Sea is not the first freshness: rental reviews are ignited


It is necessary to rest so that the heavens shuddered and be disgraced. And having arrived, you need to write a review on Topcheels - so that the planning vacation fell apart. Pics.Ru collected a collection of masterpieces for which you can learn from both these arts!

After the scandal we made a forest

"As soon as they left the bus, they felt something wrong ... The receptionist in principle looks unsightly, completely littered with teaching people. Basically, the Turks ... everyone who settled in the room, returned to the receptor back and demanded to change the room, hotel, city, country, planet and then on the list. Someone's cockroaches, someone has a whole khalasar spiders in the bathroom ... "

And then Khalasar spiders went to the people being littered with people ... (here and further - approx.

"The hotel is a good hard triple. But with the upper floors of the hotel overlooking the cemetery. Accordingly, I think the sea is not the first freshness! "

Logic slaughter!

"Security did not even give just to sit with a girl on the beach, not to mention the kisses, and if they found - they drove throughout the hotel ..."

Why, interestingly, throughout the hotel? There is a version ...

"The guide needed to catch looking for the throat and for the scrotum at the same time. Carefully look into the eyes and asking a question to wait the answer. Always answered faster than the question has time to finish. "

So not surprisingly. Who would be slow in such circumstances?

"Animation. In the evening bingo. On the fifth day I wanted to kill with 59 blows with a plastic cup. During the day of the boat dance. They really probably nauseous themselves. In any case, it seemed like that. I my second in my life learned from start to finish. The first, by the way, built in the army 25 years ago. "

Development jerk, however.

"If anyone goes into this hotel - bring an animator of a mile of seeds, Captain Black Cigarettes Cherry, or something ours - a man is very bored."

Previously, nostalgia attracted to birchms, and now it is like.

"We were taken to the room overlooking the roof and this despite the fact that we paid views on the forest! And only after the scandal we made a forest. "

He is Madrid

"A man who had lunch in some wrappers began right at the table, waiting when his family would finish off the dessert (by the way, too, everything in swimsuks and swimsuits), began to climb cream from the sun. Attaching views of the sitting sitting indifferently reflected in abundance of tattoos. "

Zen and the art of care of tattoos.

"I am no longer nagy to Turkey."

Dressed too, probably no sense.

"Animation a little chrome. And on the third day in the literal sense - the animator broke the leg. "

Could and cover. In the literal, towel ...

"The hotel does not speak Russian, only in English (unfortunately we know very badly)."

Unfortunately, Russian you have too badly know.

"There is some kind of bureau there. Ask: "Ai Preña Gow Tu Ze Madrid. Ai Having Bai Tu ("OUAN" - one, "TU" - two) a ticket He is Madrid. "

Jes! We are just a spike inglis for Uan lesson. Right now Khat Gow He Madrid!

"This guide also has incorrect writing of the English language and pronunciation too."

I would have passed the commentator above.

"The queues to the manufacturer of the morning portion of the scramble would envy the already mentioned t. Ulyanov, named Lenin with his short-calumbar under the name of Mausoleum."

And I would have envied the style of nicknamed the manner.

"They do not clean well, do not put clashes - do not wait."

Two troubles: nausea and diarrhea

"Simplicity of my dad, who simply pulled a bottle of vodka from the bag, put a rack that the rack said that the first time in the country of their beautiful and national traditions to them as a gift the national souvenir in the form of a vodka - My mother and I pretended to see that We are not familiar with him. But dad smile at 32 gave her result - the number was given good ... "

So at 32 or 0,5?

"I imagine how much negative can add food that I do not want, but necessary."

And then she looks like that! ..

"The head of family of friends constantly studied this caviar - natural or artificially grown? He eated 10 sandwiches for this question, the benefit of them are small. "

Researcher and on vacation works without a gentry.

"No, you have to eat less, drink less - I urged myself. But, all soberly weighing, I decided that, if you switch to a diet and refuse to drink, then in two weeks I would simply lose fourteen days. "

And the truth soberly weighted!

"Russians were met 3-4 pairs, and all problems (nausea, diarrhea)".

Coincidence? Do not think!

"The food was inspected by a sick digestion, so so that there is already it left!"

Put - thought Stirlitz.

"No freshly survived juices in the morning."

They are survived in the evening.

"After a week of food in this dining room, my wife and I felt aversion to food, to the sea, to life, to each other."

Bromine there, what is added to the food?

"In Hamam, the priority of those who pay to them, and not those who want to just get silent ..."

Finished patter, can be used as a test for the content of blood alcohol! Or read as rap.

"Having waited when the bar opens (10.00), wonderfully spent the remaining 6 days!"

Hmm, great idea.

"Having lived for three days and starting a little to focus on the ground, I tried to get to your corps on the signs - it didn't work out ..."

I am writing from the bar for the sixth day ...

"Tried there is a lamb, but I have a suspicion that it is a goat."

For the goat answer - the lamb would say during life.

"It seems to eat meat, and chicken, and fish, but all in one version! Someone will think that I and my husband quit for food, but no ... if I look at the food and does not occur to eat it, it says about many things! "

What sticks the curtain

"Warm water, 27-28 degrees, climbed at 8.30 and splashed to a minute until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. The beach is clean, equipped with toilets, but we have never taken advantage of them. "

Frequent recognition, NDA.

"Wild cats walk throughout the territory - beautiful, some kind ... Although who needs something."

Indeed, taste and color, that is, the beauty and kindness of cats, no comrades.

"In the cottage is excellent, there is a refrigerator and macrovenan."

And in the museum - Stereo Lisa.

"The statue of the pissing boy disappointed a little in size."

And what do you actually wanted from the boy?

"In one of the reviews read: the lack of a room - sticks to the pope of the curtain in the bathroom, confirm: sticks."

Two witnesses are. Third will you?

"Borsch from the chef is able to hide all the small shortcomings of the purity in the rooms."

O. This is a creative thought! I have not tried to hide the shortcomings to hide the shortcomings.

"Be careful if you have a guide on a guided tour of the Larisa of the middle-aged with non-Russian face and full hips. She makes dirty actions. "

From this place, please, in more detail, we are interested!

"Honestly, it's hard to write about the hotel, because I almost did not see it with a sober glance ... I woke up - the woman is naked next to, the good one, so I put it for accommodation 5. They wondered in the next cafe, went to walk further. At the reception, they did not say anything that they spent the night - usually in hotels Buzat. As it turned out, we were also held to the room and the door helped open - I put it out for this service 5. Breakfast almost did not eat, because There was no beer, I put for food 4. By the way, I still meet this girl, I will do the wedding in the Czech Republic! "

Speak, successfully rested? No, this is Eugene successfully rested!

"Let our bitter experience will be a guide star."

Amen! That is, it will nice.

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