes quite important places!

Phlegmatic + phlegmatic

Marriage with character 37030_1

This pair has two main problems: how at the stage "and I like it" to get close - to have time to complete this process to the second coming, and as at the stage "brought tomatoes" to part - to preserve the remnants of the abdicted friend of the brain. When both do everything in detail, important decisions can be discussed by centuries and not accepted by era. In the tenth year of their life, they are traveling to a family nest, and at the seventeenth friends at home they understand that it seems that these two are already not divorced.

Phlegmatic + choleric

Marriage with character 37030_2

As one famous psychologist said: "The main thing is that the convexity of one accounted for the other." And this is exactly the same. This couple will make a wonderful team, where one thinks out the details, and the second gives the magic pendalete. But the funniest starts when a choleric is rope of something, Candalitis and she rises, while his costly half is stuck somewhere in the first stage of this cheerful chain.

Phlegmatic + Sangvinik

Marriage with character 37030_3

Here one always conquers, and the other will gradually open. And how not to open here, when you throw roses and serenades on the roofs rush!? But when the phlegmatic will open and trust without a residue ... "Where are you?", "And where have you been?", "You never have a minute for me!", "And why are you talking to me?", "Yes you Listen to me, "No, you probably don't love me." The rest of the life of the Sanguinik will reflect on the fact that he needed this "disclosure" and what to do with it. However, further reflection is the case, most likely, will not leave - that he and Sanguine.

Phlegmatic + melancholic

Marriage with character 37030_4

This couple has an order and comfort, from which none of them is not particularly rushing. Faithful food is enough to retirement, everything is ready for July holiday already in April, and even kitchen flies fly not just so, but neat rows. Despite the fact that one of the partners periodically intuacitis, the second books, and both are not at all away to win - all the utensils have a mustache and periodically even washed away. It seems that the guys even did not even quarreled well ... Parties in this house were also not served so, but to warm up the soul from a family hearth is just from them, yes.

Choleric + choleric

Marriage with character 37030_5

Storm and onslaught, baking passions, beautiful novel, five orgasms per night, two attempts to choose a day. Quarrels will be such that the surroundings will be shuddered, and the world will receive from reconciliation. In general, the quiet pier they will definitely not build. At least with each other. But it will be what to remember pensions! The main thing is to try not to intersect after the break. Because, most likely, everything will begin on a new one.

Choleric + Sanguine

Marriage with character 37030_6

With a high probability, the "Free Union", "high relationship", "guest marriage" or how they still decide to call it. Down with the jealousy, no one should anything, we are for openness and sincerity, let them live freedom, love experiments and every self-expression. The performance will continue until one beautiful morning choler will not stand on the other legs and will not understand that it is causally used, the heart is broken and the restoration is not subject to restoration, and in general everything is delented. It starts the most interesting. Sometimes tragic, sometimes curious. What to do, clarifying relationships and sounding subtleties is not the strong side of both.

Choleric + melancholic

Marriage with character 37030_7

Oh, spiritual torment and heart wounds will be a lot here - during this union, a sensitive melancholic will be kicked by 20 diaries. The second side also does not have to be bored: these rods of the house and sponges are enough for the bows, in order for choleric to clap the door for 28 times per day. However, if both love each other for flour (and most often it happens), they will suffer long and happily, and will die in one day.

Sanguine + Sanguinik

Marriage with character 37030_8

Sanguine lovers are the Union of two hares from Duracell advertising. Noise, Gamu, every disorder will be in excess! They will make a circle, will give each other by the asteroid, and the remaining means will botherly bother, after which they will carefully earn again. That's just if some worm crashes in their relationship, he may have time to devour all the love of it, even before the parties reach anything to discuss anything.

Sanguine + Melancholic

Marriage with character 37030_9

He flirting, dismisses his tail, sparkles and teases - and once suddenly feels that he got. How did this happen? Unnoticed! And now his electric guitar is gently wiped with a cloth on Fridays ... And he is so loud: yes I can freedom more than life! And he quietly: you still go to this interview, eh? And he is so proud: you are not available to Gagaram! And he gently: Yes, you are a petrel, my chick ...

Melancholic + melancholic

Marriage with character 37030_10

So who is "seriously and forever", so these are these. They will come true, a fool, will be built up, they will save, will increase and transmit to descendants. True, right up to retirement will be interrupted on the subject of the severity of the kitchen bucket, but all the tests will meet hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. After all, this is such luck - to meet the one who the word "relationship" writes the same capslock, like you yourself!

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