What cocktail are you? Pass our test - and find out



In each person a thing for all. And sometimes - also shake. It happens, talk to a person - and I want to dance the dance of small swans on the bar counter. And it happens - I want to go and open something ... or asteroid, or another zero-five. And what would you be, if you were poured into glasses? You are just nine questions from the full and final truth! ;)

Question 1 of 9. Drink or not to drink?

That is the question

No problem!

Think ourselves: what is the root in the word bespel? ;)

Who am I so not to drink? It's not me, this classic said

I do not see the reason not!

On the one hand, you can drink ... and there is no neck!


I work on this issue

Is this a question or offer?

Question 2 of 9. Your favorite snack?

What for?

Coffee beans, they smell interrupt

Something delicious

Depending on the phases of the moon

What can be selected from competitors!

More drink, eat less!

Snack - Product Translation

Some protoplasm


Question 3 of 9. I drink to ... What?

To forget

To remember

Have fun!

Land lying!

People immediately become prettier

This topic was given to you!

To all! What?

To become not so perfection

This is the topic for dissertation

Question 4 of 9. Your favorite toast?

With Svidanian



Kamon, Mi Korason!

For everything I am ashamed to tell, but please remember!

It will take two and a half monitor.

I want to drink ... I want to drink!


For those present here beautiful us!

Question 5 of 9. After the third you remember the song ...

Oh, frost frost

What is autumn is the sky

And we light up!

From a smile will be the day of light

Aria Lensky

Winema vodka.

Molly Maloon.


And why after the third? I remember all Rammstein

Question 6 of 9. Where do you like to relax?

Where-where ... on Friday!

In a horizontal position

In a spiritual company

On the beach, and where else can you relax?

I just love to do it


On the ground

In the allotted places

In a good mood

Question 7 of 9. What is Friday for you?

Red Calendar Day

Freydey means Freedom's Day, who does not know

Little Life

Little death

Do not touch the holy!

And what other days are there?

According to the schedule - driving goats!

Blue dream of my pink childhood


Question 8 of 9. Do you have a hangover?

Oh, well, why do you mean sad in such a nice evening

Do not you have? So you are clearly biorobot!

What was the invented cold champagne invented - the best morning medicine?

So on Saturdays, but how else

But after all on Saturdays!

And on Monday I'm cucumber!


Depending on which natural phenomena is meant

Is it a despicable, low and unaesthetic? Sure!

Question 9 of 9. How are you?

Thank you, and you?

OK, Gregory!

Depending on how much you want to take


I will answer only in the presence of my avocado



In some ways it is possible ...

Are you not afraid to hear the answer?

The next question is complete to start re-

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