Real tbs for you and baby. Part 1: About Health


The degree of doctor malades and reassurance of people in relation to their own health often exceeds all reasonable limits. Healing burns with urine, drink - holy water, and stroke - chaotic bloodletting - this is what we love. Otrin Okroesi!

PICS.RU prepared for you a real manual to protect against dark forces called "How to survive in the harsh world." Expecto patronum!

Life and is dangerous, and difficult, and the night is dark and full of horrors. If the lessons of the Obzh passed as a dream, like morning fog, do not worry, now we will all recall! Sometimes a fast reaction and knowledge of how to act in an extreme situation, even if it is just a strong impact of a vital part of the body, life can save, and sometimes honor, conscience and reason. Thieves!


There are 4 degrees of gravity: from easy skin redness (1 degree), the appearance of blisters (2 degree), an open wound (3 degree) before charging tissues and loss of sensitivity (4 degree). Babushkin Council to smear a burn with oil, chicken protein or some other dubious substance passing by ears: an airproof film that impedes heat exchange can only aggravate the situation. Also, you do not need to dypid from the burned area of ​​clothing or piercing blisters: you will bring infection - it will not seem little. And please, please do not need to write to the burn (whose inflamed brain has breeded chimer?!), The impact of freshly prepared urine on the affected area can be painful and absolutely meaningless.

What do you need to do:

  • Remove the striking factor (let go of the cast iron pins, remove the hand from the gas burner, jump out of the fire and pr)
  • Coolant burns
    • 1 and 2 degree - cooling with running water 10 - 15 min
    • 3 and 4 - pure wet bandage, then cool with a bandage in standing water
  • Close up wet bandage
  • peace and contrast

If the burn area is more than 5 palms, be sure to call "ambulance", as in the event that the respiratory tract is burned, a groin area or burned - a child or an elderly person


Soon winter, which means significantly increases the risk of frowned by something important. And in the New Year and you can hurt at all for the whole Rus-Mother. If someone advises you when frostbite, drink vodka, to warm up from the inside, - spit this bad person to the eye and in no case drink alcohol. To rub with snow, wool, girlfriend and watered with boiling water frostbitated place is also completely not necessary and even dangerous: blood according to the vessels in a frostbed place does not circulate, because they are in a spa, and they can be hurt by sharp actions at all. It is not necessary to rub - it is necessary to slowly warm cool or slight warm water. Then the consequences of frostbite will not be so crying, and the pain when the sensitivity is not as strong. Inside, you can offer hot and sweet drink. If blister or darkening appeared on a frostpler site, the victim should urgently deliver to the doctor. And no amateur!


If your friend suddenly predened to the green devils (and the vodka box here is completely nothing to do with it), lost consciousness and does not give signs of life, then before making a slaughter selfie or upload a video on YouTube, turn it on the side and watch not Started vomiting. In a similar condition, the respiratory center is in the oppressed state, and the main cause of the sad consequences will be slaughtered by salivary or vomiting masses. If you drank a doubtful tincture brought by uncle Peter suspicious gentle-lilac color and now you have a flush in front of your eyes, and the whole picture loses clarity and turbulent, then there are alcoholic poisoning, which is treated like any poisoning: remove the poison from the maximum The organism (a lot of warm drinks, cause vomiting, drink coal / regidron, etc.) and call "ambulance". To be with high-quality alcohol and shove the brandy from above, albeit Armenian, - the top of madness, but the country knows such cases, so keep yourself in your hands.


The doctors of the whole world of Ohripluch, the Ministry of Health pinched to warn, but if the thermometer shows a temperature of 38 and higher, we wrap the Orenburg fluff with a confident hand, cover with a cotton blanket and catch up with hot tea - znobit! Meanwhile, the chills indicates that the body is overheated and cooling is urgently required, and it is urgent, it is deadly. You can take a cool shower, hide with a light covering, wipe in water as a last resort. If the grandmother already runs to you with a bottle of vodka or vinegar in the vinegar, so that it should be confused by the dyat, firmly stop it with a weak hand and Bay old woman with medical facts:

- alcohol and vinegar through the skin are absorbed into the blood, which your weak organism is not at all necessary;

- You breathe a couple of alcohol or vinegar, which aggravates alcohol poisoning, and can also lead to a larynx spasm;

- Fast cooling of the skin by evaporating alcohol or vinegar leads to the vessel spasm. As a result, the temperature of the skin is reduced, but the temperature of the internal organs is growing, since heat transfer is disturbed due to spasm of the skin vessels. Cognitive dissonance in action!

And, by the way, has not yet been proven that the decrease in temperature affects the rate of recovery. But it is better to talk to the doctor about it.


Recently, the information of some allegedly anonymous Chinese asshole professor is widely rapained on Facebook, which, when stroke, it is necessary to picked up with a pin all 10 fingers, and then the uha uhmka to blood so that the vessels did not burst during transportation in the brain. Why this incredible universal fantastic nonsense impressed such a number of adults and sane, at first glance, we cannot explain to themselves. For reference: stroke is a sharp impaired blood circulation of the brain, which provokes oxygen starvation, in which cells are dying for 5 minutes. Therefore, the only thing you can do under stroke is to call "ambulance" as soon as possible. No bleeding, shamanic dances with tambourines, cabbage leaf on the head and tincture of mumorov for the witch's branded recipe from Blair will not help.


Watching movies people that just do not do with unhappy, fainted. They splash in the face of cold water, clap on the cheeks, the name of the smelly rollers is loudly called. As usual, it is completely meaningless and unnecessary. And just need to carefully put a person, so that it does not fall and did not hit, ensure the influx of fresh air, raise the legs higher and, if a person does not come to himself longer than 10 minutes, call "ambulance". Synchumber - the consequence of what the brain lacks oxygen, and this cunning body fills the lack of a sharp flow of blood to the head when a person falls. If the next grandmother rushes with the ammonia at the victim to give him a sniff, be Brucevillis and stop it: the ammonia alcohol is not enough that it can cause a burn of respiratory tract, so also to cause a complete respiratory stop - as an organism's reaction to toxic ammonia.


In his desire to help others, people forget about the main principle of medical care: do not harm. "Ambulance" arrives, and the victim already lies in a tank with the clinked to everyone, drinking the urine to the water, and the plantain leaf on the head is bangible. Remember: You can drag a person from the car only if his life threatens in her life, for example, she caught fire. Otherwise, you risk an injury, the consequences of which will be unpredictable, for example, to deform the spine or aggravate fractures. The actions of the accident witnesses are minimal: Call assistance, turn off the emergency battery, so that the random sparks do not flash spilled gasoline, to upset the place of an accident, stop at the injured bleeding (if any) and until the arrival of doctors just talk with a person. Maintain, distract, encourage, joke in the end. The wounded should feel what they care about him, he was very scary and it is very important to know that he was not thrown to die one on the side.

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