11 quarry that you will not shine in Russia if you are a woman. Until


The Constitution of the Russian Federation, of course, guarantees equality of floors, as well as the laws of all developed countries, but in many professions a woman is still rather an exception. Look, try to become a train engine or Formula 1 pilot. Pics.Ru collected 11 professions in which women, to put it mildly, are not happy.



Officially, women do not take to work with machinists in the subway or train, referring to heavy working conditions and increased physical exertion that may affect reproductive functions. It seems to us that this is a rather strange limitation. You might think a woman, like a man, can not choose what to do with her reproductive, behind them, functions. Which, by the way, can be fully implemented to the entire coil before the device to work. In the Moscow metro, the only woman worked for several years, but now again anyone. Last year, a resident of St. Petersburg filed a lawsuit against the metro due to the refusal of employment and it came to the European Court of Human Rights. But then it has not yet been short.



Everyone heard about the collunty, but she actually died in 1952. Of course, there is no official ban. Do you know how many women on the site listed women in the list "diplomats in the rank of emergency and authorized ambassador"? Exactly one - Mitrofanov Eleonora Valentinovna, a permanent representative (it would be more correct to say the representative of our country with UNESCO. The remaining 125 people are known who. Even somehow uncomfortable. What and how do girls in MGIMO teach, if they do not get to higher positions?

Captain liner


The world's first female long-diving captain - Our compatriot Anna Schetinina - loved to repeat that the woman on the ship is not a place, and already on the captain's bridge and suppressed (Karl, what's wrong in this picture?) Previously, to hit the board in the Steering Positions, it was necessary to write a ton of stars and kilometers of letters to all high rank officials, ranging from the minister and ending with the president. Now everything is easier, but the sailors are still with suspicion: what is it pulling it into the sea? Maybe it is abnormal? What about the family, children? Navigators rarely develop a family life, how to be women? And on the ship also so much unwanted men who need to command, suddenly what? Nevertheless, women are bravely go to Morflot, and so that men do not interfere with their feet, create their own maiden crews - for example, on container ship Horizon Navigator since 2007, all the navigations and captain of the woman. And in Russia there is even the only captain in the world with the experience of the Arctic navigation. Girl Power! (But still somehow it will be not enough).

Doctors Surgeons


Among all doctors in our country are about 69%, but there are few surgeons. There is an expression: "Woman's surgeon is like a guinea pig: no relation to the pigs does not have a relationship." It seems to be used everywhere where they want to move away women to the background. Surgery is one of the most effective directions of medicine, it is believed that there is a solid hand, the lack of emotions and the speed of the reaction - the qualities traditionally attributed to men. That and the point is that attributed. Skeptics rest on heavy physical conditions - daily duty duty, many hours of operations, while forgetting that, for example, obstetricians, gynecologists, which we almost always have women, too, are on duty, and lead severely patients, and are carried out the most complex many hours. Double standards in action. And those women that still break through to the work of their dreams, prove their example that no special male qualities are root here.

Auto Mechanic


With the phrase, a woman-auto mechanic woman has a picture from the movie "Transformers" with Megan Fox: a mini skirt, a tiny Tag with an impressive neckline, sexy tattoos, a languid view from under semi-cutting eyelashes ... not car repair, but beauty contest in Some rustic club. Meanwhile, the profession of an auto mechanic is dirt, oil, physical exertion, non-corrugated working day and constant terry discrimination. Many men still seriously doubt whether the woman is able to drive a car, not what to repair it. Although insurers, for example, know exactly who is more reliable. And no, this is not a man. In general, and for the repair of the Iron horse, the difference in physiology is not modern.

Formula 1 pilot


In the entire history of the championship there were only 5 women pilots who took part at least in one Grand Prix, so the sport is considered exclusively male. But the girls were not confused and in recent years slowly, but correctly began to occupy leadership positions in team management. So, for example, Monisa Kaltenborn - Chapter Sauber, Claire Williams - Deputy Head of Williams, Oksana Koshenko - Commercial Director of Caterham F1 Team. There are no Russians among them (in F1 and Russian men a little, despite the "which Russian does not like fast driving"), but we are sure that they will definitely.



For our entire wide native country there are no more than three dozen-women pilots or, as they are beautifully called, the pilotes. The aircraft pilot of Aeroflot Olga Gracheva became the first in Russia to the Woman commander of the aircraft. And it was in 2009. Now there are 13 pilots in the company, they are commanded by three ships. That is, there is a two-way situation: on the one hand, go, fly, but on the other - to allow for work, you must try to very much. The flight attendants say that many passengers begin to worry and generally feel uncomfortable when they hear that they are lucky girl, but there were no cases of refueling. Amazingly, but a couple of years ago, when the scandal was happening with a drunken commander of the aircraft on a flight from Russia to the United States, only a couple of people from among all passengers (among them the unforgettable Ksenia Sobchak) was indignant and demanded a pilot replacement. That is, a drunken man behind the steering wheel is good, and the woman is not very. This people do not win.

Female general


Woman and military service in Russia are still low-quality, although men themselves love to talk about what, they say, you want equality, serve. Why not? Women-demobel, I suppose, no longer foggy :) And only T-S-C, but the military personnel are decently benefits and opportunities that, maybe creative hipsters seem not too attractive, but for many in our country - really cool career perspective . But while the general woman is a story about the police or customs. In the army they are literally units. That is, one. Knyazeva Elena Georgievna received the title of Major General in 2012. Everything. Despite the fact that the proportion of women, in general, is not so small, somewhere 10 percent.



Of course, astronaut women are now, only we have problems with this. During the famous first flight to Valentina Tereshkova, there was quite serious difficulties in managing the vessel, for example, did not cope with the tasks on the orientation of the ship, there was very sluggish negotiations with the Earth, because he felt physical indisposition and nausea. However, this did not prevent her to make 48 revolutions around the planet and landed safely. Korolev was adamant, his famous phrase "While I am alive, no woman will fly more into space" - and indeed, 20 years after that our women did not fly, giving the palm of the championship to American. Now it has already found out that Korolev was not right. In some respects, even the best astronauts are obtained from women (in the end, women and places are less. And so, in March 2014, Elena Serov's Space Odyssey successfully completed. So it's time for girls to dream of stars again - as about heavenly bodies.

Trainer Lviv


With dangerous predators, men are more often preferred, but there are women who prove that the weak floor is also on the shoulder. Here we even have a reason for pride: Russianska Olga Borisova is the only trainer in the world Lviv, working with animals alone. She comes from the famous Borisovsky dynasty - the overall work experience of the oldest generation of Lviv trainers in the country is 150 years old! Her mother was taught to work with predators - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Borisov, and she, in turn, the profession was handed over to her father and grandfather. According to her, in nature, the lions always hold them with a group - Pride, so few of the trainers are drifting on solo work. Lions feel any insecurity and not off at any time to take advantage of the weakness of the tamer. Know ours!

Employee traffic police


Men are joking: "Woman - as a traffic police inspector: Guerni will speak, will save money, the mood will spoil, and you are also to blame." And if the woman itself is the traffic police inspector, then the situation becomes difficult doubly! According to the Girls, the DPS collaborations, the drivers are often not taken seriously, trying to flirt, flirt, give bribes with flowers, and sometimes they refuse to give documents to check with the words "Yes, what, oh, fuck sent! " Where did the men have a persistent confidence that a woman is not able to compare photos of the driver's face or check the vehicle numbers, - Mystery is worn by darkness. Apparently, from there, where the approval is not worthy of the Neanderthals that a woman is not a person. And how not to become a feminist?

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