7 phrases that psychologists can no longer hear


Psychology is a profession that does not scrub from people. Sometimes - unfortunately. Some things "tyopsihologists" have already tortured to hear from friends, acquaintances and very barely familiar unauthorized persons who do not even customers!



"You are such conflict, psychologists must be cute and contact!"

None in any Code of the psychologist is not written that I should smile a person who ignores all requests to behave decently and, for example, do not blow the root on the floor in the elevator and do not drive the car to the well-kept flower bed.

# 2.

"I need to make a thing here, which I don't want to do, motivate me!"

I can only demotivate to come to me. For this, I don't even need Russian folk expressions for this, and I remember so for a long time - a digestive one.

# 3.

"Wow you, are you a psychologist? And guess what I think now! "

Right now you think that psychologists are telepaths, obviously. And now guess what I think about the level of your intelligence.


"It is impossible to argue with psychologists, it is better to go away right away, and they will hypnotize!"

You have already explicitly hypnotized. It seems on TV. Give guess the channel - Rentv?


"Why are you so sad? You are a psychologist, where is your positive thinking? "

As a psychologist, I find the accommodation of sadness right now with a necessary and positive action, it is this message that stands at my expressive look at you, a human.

# 6.

"Give me advice as a psychologist ..."

As a psychologist, I do not have the right to give you advice. Only in humans I can, but you, I look, not interesting.

# 7.

"What do you interrupt me, psychologists must listen to people!"

At work. And you stopped me on the street and dragged the volyn about how you didn't love mom in my childhood. I sympathize, but I have. By the way, come to a paid reception to listen about the personal boundaries and how they do not climb.

Tormented psychologists Lilit Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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