As the signs of the zodiac make repairs


The universal wisdom "is better than two fires than one repair" is true absolutely for all signs of the zodiac. But some signs go further and change the word "fire" in the above wisdom to the phrase "nuclear explosion" in the above wisdom.



Capricorn makes repair thoroughly. At first he counts the estimate. Then it multiplies it for two (yes, Capricorn understands that the estimate must be multiplied by two). After that sails money. And only then goes to a construction store, where the staff starts amazing adventures. First, the sales manager condescendingly giggles and offers to see something else, and not what Capricorn demanded.

An hour later, it is noticeably nervous, the sales manager assures that they have no wallpaper with pearl buttons, they don't have any buttons with buttons at all, which are the same wallpaper! Two hours later, the manager stands on his knees and cries, saying: "I" ROG I AM WHY? " But Capricorn knows exactly what he wants, so by the end of the day the sweaty and sobbing manager gives birth to a pearl buttons, and the Capricorn, having fun, go home, where it is still waiting for a carefree builders brigade who does not suspect which amazing adventures are waiting for them ahead .



Aquarius makes the repair by chance. Nothing foreshadowed trouble - Aquarius just came to visit the old girlfriend. And that completely accidentally recently made repairs. And began - oh, what a cute tile, and where I took, and how much it costs, hmm ... really cheap ... After that, armed with the phones of sellers of a nice tile and workers with straight hands, Aquarius returns home and reports nothing to suspects that you can not live But with a new cafeter - you can. The household timidly say that there is no money for repairs. Aquarius is thinking for a second and sends them to rob the bank. Aquarius should not think about nonsense. Aquarius should wash in the bathroom with a beautiful cafeter.



Fish make repairs scale. Here we break, here will expand, it will work out a lot of space and air. And in that corner, we will imperceptibly stand aquarium. With hippos. Inspired fish crashes the Pol Apartments, and then she suddenly, without declaring the war, money ends. As a result, the fishes are stumbled about the tile in the hallway, promising that next month I am for sure, here is an honest word, finish. In the meantime, the fish are verbally and very convincingly explain to the shocked guests that the hatched tile in the kitchen is such a new-fashioned concept "Red Tablet" from the creators of the "matrix". And, what is characteristic, some slave signs, looking at this trash, begin to care carefully, what, maybe, and I suffer such?



Aries makes the repair forever. Because the Aries do not exchange on trifles - everything should be perfect. But budget. But perfect. Therefore, Aries will explore the entire range available in the city - from hooks to hooks in the bathroom - as if he was paid for it. Aries will quickly find out where discounts, where the accumulative coupons, and where is the action "Buy a jacuzzi - get a hair dryer for half."

A month later, store administrators recognize the Aries not only by voice, but also in perseverance of the call. It is not surprising that the repair moves slowly - until one wall becomes perfect, Aries will not move to the second. Because "This is my fortress, I live here, I need a socket for one and a half centimeters above." As a result, until the end of the repair of the Aries live infrequently - either die from old age, or the neighbors kill them.



Taurus makes repairs with great difficulty. Because, unfortunately, the repair involves cash spending. And for the correct Taurus there is nothing worse than parting with money. The second problem is that the calf is simply physically necessary that the improvements of the universe existed for them existed forever. Therefore, the repair materials are needed good, for centuries. And they are expensive.

There are already two of these problems enough for a large explosion, but there is a third: if the ambient cannon looks like a poor thing, the calm is very difficult to be in this bomome. And the rich space costs even more money. It turns out a vicious circle, to exist in which for the Taurus is completely unbearable. As a result, the Taurus explodes with a supernova, generously watering unfortunate households fragments of hot gas. And while the repair is not over, the living envy the dead.



Gemini make repairs spontaneously. They are able to remake the kitchen completely only because the color of the walls does not combine with the new magnet on the refrigerator. Or, for example, the twins accidentally went into a building supermarket, because she wanted to the toilet. And completely accidentally bought a chandelier. She was beautiful !!! But blue. And the wallpaper is green. Not careful. Gemini do not like it, when not careful. And they are really easier for them to change the wallpaper than to part with the new chandelier.

The problem is that the twins do not know how to save money, and pull the whole repair for them quite problematic. But is it a reason for repair not to do? Yes right now! Accordingly, the twins live in eclectic apartments, where the super-modern balcony with insulation, triple glass and wallpaper in the form of vintage newspapers can be simultaneously (they were beautiful !!!) and the fully destroyed cuisine of the Tsar Khrushchev, where even cockroaches to go to shed.



Cancer makes repair technically. Cancers are generally very practical creatures who know how to love long-term relationships. Accordingly, they have a friend's brother of a classmate who delightfully puts the tile, and the father's first husband's sister who electric from God. In addition, cancer has excellent abstract thinking and memory, so they easily determine that laminate from the second is ideal for wallpaper from the first store. And not mistaken. That is, everything might go well and painlessly. If the cancer did not interfere.

The problem of cancer is that they are very tied to their family, and in it will certainly there any twin, which is not suitable for an ideal kitchen, planned by cancer. Yes, because it does not combine with the magnet on the refrigerator! And the unfortunate cancer is forced to rushing between love for loved ones and his own feeling of beautiful. Do not touch the cancer, for God's sake, and everything will be fine.



Lion makes repairs with a light. Lions love any movement, and repair is such a drive, with which even the Embassy Reception in Monaco will not compare. Lion absolutely do not strain other people in the dirty robes, which are trampled from morning to evening in his house. These are slaves! They can be caught! What could be better? As a rule, all close lions fall into the water rotor, especially those who have a car or who are able to move the wardrobe and drag on the ninth floor without a piano elevator. Founders, too, you can wash!

Even if the repair is delayed, and the builders are desperately disappeared - for a lion, this is absolutely not a reason to panic and spoil yourself. The lion completely calmly with a Jesuit smile turns the cutlets with a spatula, penalizes the problem for a weekly salary and feels absolutely happy.



Virgo makes repair thoroughly. "Let's just beat the Wallpaper," causes the Virgin at best bewilderment, and usually - squeamishness. Who "just glue wallpaper"? Then the wiring change - we will skip them, or what? And it is necessary to align the walls. And new sockets. And ceiling. And curtains. If the Virgin has at least the slightest opportunity to do on their own, without hiring builders brigade, then Virgo will definitely be accepted.

Because the construction team is people. And you can not trust people, it's even a child knows. Despite the mandatory, conjugate repairs, the problems of the Virgin, in the depths of the soul, repairing the repairs. Because the head is all the time busy and emotions beat through the edge. A virity emotion is needed like air. For Virgo without emotions is some kind of Capricorn.



For weights Repair - a real blood pressure, starting with a shop hangers of decor elements. Fifteen hangers. Fifteen different types of hangers, damn them. How to choose? What nerves will stand it? And it was only some sewage hangers, and after all, there are still wallpapers, tiles, tile, carpet, mom, I want to handle. Scales can spend four hours in the construction store, but nothing and not to buy. And the managers of this store will swear to each other on the blood, which will never be suitable for the buyer with a question: "Do you help you?"

And the scales, meanwhile, go to the designer so that he bought everything alone. But this jerk is laying out the album before the scales with photographs of the work done and he pizats the human voice: "Choose". After that, the scales with a tender smile dismember the designer, dissolve its remains in hydrochloric acid and fly on Goa to drink all the money deferred for repair and not suffer.



Scorpio makes repair so as not like others. No pop, only hardcore. They stylize their apartments under the Wild West, under the east or under the ascetic dwelling of the Samurai. No standard renovations! For Scorpio in the order of things to break the walls so that the jacuzzi stood on the balcony.

Lying in the foam and look at the night city - for such things and real scorpions are born. If Scorpio is able to draw (and scorpions, usually, can), he will collate the walls. But even if he does not know how, it will try to accept the most active participation in the process. Scorpions are not afraid of dirty work, they believe that when a silk peignochik smells like acetone - it is even a bit courtisy. By the way, go to me, the babe - on a pile of favored wallpaper, we have never done this.



Sagittarius makes repair timidly. And economically. Therefore, he has to control the process - he will never hire a designer bureau that makes everything turnkey. Sagittarius will find Uncle Kesu, who made familiar. And he will go beyond the uncle tail, saying: "Sorry, please", "Thank you very much!" And "Oh, it seems to be curved ... no? Sorry, please, thank you very much! ". Uncle Kesha these intellectuals for the vest feel, so it will do everything on an adhesion (yes, there was another word), and the repair will be buggy and brake like Linux. After a couple of years, the firing is getting tired, and he will hide the uncle Gosh. And asked to do without a perforator - otherwise it is inconvenient before the neighbors.

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