7 habits that appeared from us thanks to school


School will never let us go. Only 10 years old - a trifle on the scale of life - and schoolproofs stick to us tightly and make it even now. You do not remember what Cotangenes is where Amazon is flowing and what Ivan III has done there, but the habit of coming from school is still with you.

Food as a social catalyst

A box with a snack that my mother shoved us into a portfolio was not just a meal. All these bouquets, cookies and buns were freely convertible currency, and we used it to strengthen friendly connections, bribers and mutually beneficial exchanges. And so far the easiest way to join any team is to divide pizza, homely pie or a box of such harmful, but such attractive buns with cinnamon and chocolate sauce.


Everyone knows that the seats of trielets are perfectly developed peripheral vision. Some could unscrew the eyeball under an unimaginable angle to see what Ank-Zunkilka answered the number three question. Institute (and access to the Internet) only improved this skill. And few of the former deserved triples begin to prepare the presentation, without looking at the Internet, as others coped with the same task.

Love for pencils

Even those who have a real handle or ruler did not hold ten years old, in a good stationery store flows into the amended state of consciousness. Beautiful handles, luxurious sets of colored pencils, erases with the aroma of coconut, notepads and pencils are sitting and around us, although they are not clear to the fig.


The last assessment was given to you a long time ago. Now you also understand that the school system of assessments does not withstand no criticism and actually implies only three options - "excellent", "good" and "satisfactory", and a twice with one is not so much evaluation as a way to humiliate. But you still say that "sex was on the triethrower", "How do you like my hairstyle - from one to five?" And modestly confess that the Madfins are not good in your performance, but not perfect - "Well, about four with a plus."


Even when we write a love note or subscribe a postcard from Acapulco, we still leave imaginary fields. These four cells have eaten such a muscular memory that it is no longer possible to raise them from there.

Hand up

What do you do when you want to draw attention to the restaurant, on the worker breakshurma or in the company? Well, yes, raise your hand, what are you doing when you vote "for"? Again you raise your hand. We were so well extended that we all completely definitely understand this gesture as "I ask for attention!".

Summer vacation

In fact, summer begins somewhere in mid-July and ends in the 20th of August 20. And we spend it in about the same way as any other time of the year - a slightly in the office on weekdays, we go into the sun on Saturday and depict Cinderella, which turned into a pumpkin, on Sundays. But why then on June 1, we are overclocked by unrealistic expectations and irregular excitement, and at the end of August we are taken to whine that summer has long passed in vain? All school years every summer was a separate epoch, and we still refuse to believe that now June, July and August is just three months. And we all on September 1, for some reason, something slightly sad.

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