Mechanics of love: how the brain makes us fall in love


Do you think fate and dar over? Sorry. All those wonders that occur with you during love - the despicable activities of the glands of the internal secretion. The mechanism is accurately dedicated and has long been running. Not you are the first, you are not the last one.

Together we can all


The feeling of bulletproof, which at first rolling on all lovers is norepinephrine, dopamine, adrenaline and oxytocin. It is this cocktail, on which we sit tightly in the first months of the novel, makes us soaring over the ground and feel someone new, much better.

Almost the same effect can be obtained using cocaine or amphetamines - it presses on the same buttons as love, and lights the same bulbs in the brain.

Do not disperse hands


From love we are overlooked by oxytocin, which is usually called the "hormone of attachment". He does not knit anyone, of course. But, among other things, this hormone multiplies the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the skin.

Suddenly, finding this side effect, lovers begin to hug and kiss how hired. And when it comes to sex, oxytocin, again, does a good deed. That is why make love with those who are in love, more pleasant than just with whom.

By the way, oxytocin is also a very effective anesthetic, so in the first weeks of love does not hurt anyone. And he forces us to get blind from love. Literally. High oxytocin doses temporarily worsen vision, and everything seems so shining and as in the haze. It does not seem like that.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Extended pupils are definitely attractive. Marketers of one cosmetic firm raised the sales of cream by 45%, drawing models on the poster. Extended pupils. The ladies in the past century were traveled by Belladonnaya, which also causes the pupil to expand, and in Asia, colored lenses are terribly popular, which mimic, again, extended eyes.

Normally, pupils are expanding in the dark - and from excitement. Any excitement. In this case, the parasympathetic nervous system does not care that there happened to you - I saw a cute or robber with an ax, I found a wallet on the road, packed with service bills, or a solution to a complex problem. In all these cases, the pupil will increase reflex.

Butterflies in the stomach


A pleasant feeling of tremies somewhere under the spoon is the result of the effect of adrenaline, which is always produced in potentially dangerous situations requiring mobilization of all resources. To avoid danger, you will have to wonder, which means that the muscles will need a lot of oxygen. And the brain redirects blood from the systems that you will not need to be needed yet, in the muscles.

The most useless brain in the dangerous situation considers the digestion system. The outflow of blood from the stomach and intestines is felt as not devoid of adhesion. It is this curious effect of the Moon-Parks is obliged to be popular. On the damn wheel and adrenaline, and butterflies will be enough for a whole army of lovers.

I feel so good


It is little to force the lovers to mate once-another - since you have found each other, you must hold on to each other, because it is not known when such a suitable candidate will also be converted. So that you do not run away, the brain includes a tricky endorphic mechanism.

When the passion for the first months is declining, it begins to produce morpho-like substances that give a feeling of peace, contention and comfort. They beat on opioid receptors and, as real opioids, cause very strong addiction.

It is on this effect that we miss most when we part - I remember not dashing sex on the chandelier, but as they lay and embraced, and let the whole world wait.

Without you in any way


If the couple lived together for a long time and did not run away, the brain pulls his hardest weapon. It is impossible for a long time to keep people on opiates and amphetamines, even naturally. Not because it is somehow not good, but because resistance is produced, and it cannot raise the dose of an infinitely brain, he is not a footman to you.

At such a case, endogenous benzodiazepines were pumped in his pocket. If earlier the body lured you into a gingerbread monogamous relationship, now it takes the whip.

Benzodiazepines have no special effect on emotions. It would seem that. They simply reduce anxiety and relax. Problems begin when trying to dry them - that is, to part with a person.

The absence of these substances is the most real breaking with panic attacks, fear and despair. It is they telling you, the smarts and the beauty that no one will love you anymore and you do not need anyone. It is they whispering that let him hide, so yours. But if the separation is not planned, it comes what they call the habit - and it keeps people together much more than an Argentine passion.

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