7 strange customs in Russia: Saw sin, dead man rite and others


In Russia, such customs were observed, from which it is not in itself. And for some you can easily get a criminal term.

We collected the seven strange rites of our ancestors. Particularly delivered to women and children.


7 strange customs in Russia: Saw sin, dead man rite and others 36991_1

"Beetor". V. Makovsky

This neutral word was called a sexual connection between the sweeter and the Snowy. Not that it approved, but was considered a very small sin. Often, the fathers married their sons in 12-13 years old on girls 16-17 years old. In the meantime, the guys were catching up in the development of their young wives, Bachet worked out for them a married service. A completely win-win option was to send the Sons to Earlier for half a year or even better in the army of twenty years. Then Snow, remaining in the family of her husband, almost did not have a chance to refuse the mother-in-law. If it resisted, it was performed the most severe and dirty work and put up with the permanent quarrels of "Starshak" (so called the head of the family). Now law enforcement agencies, and then there was nowhere to complain.

Saw sin

7 strange customs in Russia: Saw sin, dead man rite and others 36991_2

"Fern flowering". O. Gurenkov

Now this can be seen only in special movies, mainly German production. And before, they were engaged in Russian villages to Ivan Khapov. This holiday combined the pagan and Christian traditions. So, after the dance of the fire, the couple went to look for a fern flowers in the forest. So that you understand, the fern does not bloom, it breeds disputes. This is just a reason for young people to go into the forest and get out of the carnal uteuch. Moreover, such connections did not oblige any guys or girls.


B. Olshansky

B. Olshansky "Terem Zarevna Winter"

This custom, which can also be called a savory sin, describes the Italian traveler Rokcolini. All the youth villages gathered in a big house. They sang and danced at the light of the waist. And when the flashes of Gasla, looked like a love joy blindly with those who were near. Then Lucin was lit, and fun with dances continued again. And so before dawn. That night, when Rockcolini got on the "Gaska", the beaches of Gasla and got angry five times. Whether traveler himself participated in Russian folk rite, the story is silent.


This rite has no relation to sex, you can relax. A premature or weak child was made to "proceed" in the furnace. Not in kebab, of course, but rather in bread. It was believed that if the baby did not "prepared" in the womb, then it is necessary to press it yourself. Forces, to gain, fastened. Baby wrapped in a special rye dough cooked on the water. Leave only nostrils to breathe. They tied to the bread shovel and, sentencing secret words, sent to the oven for a while. Of course, the oven was not hot, but warm. Nobody was going to serve the child's table. Such a rite was trying to burn disease. Whether it helped, the story is silent.

Funny pregnant women

L. Flovch.

L. Flovch. "Holidays in Senokos"

For childbirth, our ancestors treated with a special trepidation. It was believed that this moment the child moves from the world of the dead into the world of living. The process itself and so hard for a woman, and grandmother-hanging tried to make it quite unbearable. A specially trained grandmother was attached between the feet of the feminine and persuaded the pelvic bones to spread. If it did not help, then the future mother began to scare, thunder with the saucepan, could be like a rifle near her. They still loved to indulge in the female restaurant. It was believed that when her tears, the child was going out more. To do this, the mouth was shoved in her mouth or shoved his fingers.


This wild rite was used not only in some areas of Russia, but also in France, Armenia and other countries. It was believed that the newborn baby should be reappeared by force from salt. This, apparently, was an alternative to jam. The child was deceived by shallow salt, including ears and eyes. Probably, to hear well and saw after that. Then they wrapped in a rag and kept so a couple of hours, not paying attention to inhuman screams. Those who were cooled literally buried the child in salt. Cases are described when, after such a health procedure, all skin peelled from the kid. But it is nothing, but then it will be healthy.

Jite dead man

V. Kolkov.

V. Kolkov. "Marriage rite"

This terrible rite is nothing more than a wedding. Those the outfits of the bride, which we now consider solemn, our ancestors were called funeral. White robe, a veil that was covered by the face of the dead man so that he accidentally did not open his eyes and did not look at someone from the living. The entire rite of marriage was perceived as a new birth of a girl. And in order to be born, you must first die. On the head of the young worn white kupz (headdress like nuns). It is usually buried in it. From there, there is a custom to mourn the bride, which is still practiced in some villages in the outback. But now they cry that the girl leaves the house, and earlier they sobbed about her "death". The rite of redemption is also not just so arose. This brigion tries to find the bride in the world of the dead and bring to the white light. Bridesmaid girlfriends in this case were perceived as guards of the afterlife. Therefore, if you are suddenly invited to bargain with the fiance on the winding staircase in the entrance, remember where this tradition comes from and do not agree ;-)

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