8 questions that we do not want to hear on the first date. Never!


Yes, on the first date, no one feels in its plate. And the risk of talking nonsense in such an environment is statistically higher. But I spend in the name of the moon, these questions are generally better not to ask.

How are you?

It's boring. This is awkward. This, in the end, is insincere - you don't even know what things we have there and it is clear from the threshold that you cannot be interested in their development. The universal question that is asked when they do not know what to talk about. After the answer "Good", the dialogue flows into the deep to whom.

Where will go?

Well, we, maybe there are a pair of options. But still want the man to not go on a date, counting on the fact that we have already invented how to entertain him and configured the piano in the bushes.

What are you doing at all?

Chu, rejuvenated the working interview. Now it will be forced to list your classes (ordinary) and achievements (modest). Even Richard Branson could not answer him sparkling. What do you say, whether the justification will come out for your unbearable life, or attempt to fall out on the table all the trumps at once, if there is something to pour.

What men do you like?

Such as you, unsolving, since I went with you on a date. Or definitely not like you, and I mentally pretending whether I will succeed through the window in the toilet. Or you, Top Brunette, really want to listen to what my ideal is 35-year-old nonsense Pitt?

How old are you?

And the point is not that the ladies do not ask such a question. It's just that information that a) is deprived of any meaning, b) anyway will not long be secret, if this is not the last date. So what is this question, you are not chicken in the soup you choose.

Why are you asking about it?

The worst answer to any question. Because I'm wondering, because the dialogue clearly begins to stop, and we have not even brought hot, because I'm trying to take part with all my might. I certainly not because I am an agent of the enemy power and use this information in his reports. On the first date, conversations are often so awkward, do not need to put additional sticks in the wheels.

Can I kiss you?

Yes, come on, once or twice or three. This is exactly the case when words are generally better to press. Just try - and then try not to arrange the scene if an attempt is rejected.

Do you like me?

At first, think: and you are exactly ready for the answer "no" or "like yes, but I still look like and look"? No need to force events, sympathy - if it is - you still do not hide in your pocket.

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