7 signs that you lack proteins


What kind of fussing around products with a high content of protein, why did this all come crazy about the soil of protein cocktails and protein bars?

Well, first, it is delicious. And secondly, many people are desperately lacking for many people - and it is not only about sending bodybuilders. We argue, do you have a lack of proteins?

You always want to eat

The lack of proteins provokes wolf hungry. Which you quench all sorts of chips, cookies, apples and sandwiches. But the effect of such snacks seeks to zero - in an hour you have a hunt again. The body hints to you that he needs something normally than carbohydrates - listen to him, he says.

You pull on sweet

When protein lack, the body is difficult to maintain blood sugar levels. A reduction in the level of sugar causes an irresistible desire to raise it as soon as possible - that is, to chocolate chocolate or a glass of ice cream. Usually, with a deficiency of a protein, the thrust is covered with the strongest just about two to four hours of the day.

You have spoiled your hair and nails

If you lose, as a Persian cat in the offseason, look into the fridge - are chicken, fish, beans, eggs and other sources of protein enough? The protein is the main building material for hair and nails, and its shortage very quickly affects their condition - the hair begin to break and fall out, the nails are laying, white spots appear on them.

You are always sharpened

The immune system does not work without a sufficient number of proteins. Ten colds for the winter is not a curse of a black thermometer, but the result of a lack of protein in the diet.

You suffer from edema

The protein in the body is doing a lot. Among his work and maintaining water balance. The deficit of proteins leads to a violation of the output of excess fluid. This is manifested by bags under the eyes and swelling of the legs.

After eating you fall asleep

Afternoon drowsiness - a clear sign that you went over with carbohydrates. And if your whole breakfast is solid carbohydrates, then the day does not go on those rails - you are sluggish, slow and lazy. To avoid drowsiness after meals, add not only proteins to a plate, but also products rich in fiber - something like vegetables or whole grain bread.

Any scratch heals the whole eternity

The protein is necessary to restore fabrics - in the end, almost all in your body is made of protein. No proteins - no and "bricks" for healing wounds, inflammation, scratches and burns.

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